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Posts posted by BlindBusDrivr

  1. The Call of the Dead ship is a cargo freighter, it is significantly larger than the boat in the ZNS cutscene and they look nothing alike.


    Call of the dead ^

    The ZNS ship has no containers, and only one (significantly smaller and different looking) crane, and is of a much smaller stature in comparison to the Call of the Dead freighter.

    Here's the overhead shot to give a sense of the scale:


    As you can see this ship is much smaller, and it's layout shows it is not a cargo ship.  The deck is even made of wood.  Also, the CotD ship had an opening/cargo bay in the middle of it's deck, whereas the shot of this boat is just in front of the ship's bridge and there is no such opening. 

    I think it is very safe to say that these are not the same ship.

  2. I've got some observations of my own to add to the discussion. EDIT: Images added

    First one, in the shot of the mystery box at 0:47 when the player gets an Argus, you can see a crashed plane in the background.  The crashed plane is a Vought F4U Corsair:  

    The Corsair is an American single-engine fighter plane that was used in the Pacific theatre during WW2; It was the first American fighter that could take on the Japanese Zero in dogfights and win, and was nicknamed the 'Whistling Death' for the sound its wings made (which hopefully will be included if there are air battles over the map).  You can tell that this is the plane from the wings being before the cockpit, and the tall but short canopy.  So what significance does this have?  This shows that the Americans must know about Division 9's base and their activities in this region, and there is definitely some aerial warfare going on over the island and there likely will be air battles ocurring over the map in-game.  Since the Corsair and all of the other Navy planes were carrier-based, it also shows that American forces are not far off.  

    Another thing I'd just like to clear up is that the Bomber that we see is NOT a B-17 like the one that is crashed on Nacht der Untoten.  The plane in Zetsubou No Shima is without a doubt a B-29 Superfortress (the plane which dropped the nuclear bombs on Japan):

    See the Bomber at 0:52 in the trailer for comparison.

    Sorry guys, no Nacht connection.  Since the B-29 wasn't introduced until May 1944, this adds to the evidence that the map takes place in late WW2.

    Also, just before the plane is shown in the trailer, at 0:51 when Richthofen is reloading is Gorgon, some strange installation can be seen in the background behind him, possible just an Anti-Air battery if the scaling/distance is weird from the angle of the shot but possibly something bigger.  Any ideas on what it could be?  The mystery box light can also be seen in the background on the other side of the rocks, which means this map must be absolutely enormous lol.

    And just one last thing, I kid you not that there is a pufferfish drop on this map.   Look at 1:13-1:14 where the player shoots the zombies with dual Marshal's, there is a blue Pufferfish drop.   


  3. I have performed some wizardry in theatre mode, and have gotten some HD screenshots of the 3 known paper scraps on DE:

    Under globe in bedrooms:


    In Undercroft on table:


    Next to urn in room above double tap:



    And just incase that's not enough, here's even bigger pics:

    Next to urn in room above double tap:


    Under globe in bedrooms:


    Undercroft table scrap:VidKf1l.png

  4. As much as I think some sort of crazy sci-fi machine called the Iron Dragon would be awesome, I honestly think that the 'Iron Dragon' is just the name of the outpost at the Hohenwerfen Castle. Similar to the other outpost names like Eagle's Nest, The Giant, Griffin Station, etc.

  5. Just thought I'd get some discussion going about the location of Der Eisendrachen.


    It appears to be the Hohenwerfen Castle, located in Austria:


    Hohenwerfen Castle Wiki







    Another interesting note about this castle, is that the coordinates on the Shadows of Evil note are:

    47° 30′ 26.51″ N
    13° 12′ 49.48″ E

    The coordinates of the Eisriesenwelt, the largest Ice Cave in the world, are:

    47° 30′ 10.58″ N

    13° 11′ 24.9″ E


    Nearly identical, and the Hohenwerfen Castle is only 1.7 miles from the Eisriesenwelt, so the coordinates on the note essentially point straight to them.  Another indication that we will be interacting with the Eisriesenwelt on this map is the Barcode Cipher on The Giant, which when decoded reads, "The Mountain must be searched for The Frozen One." So it looks like everything is pointing in the same direction here.


