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Posts posted by Supercohboy

  1. didnt you make a thread insulting a lot of people by saying the mmajority of us had horrid grammmar and calling us idiots by the way we posted. and also didnt you tell the mods how to do their jobs? I mean I could be wrong but that's how I interpreted it.

    Pretty sure that was cheeze....nonetheless.

  2. Okay, so Im going to lay some seriously crazy and conspiracy-laden stuff on you guys in this post. Get ready XD

    So, I watch Ancient Aliens, and its got all these crazy people on there that are connecting practically unconnected things together to form theories that Aliens came to Earth during ancient human times (or that we are their...products. or even experiments.) and visited/helped us. WARNING INFO NOT TO WITH ZOMBIES: The main recurring theme in their theories though is how all the ancient religions and writings (whether the writings are religious or not) seem to talk about aliens sometimes. In all these religions, they talk of gods who, most the time, come from the sky or the stars and give us gifts blah blah we worship them. But the main thing is all the gods have similar appearance and abilities, and they came from the sky.

    At any rate, the part of my theory that fits into this has to do with the Egyptians I believe, its either the Egyptians or one of the ancient South American/Central American cultures. They used to have this one ritual where, when a baby is born, they put clamps on their head that squeeze it. Over time, the baby's head grows in an elongated shape, which he's stuck with for the rest of his life. The whole reason as to why they do this is to look like their gods...and its like, wtf? Their gods have ET-ish elongated heads?

    Well what this connects to is that their skulls look kind of like a less extreme necromorph skull (its way less long though, but its similar jsut to give u an idea of what it looks like). And what does this look like? The alien-ish skulls in Shangri-La. They look extremely similar to the skulls that were made by these poor humans, whos heads had been clamped from either side.

    So thats why I think some of the skulls in Shangri-La look like that. Now, continuing on to the ZCODL emblem. It might look alien (with human teeth that are completely different to the SOG symbol, mind you) because its an alien face. I doubt it personally, but I noticed a possible connection. The main thing I wanted to say is possibly why the Shangri-La skulls look like that. Its still connected to the new trailer tho, hence why I put it in the Moon section of the forum.

    And that's how ancient alien theories are connected to the new trailer XD And this is how most of my conversations go...starting at one thing and having it somehow connect to another thing. Like puppies and napalm.

    PS. If there are typos or something doesnt connect because of grammatical error (forgot to put a word in, etc.) I will be fixing that later. Right now, my eyes feel tired...and so does my brain....so....

  3. I think its definitely dual-weldable/a separable gun because in the concept art you clearly see 2 triggers. Unless this thing has one trigger for the safety and the other for the firing pin, I think its a D-pad selection. Also, anyone else noticed that safeties dont even exist on most CoD guns? Unless its and M4-M15 or AK you dont see them.

  4. Man logos are read top/bottom.

    Top being COD and the bottom being ZL.

    A quick Google search proves this.

    NO... It proves you wrong. Lemme quote some some logos as if this were true. 1. "Time Better Next Luck" -Originally "Better luck next time" 2. "United Four Associations Wheel Drive" -Originally "United Four Wheel Drive Associations" 3. "Task Graffiti Force Area Denver Metro" -Originally "Metro Area Graffiti Task Force Denver" 4. (My fav) "Students the where meet they we are and us go take where they" -Originally "We meet the students where they are and go where they take us" This proves you wrong. I know my chiz, bro. I am gonna laugh at you guys so hard when it turns out me and Yellow-Card8 I think it was are right, and all of you are wrong. And its probably not even something like "Zombies Call of Duty L-Something" Its probably like "Zealous Creatures Originally Detained Lars". So I am going to PM every Moderator, carbon, and Covert Gunman. I want this thread gone, because you guys are really dumb and are dragging on an already-solved problem. I am right, you are wrong. It is as simple as that. So unless you bring Jimmy Zielinsky in on video saying that it is otherwise, then I am right. Go ahead and ask people that make these kinds of logos. They will say, "It reads left-to-right, just like normal English. Ain't no Chinese top-to-bottom chiz happenin' here in THIS America." /winning rant

    this is why forum bans exist. Flaming. Reporting Cheezy.

  5. Maybee it's a perk which makes it so you can have five perks so you buy that perk and four other perks and you will have five perks!!! Geniuse!!

    SO basically, your saying you buy this perk, then you can get the 4 perks you would normally get, and then you would have 5 perks? A perk that you buy to have a 5th perk that does nothing?

    Or maybe Im just confused and dont understand....???? :?: :?: :?:

  6. Hey everyone, first post here (apparently its my second, my bad.) I just felt that something I saw during the new zombies trailer might be worth sharing.

    So as we all know, the "wave gun" shoot waves, most of the posts concerning this refereed to this as microwaves. Microwaves were confirmed by the trailer, but as I started watching through the trailer more, I noticed another weapon that looked very similar to the wave gun, only difference, it shot "purple" After my basic freshmen science class, i have learned that there are multiple kinds of waves, whether is be gamma waves, or microwaves. To wrap this post into one big bow, one poster, I wanna say "zombie bunneh" (sorry!) had a theory that there were different pieces to the wave gun, that had different effects. Now, what if that "purple shot" was a product of a different wave gun, a different kind of wave, Ultra Violet waves can commonly be thought of as purple, This specific breed of wave gun shot ultra-violet waves, instead of microwaves. What if, lets say for example that there are 3 wave pistols, and the 9 different combinations all equal another kind of radiation "waves"... idk about you guys but that sounds pretty cool to me, I'd be amazed though if it actually ended up happening that way,

    I'm curious what you guys think about this?

    i like how you are thinking but UV light isnt harmful enough.

