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Posts posted by XXFNNXX

  1. Map: Hell's Schiff

    (Hell's ship)

    In the mission where you play as Reznov that ship could be a pretty good place for a zombies map. As you start at the bottom you work your way up to the top. On your way to the top you must power up a 3 genarator to turn on the power(maybe shoot the genarators to heat them up or just click a button).

    Players: The same

    Perks: Bull's Horns it gives you the power to dash at enemies(2500Pts).

    Super Revive you can revive your self(3000Pts this is for if you sucky teamates).

    Weapons: SMG: skorpion PaP Devil's tail

    LMG: M60 PaP M OVR 9000

    Assult rifle: Ak-47 PaP aka-47 AWSOME

    Power Ups: Grim reaper

    inferno sale(all perks 100Pts for 45 sec)

    Unlimeted Ammo( Unlimeted ammo for 30 sec)

    Pap room: At the top a door opens every 2 rounds to go into the Pap room.

    challenge rounds Hell hounds

    wounder weapons: Raygun, winters howl, Dynamo's force( stalagtites come out the the ground and kill zombies, PaP Haven's snow tons of shards of crystals fly at the zombies.

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