    Just another note, the map appears to be set in World War II, based on the V-2 rocket and launch rig in the background:




    Just some other things to discuss, any guesses on what these things are?





  6. Okay guys so I haven't seen anybody talking this new note from Shadows of Evil that was recently assembled.  In case you didn't know, there are several little pieces of it scattered across the map, and the YouTubers finally managed to put it all together, and this is what it looks like:  


    Photo courtesy of @MrRoflWaffles


    Obviously, there's quite a lot of stuff going on here to discuss.  


    Some of it has already been discussed, but I'm going to talk about the four coordinates in each of the corners of the paper.


    Coordinates: 44°29'53.73"E  48°41’18.11"N


    Location: Volgograd (Stalingrad), Russia 


    This city (previously Stalingrad), is the location of the Battle of Stalingrad from World War II, when the Nazis were trying to invade the Soviet Union. 



    The city became famous for its resistance during the Battle of Stalingrad against the German Army in World War II. It is often regarded as the largest and bloodiest battle in the history of warfare. - Wiki

    This video gets far more in depth about this coordinate that I will be able to right here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrtzaW4S3KU


    Next Coordinate:  51°4'28.33"N  17°2'27.57"E 


    These are the coordinates to Wroclaw, Poland.  Wroclaw is the capital of Silesia and Lower Silesia in Poland, which is where Der Riese/The Giant is located.   The coordinates fall almost exactly on the location of the Project Riese Complexes from World War II:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Riese


    Not really much to say, as it's just a nod towards Der Riese, perhaps meaning it is related to the other locations.




    Now, these next couple of coordinates are where things start to get really interesting.  


    Coordinates:  13°12'49.48"E  47°30'26.51"N


    Location:  Eishohlenstr, Austria => The Eisriesenwelt




    A couple of interesting things about this place:



    The Eisriesenwelt (German for "World of the Ice Giants")[1] is a natural limestone ice cave located in Werfen, Austria, about 40 km south of Salzburg. The cave is inside the Hochkogel mountain in the Tennengebirge section of the Alps. It is the largest ice cave in the world,[2]extending more than 42 km and visited by about 200,000 tourists every year. 


    Thanks to @PINNAZ for pointing out this other bit to me:



    "The first official discovery of Eisriesenwelt was by Anton Posselt, a natural scientist from Salzburg, in 1879, though he only explored the first two hundred meters of the cave. Before his discovery, the cave was known only to locals, who, believing that it was an entrance to Hell, refused to explore it."





    So, that note gives us the coordinates to a gigantic ice cave, that's inside of a mountain, with mysterious folklore surrounding it.  Meanwhile, the barcode easter egg on The Giant when decrypted reads, "The Mountain Must be Searched For The Frozen One".

    I'd find it very hard to believe that these things are not related, and this may just be the location of the next zombies map.




    Now for the last Coordinate, we have:

    158°10'50.31"E  6°53'12.07"N


    Location: Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia




    The last coordinates are of a small island in the South Pacific, which is a part of the Federated States of Micronesia. 


    Recall that the Island is in the South Pacific, one of the places where Mr.Rapt has the Reporter go to track down "Ancient Artifacts" :  


    Journalist: Hey Mr. Rapt. So I tracked down all the people you asked me to look into. I sent you a telegram of all their details, all their contact numbers. But I gotta be honest... I'm gettin' nervous. These last six months you've had me working like a *inaudible* private dick, when really I just wanna be a reporter. It's not that I'm ungrateful, I know the checks you've given me are more than generous for services rendered. It's just.. all the stuff you've had me do - tracking down ancient artifacts in the South Pacific, finding all these strange metals and rocks in Russia - yet still, I haven't even met ya face-to-face! I'm sorry Mr. Rat, I think maybe the mood in the city has given me a little... it's making me nervous, antsy. Anyway, I'm looking forward to you finally getting here.

    ( Thanks to @Monopoly Mac for pointing out this next part to me)

    Now if you go to the wiki page for Pohnpei, there is a section which lists it's references in fiction, and one of them is none other than H.P. Lovecraft's Call of Cthulhu.  


    Here's a little bit about the city of Nan Madol in Pohnpei:


    Nan Madol is a ruined city adjacent to the eastern shore of the island of Pohnpei that was the capital of the Saudeleur Dynasty until about 1628.[3][note 1] It is in the present day Madolenihmw district of Pohnpei state, in the Federated States of Micronesia in the western Pacific Ocean. The city, constructed in a lagoon, consists of a series of small artificial islandslinked by a network of canals.[3] The site core with its stone walls encloses an area approximately 1.5 km long by 0.5 km wide and it contains nearly 100 artificial islets—stoneand coral fill platforms—bordered by tidal canals.


    The City was used as an inspiration to Lovecraft's city of R'lyeh:



    The 1928 excavations were used by H. P. Lovecraft as an influence on his creation, the city of R'yleh, from his story "The Call of Cthulhu".

    Here's some background info about the city of R'yleh from the Lovecraft Wiki page: 


    R'lyeh is a sunken city located deep under the Pacific Ocean and is where the Great Old One Cthulhu is interred. R'lyeh's bizarre architecture is characterized by its non-Euclidean geometry.[2]


    When R'lyeh rises in Lovecraft's short story "The Call of Cthulhu", the only portion of the city that emerges is a single "hideous monolith-crowned citadel" in which Cthulhu is entombed. The human onlookers are awed by the sheer immensity of the city and by the frightening suggestiveness of the gargantuan statues and bas-reliefs.


    The city is a panorama of "vast angles and stone surfaces [...] too great to belong to anything right and proper for this earth, and impious with horrible images and disturbing hieroglyphs." The geometry of R'lyeh is "abnormal, non-Euclidean, and loathsomely redolent of spheres and dimensions apart from ours." The strange architecture of the city makes navigation on foot disorienting and treacherous; surfaces that appear flat may actually be tilted, and angles of masonry that appear convex at first glance may actually be concave.

    In Lovecraft's stories, R'lyeh is sometimes referred to in the ritualistic phrase "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn", which roughly translates to "In his house at R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming."

    Considering the blatant Lovecraftian imagery and influence on Shadows of Evil



    I think that it's clear that those coordinates and that location ties in more to this Lovecraftian/Cthulhu Mythos theme, and I think it would be awesome if we had a new zombies map at Nan Madol/R'yleh.  Just imagine waking up Cthulhu on the next zombies map....



    So there's a lot to look into here just with the coordinates alone, the zombies team sure knows how to keep us busy!  This is everything I've found looking into it so far, and I will be doing some more research on the other stuff in the note later on.   


    Now let's get some more discussion going on about this note!


  7. On November 16, 2015 at 8:58:38 AM, PINNAZ said:



    Then if you play the 4 other available phone calls, a man is contacting the playable characters assosicates (the 4 I mentioned above) setting up the situations that cause the 4 playable characters to kill. 


    • Mr Rapt forged Neros wife's loan documents

    • Mr Rapt sold out Jack Vincent as a corrupt cop

    • Mr Rapt influenced Floyds Promoter to use Knuckle Dusters in the fight

    • Mr Rapt offered Jessica a Movie Deal & revealing photographs were taken of her because she is a Berlesque Dancer


    They were all set-up by Mr Rapt. 


    Then you Sacrifice the playable characters colleagues. Shadow man is using them as revenge & redemption because the characters think they were the reason things went wrong. It's all set up by Mr Rapt - Shadowman. 


    @PINNAZ   I have to disagree with the degree of involvement that Mr.Rapt/The Shadowman has in these events.  


    I have come to agree that there is a very good chance that Mr.Rapt is the Shadowman, and that it's the same person in the all of the calls, but I think you're giving him too much credit.


    I believe that in your analysis, you have focused too much on the phone calls and forgot about the information given in the Prologue.


    There's not reason to believe that Mr.Rapt forget the loan documents.  As it's shown in the prologue, with numerous payment bills everywhere on Nero's desk and the punched-out picture of his wife, there's a lot of issues with her spending his money, not just the loans.  The fact the loans would've been signed while Nero was in the coma gives her motive to get whatever money of his he has left.  Also note that the lawyer says the loans were signed "November 5 of last year", implying that this was around a year ago, whilst the reporter had only been doing the detective work for Mr.Rapt for the last 6 months.  So in this case it would seem that Mr.Rapt's role would simply be putting pressure on the lawyer to put pressure on Nero to do something, before the lawyer would inevitably discover the loans were forged.



    As for the Boxer, the only role Mr.Rapt seems to play is being the reporter questioning the promoter.  The phone calls and prologue clearly imply that the promoter was using Floyd to take out the No.1 contender in exchange for a title shot.  Floyd, having not fought in 18 months with no training, used the brass knuckles to guarantee the knockout.  To cover his own ass, the promoter made sure that the ref looked the other way and the commission stayed out of it.  The promoter would benefit from huge bet winnings by picking Floyd as the underdog to win, and then by having Floyd take out the No.1 contender and fight the champion instead, as it would keep his Champion safe from real competition.  I still don't understand what the phone calls are meant to say in this case, as there's not really any motive for Floyd to sacrifice the promoter.  It's not like Floyd even gave a shit about the guy he fought, so why would he sacrifice the promoter for making him use brass knuckles? (when it was Floyd's own choice to use them anyway).  


    It also seems the phone calls and the prologue do not fit together perfectly.  As the promoter tells Floyd "you kept your word, delivered the knockout.", which was the deal they originally made.  And we know that the guy Floyd fought was the No.1 contender from the prologue "he may be the No.1 contender, but his career ends tonight.".  But in the first phone call Mr.Rapt is asking the promoter "wouldn't people rather see the number one contender"?  Even though Floyd would've already taken out the No.1 contender.  I guess this could just be the writer's not knowing how Boxing works but whatever :P


    Now as for Jessica, I can agree that Mr.Rapt set her up with the movie deal.  But his involvement in regards to the man with the pictures is still in question.  


    And with Jack Vincent, Mr.Rapt may have posed as a guy from Internal Affairs, but there was already a corruption investigation.  It is shown in the prologue and newspapers throughout the map that the mayor was cracking down on police corruption, so unless Mr.Rapt is the mayor I find it unlikely he responsible for this.  And Jack Vincent is clearly a man with a reputation, who would be in question in an investigation like this no matter what.  


    What I think is happening here is the first phone calls are what the characters hear, and gives them part of the story and gives them a reason to sacrifice their respective person in the rituals.  And the second phone call is the one that they never heard.


    For example:  Nero hears the first phone call between the lawyer and the bank rep (Mr.Rapt), and well I have no idea why but it makes Nero want to sacrifice the lawyer ( I guess maybe because he couldn't fix the situation??) and then the second phone call reveals the whole story that the Lawyer found out the documents were forged and it would all be okay, meaning the lawyer was innocent.


    Then for Floyd, the first phone call shows an interview between Mr.Rapt as a reporter and the promoter, and I guess could make Floyd think that the promoter might back-out on him for the fight deal due to pressure from people questioning.  Then the second phone would show that the promoter did keep his word and Floyd would get his title shot.  


    For Jessica, the first one would make her think that the producer sold her out to the movie deal guy and caused the situation, and then the second one would show the he didn't intend that to happen and had a broadway gig lined up for her instead (i.e. he did nothing wrong)


    And for Jack, the first one would make him think that his partner may have sold him out: "can we continue this conversation elsewhere?", but then the second one shows that his partner never did and stayed true to him.  


    So it seems like the second phone calls confirm the innocence of the sacrificed characters.  I'm still a little unsure about the first phone calls, I think they may just be to give us a bit more of the story or to show Mr.Rapt's involvement.  




    Also note that some of my quotations are slightly paraphrased from memory so I apologize if they're not  the exact wording.








  8. Hey guys, I was playing The Giant the other day and I found that each of the characters say a quote at the beginning of the first 3 rounds in Solo.  They say some very interesting things.  Here's the video if you want to hear them for yourself, I also have the transcripts below:









    “Field Report: dimensional insertion point was off, we were too late, Richtofen interrupted an established continuity, what happens next is uncertain. Allied operatives MIA, I have no choice but to continue the mission alone.”


    “Infestation confirmed. Positive identification of 115 on site. as expected my memory is slipping, unable to determine current jump count to this location, 2 at least, maybe more.”


    “Having failed to secure the intel, test subjects location is currently unknown…Dammit Richthofen! Why do you always have to screw everything up?”




    “Where is he? That foul, stinking German!  He was here, and now he is gone?  He will pay for what he has done, mark my words…”


    “Curse this confusion! I must remember my mission, why I am here….The enemy war machine, must be destroyed.”


    “I must find way to survive this  Nightmare: Perhaps these machines may help me fend off the wretched hordes.”



    “A most unfortunate turn of events. The death of the german is regrettable.  I fear the path ahead may be more treacherous than before.”


    “For so long, I have feared the Emperor’s displeasure. I know not where he is, but yet, I remain loyal. This i must never forget.”


    “My dreams are haunted by spirits, I fear they are not those of our ancestors…”




    “Maxis!  No wait, compose yourself Edward.  Mission accomplished. Temporal disruption achieved, the future is changed.”


    “I must work quickly, there is so much to do.  The vessel for Maxis, the radios(?), the opening the gateway, NEIN!  I’m getting confused, curse these 115 induced delusions!”


    “My god, what have I done?  Stop it Edward, breath, it’s okay, it’s okay.  This is important, this is what you have to do, even if another part of you dies each and every time. AGH! How am I meant to work when all around me, I am beset by the voices of the damned, and the doomed?”




  9. Hey guys I just found the new Jump-Scare easter egg on Shadows of Evil.  If you go to the waterfront just outside The Anvil (The Boxing Gym) with a sniper and look at the cargo ship to the left, an image pops out at you of the Zombified Richtofen you see when teleporting on The Giant.   If you're interested in seeing it I think I'm the only with a video so far so here's the link, but I have the image anyway:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1M0cLdy_mo







    To be honest I'm a little disappointed, considering that in the last jump-scare we saw Nero, and this one just seems like they put in there just for heck of it.  Maybe Treyarch is hinting to us that it's the Call of the Dead ship, or maybe they were just like "oh hey let's put another jump-scare".  Anybody got any theories about zombie Richtofen, or do you think they just put it in there for fun? 






  10. Lots to comment on here, but this is a quick one. 


    Shangri-la is definetly made by Ravensoft. But this will mix up what you said about Richtofens spacesuit.

    The Kino Nova barrels & the Ascension Luna lander are both also found in Shangri-la. 


    Good thread & good questions @BlindBusDrivr

    Nice to see you posting again 

    Thanks @PINNAZ , it's good to be back 


    And my bad about the barrels also being on Shangri La, I guess it's just the portraits that are exclusive to Kino and Five then. All the other stuff is still the same as we see on Kino though, but it's just that now we have seen them appear ther places. 

    The Ascension Lunar  Lander on the map is another thing we only have speculation about, best thing I can think of is that they are just from Ascension rockets that missed their re-entry path and crash landed at Shangri La.  Perhaps the significance was just the developers way of giving us a time frame for the map (post-1963) ?


    Another thing is the rockets that you can see launch behind the temple in the distance:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7_ipo-fKb8


    It's a shame that my old account was banned and I lost Ascension,Call of the Dead, and Shangri La, so I haven't been able to explore the maps personally and I've been going off my memory of them from 2+ years ago :P 

  11. Nothing says that Americans found Kino Der Toten despite that the theater is on their side of Berlin (and they have the Thunder Gun). By cons, they went to Der Riese and Verrückt.

    The match began on Ascension in Lunar Lander and the color disappears, but it is perhaps a gameplay element. The failed teleporter of Kino Der Toten may have sent the O4 over there.

    Richtofen will go on the moon therefore he changed his clothes... But he again changed in Shangri-La... And he has an astronaut suit on all maps in Black Ops phone version. Apparently, it's for censor his Nazi emblem(like The Giant) and he has again his old clothes in Shangri-La because it's Raven Software who created this map.

    Recently, I saw a message here about the date of Ascension : http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/index.php?/topic/179810-what-evidence-is-there-to-support-tranzit-being-in-the-1960s-andor-2025

    There are also several versions to the story of Buried, she has always been there, she made a time travel due to the Rift or she has been moved by the movement of tectonics plates. If I'm not mistaken, according MysteryMachineX, Michael Faraday has installed the current and the ghost would be his wife. H.Porter and Maxis would have visited this town.

    The amount of stuff that is on Kino also being on Five seems to be hinting that either

    A) The Americans found Kino


    B) Treyarch decided to give us a bonus map the easy way, and Five is just a copy & pasted mashup of elements from Kino and the Campaign, and they aren't relevant to the story.  

    Only thing that keeps me from believing B is the fact they included things that were only found in Kino, like the blue barrels and the Nova Crawlers, but they didn't have any real need to put those in there.  There's also the pictures of Richthofen and the blank portrait in the Pack a Punch room, which is the only thing that changes in there between the zombies map and the campaign level.  

    I will look into that thread on Ascension's date.  If what you say is true about Raven Software making Shangri La that actually would make sense, because Kino was already done for WaW but was cancelled, then Shangri La would be the only other map where Richtofen doesn't have a suit and it was done by another developer, so of the Three DLC maps Treyarch made Richtofen has the suit on Ascension and Moon, and presumably on Call of the Dead, though we cannot see him of course.

    As for Buried I know about the Michael Faraday portraits in the house and the ghost is assumed to be his wife, but I'm not sure about this speculation that Maxis and Porter have visited the town before.   But then again there isn't much evidence to go off of at all.

  12. Hello CoDz!

    I know it's been a while,  but with the third installation of Black Ops on the way I have decided to return to CoDz.


    So now that Black Ops III is on the way, it looks like the zombies storyline we all know and love (and at time get frustrated and confused attempting to put together) will be continuing.  To prepare for this, I am making this topic to discuss any matters pertaining to the storyline which remain unsolved so that we as a community 1) Will know what questions to look to answer in Black Ops III Zombies, 2) Tie up as many loose ends as possible so that we have a good base of knowledge to go off of, because it looks like there will be a LOT added to the story in this game.


    Now I am aware that I have been 'out of the loop' with zombies for a while now so if any of my knowledge or information is outdated feel free to correct me :)


    To get the ball rolling, I will give some of my own ideas, and I'm going to start off with one of the things that we have been struggling to explain since black ops 1: The Pentagon Thief




    We have been struggling to identify the Pentagon Thief on Five for a long time, and he still remains one of the unsolved mysteries of zombies.  Some have speculated that he is just a game mechanic without a real significance, but I think that there's too much going on with him to be glanced over.  


    The Pentagon Thief and Five also tie in with my next "unsolved" mystery, and that is the one regarding Five and Ascension.  On Five, there is little question that it is hinting quite blatantly that the US govt. discovered Kino Der Toten, as numerous artifacts from Kino can be seen in the basement on Five.  The teleport base, the blue barrels, the Ray Gun, The electric traps, The chalkboard, the diagram of the zombies and brain x-rays in the autopsy room, the Pack-a-Punch, there's even Richthofen's portrait and the blank portrait on the wall of the President's secret room.  (I apologize I don't have pics at the moment but will soon add some pictures and/or a video about this)  At the same time, we hear the red phone ring while playing on Ascension, and upon integration you hear Kennedy saying "Needs some beans for the chowder here!", implying that Ascension and Five are taking place at the same time.  So since it is heavily accepted that Ascension is canon with the storyline, Five must also be.  

    There's only one problem:


    Kino Der Toten takes place some time in the mid-late 60s.  The Berlin Wall and Berlin TV tower can be seen outside of Kino Der Toten, and the tower is under construction, meaning it must take place sometimes between 1965 and 1969 (when the tower was started and completed) 


    But Kennedy was assassinated Nov 22, 1963.  So how is it that the US discovered Kino Der Toten in the early 60s, but when we play on it as the O4, it is the mid to late 60s and everything is still as it was abandoned in WW II?  This is the Five/Ascension-Kino Paradox.


    This is all very old info (black ops 1 era), but we still lack an explanation for it.


    This also leads into another question, how do we get from Kino to Ascension? Is Ascension actually Canon with the storyline?  There was some old discussion of this, but nobody could ever find a reasonable explanation for the inconsistencies.  

    Like why is Richtofen wearing a space suit on Ascension?



    And how do they go from the theatre in Berlin, to riding a Lunar Lander at a Soviet Cosmodrome, 2+ years back in time?

    All very old questions which still have not managed to find good answers too.

    And Lastly, just a couple of things I have noted from Black Ops II Zombies:

    Why is it that almost all of the Zombies on TranZit are dressed as lunatic asylum inmates?



    And what is the story behind the town in Buried?  We have an old western town which has materialized in an African diamond mine, and there is some sort of story regarding the town, but not really much if any objective evidence (like radios) to understand it's significance.  


    Those are just some ideas of unanswered questions about the story, and hopefully we will be able to discuss these and come up with more of them as Black Ops III will be here very soon!



  13. Hello CoDz,

    I have been intrigued by the new loading screen for Nuketown Zombies.

    if the image doesn't go full size, just drag it to you're desktop and zoom in on it.

    Now,in the middle there's a giant space-age-looking mechanism that appears to be boring a perfect dome into the ground with some sort of electric/plasma beam. I honestly cannot say I have a definite guess on what it could be, as Treyarch likely just made it up :P

    But what I can say something about, is the little 'man' in the yellow suit.

    His helmet appears to resemble the JHMCS, a 5th generation fighter jet helmet.

    strong resemblance right?

    But there's just one thing, a fighter pilot doesn't need his neck to be covered. The yellow man has a metal bolted brace around his neck.

    So there's two places that would be necessary, Outer Space and Underwater.

    Now underwater seems the more likely here, as you can see there's a blue tint to everything in the image, and I've never seen even a concept for such a thing space suit, and we've already been to Moon.

    And according to an old theory of mine, there was evidence we were heading this direction since Black Ops I:


    And if you haven't looked at the picture in full zoom yet, do it, and take notice of the man shown in the bottom left corner to scale with the giant crater.

    Instead of resembling a person in a diving/pilot/whatever suit, I find it to resemble something more like this:

    No, I'm not even kidding guys.

    Take a look back at the mask, does that look like it's air tubes, or tendrils?

    for a more serious example cite Davy Jones:

    So, could it be that this guy is not a human, but instead an Atlantean?

    And I'm not the first one in this game to mention Atlantis:

    Stuhlinger - "I've got enough bullets for everybody in Atlantis!"

    Just something to think about ;)

  14. I did some research and looked up all the guns we currently know about from the reveal trailers and got some extra info on them too.

    thanks cod wiki for listing some ridiculously briefly shown ones like he MM-1 :P

    Here's the videos:

    part 1-


    part 2-


    sorry there's two parts I was trying to drag in a gif for the uzi pic and thought I reached a limit on pics or something :D

  15. Either we should be giving out some more Grammar Enthusiast medals or some of you guys have been hitting the Thesaurus :lol:

    anyways here's mine:




    Der Riese-industrial





    Shangri La-paradise


  16. Hey guys it's Bus, getting back into the 'Zombie Stories' again.

    I've had this idea going for a while, but haven't had time to finish until recently :lol:

    I'll try and add a chapter at least once a month.

    Hope you guys enjoy :)

    Operation Vulture

    Mr. Clark straightened his tie as he strode through the hall heading to the assignment room. Richard Clark was an agent for the CIA, and one of the best. At only 32, he had an impressive field record behind him in clandestine operations in hostile territory. Though for the last year and half he had mainly spent his time behind a desk in the office. He was actually somewhat eager about returning to the field, as one might imagine sitting at a desk filing out papers and documents was not the most fitting position for field professional like himself.

    At the door he took a moment to straighten his tie and hair one last time and modestly stepped into the office. Around the desk he was surprised to see some of the faces. Two of whom included the Director and Secretary of Defense.

    “Have a seat Mr. Clark, we have very important matters to discuss with you.”

    Richard gave a quick nod of compliance and sat into his seat along the table. The Secretary stood up from his seat and pressed a button on the projector.

    “This footage you are about to see is from a Lockheed Sentinel drone flying a reconnaissance mission over a remote region in Russia in it’s Far-East sector. The exact location does not have an official name and will be referred to as ‘Capulus’.”

    With that the film began to roll. The images were somewhat blurry and in black-white thermal imagery. You could make out some sort of prison like yard with large building connecting to the North side of the yard. As the camera zoomed in on the location we were able to make out the Russian soldiers standing out in the yard. We saw a gate shift and a guard walking with a man who appeared to be in some sort of restraints. But oddly, he had no thermal signature…The guard left and went behind the gate which closed again. The man just stayed there motionless. Then two Russian soldiers could be seen dragging a dog to the pen which the restrained man was trapped in. The Russians dragged him to the gates and opened them one more time tossing the canine in and slamming the gate shut, and he leaped toward the gate.

    Then, as if by remote activation the restrained man’s restraints released and he stumbled out of them. He fixated on the dog which had now turned to him. The dog stood it’s ground appearing to warn the man, who kept stumbling towards him. In a fraction of a second the dog pounced the man who grabbed at it. The dog tore away at the man and you could see it tore his hand off, but the man had no reaction and clutched the beast nipping at his throat and appeared to bite into it!

    The audience of men, who were all about as warm hearted as the Russian Winter, widened their eyes in shock of this gruesome scene.

    The man was now in control of what was once the powerful canine. His able hand clutched his snout unaffected by it’s attacks and thrashed his hand around violently pulling it’s head. After a few seconds the dog fell to the ground, with a faded heat signature. The man had snapped its neck, but he wasn’t finished yet. He dropped down to his knees and began to take bites out of the dog, until he was shot to ‘death’ by the guards. They then came up and cleaned up the site for their next test.

    The recording stopped. Everybody in the room took a breath of relief and calmed down after witnessing the footage. The secretary then stood up and moved to the front podium and spoke again.

    “The footage you just witnessed was a part of the Russian’s re-animation experiments with Ununpentium, or Element 115. The man you saw without a heat signature was a reanimated corpse. You will be further briefed by our agency records on these experiments with information on this element’s capabilities and the monsters and weapons it creates. The Director and I expect you all to read through those papers in front of you to compile a solid knowledge and understanding of the subject, so we can discuss our plan to destroy their experiments and their research before it gets out of hand, Operation Vulture.

  17. I've taken quizzes and I at least have a 75% chance of surviving. I joke about it with my friends and if there is a zombie apocalypse we know where to go. Only reason I think it's not possible is that the military would destroy the zombie virus, unless they created it. If the disease or whatever infects a town they would quarantine it and kill the inhabitants. If it spreads to a city they would use drones to blow the hell out of the zombies. In the movies they show the milittary as being incompetent. Supposing the military can't or doesnt do anything about an outbreak and the disease isn't airborne I'll probably survive.

    The problem with a 'zombie' apocalypse being impossible has nothing to do with the military being incapable, even though them and the CDC would quarantine and destroy anything of this caliber at all costs.

    Mainly the problems are for one that a zombie is corpse, and this would give it several complications. One is just the fact it's just decaying constantly. And then it's lack of an immune system, so bacteria and other diseases and such that would be harmless would destroy it. It would digest itself. There are natural decomposers that would feed on them, especially maggots and insects. Their lack of coordination would cause them to stumble into disasters, off a cliff, into water (and if you say they'd 'live' in the water because they're dead and cannot drown, not really because there's PLENTY of decomposers in the ocean, not to mention tremendous pressure). Then we have natural climate, they cannot retain heat or loose it so they'd bake in the sun and freeze in the cold.

    And if we're talking about the virus zombie, which isn't actually dead or a zombie in technical terms, they would be easier to kill. They can drown, they can starve, they can die, etc. Unlike a zombie, lethal body shots can kill. They can drown. They can starve. They can bleed out. And military disposal would be the same.

    So in all reality there's plenty of obstacles making a zombie apocalypse damn near impossible.

    But it's damn sure fun to fantasize and make games about :lol:

    And don't worry guys we have Abraham Lincoln if it does happen (if he can kill vampires zombies are a piece of cake)

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