    1st off UV will only burn the zombies skin or exposed flesh and im pretty sure thats not gonna kill a zombie.

    2nd UV light's wave lenghts are shorter than that of normal light meaning its invisble to the naked eye, therefor you couldnt see a gun "shooting" UV light. Plus the thing would have unlimited ammo because you would just be turning a bulb on and off lol

    well you wouldnt be able to see microwaves either...otherwise the inside of a microwave (oven) would look like some geeky disco :lol: Also, the Ray Gun's rays would look like laser beams instead of..ray gun rays, if Treyarch gave a crap about realism in a game with ZOMBIES in it.

    My pointing-out-the-obvious-rediculousness-of-zombies theory will now conclude with the fact that, in Shangri La you shoot a gun that has a dragon statue on it for the gun's firing mechanism. Since everyone knows dragon statues make for excellent weapons, I suppose you would be completely right. sadly, they only make for good weapons when you throw them. Not to mention the gun is a shrink ray that happens to shrink everything EXCEPT for the zombies' heads.

    Im jus sayin XD

  7. Oh yeah...thats true :P Only problem with that tho is they used the DG-2 to do it in the first place, and how would you reverse the time travel to go down instead of up? Not to mention that according to Richtofen (fail spell), they were lucky to make it out alive. Why would they risk that again to go to a place they escaped from, do to zombie infestation? and what if they run outta Wunderwaffe ammo? What if it doesnt work? etc.

  8. It looks kinda like it could be from the wave gun, but it also looks like the explosion that comes from the Scavenger weapon (CoTD). The big BLOOSH makes a red-ish fiery explosion, so...idk

  9. I doubt there's a live movie coming, that crawler just reminds me of the monitors at the zombies main menu.

    co-sign this... plus why get all excited about if they're gonna do a zombies movie or not anyway.. 95% of all video game movies are terrible and after being a huge Resident Evil fan and seeing them destroy that videogame storyline with the movies they made was just sad

    I stopped watching the RE movies after they spend ten minuets in the mansion and the rest of the film below in the facility or "Hive". They butchered those movies... It doesn't even make sense anymore.

    If they did make a CODZ movie I'd be happy because I'm sure they'd baby it and make sure it had all sorts of cool details and answer things. Though, turning a survival mode in a game into a full-feature movie... That would ruin it. People would hate it because they'd be forced to change things, there would be no way they'd make a three hour movie about four guys locked in a room.

    But they did make a movie like that...and it was great, and the first zombie movie ever. Night of the Living Dead (or at least the 1st popular one). The black and white one, that is.

  10. I think it goes like this. If a player is inside the QED and a person shoots a zombie, you take that damage. So if all players are dumb enough to get in the thing and kill a zombie....


    Thats my guess. It would suck, sure, but if I was a person that just threw a device which entangles particles and other stuff that I have no clue about...and I didnt know how it would affect, I wouldnt go in there and start shooting projectiles everywhere. Just sayin

    Sorry about run-on sentence :/

  11. 1oS: What's your weapon of choice for the inevitable zombie apocalypse?

    JZ: A high capacity, accurate, high caliber, and high rate of fire weapon. That's what I would choose.

    It just clicked for me, if the leaks are true, then JZ was hinting at the PPSH!

    PPSH=not high caliber...plus its really rare ammo compared to other types (which would make it a bad choice IRL unless you came across a factory that made that particular bullet). It was a unique round for the gun, blah blah blah. Also, high caliber=less ROF...but to get as high ROF as possible with a high-caliber weapon, your looking at something similar to an M4 modified to fire .45 ammo....or something.

    Anyways, less gun talk and being super technical about it. I agree, probably talking about the PPSH. Or the MG42 XD Which I adored to use on zombies on WaW...it was OP on multiplayer tho. Still dont see why people whined about the MP40 instead of impossibly fast-firing semis and the HMGs...

  12. The reason as to why the Der Reise teleported couldnt be connected to the Moon/Area 51 teleporting network is:

    Der Reise was made in 1945!!! ITS TOO OLD! It wouldn't even work given a year of no maintenance crew, let alone 20+! Also, it seems the technology might be different...I mean, compare the wunderwaffe to the wave gun. One tech is far more advanced, while still being fueled by the same power source (115).

    This is why (imo) they couldn't connect. But I mean, who knows? I just wanted to get this out there as a debunking theory. I'm not hatin' on peoples' theories, I just personally think connecting 2 teleporters decades apart in technology would be like trying to run a 70s computer from NASA on today's internet. Or even like trying to connect a calculator to a supercomputer, depending on how different the tech is.

  13. Im not the guy that started the thread, but id say those are experimental weapons using 115, so maybe they werent powerful enough or complete enough to be used to attack sam with.

    not to mention they are made by a different group...the vrill and QED seem to be more advanced and refined technology, using 115 in a unique way. Therefore, not the same group...maybe made by the Five people? Idk...

  14. The Der Riese picture doesn't show him with a space suit in first person. If you pay attention to when you're playing on any other map on BO with Nikolai, that is always how his arms look in 1st person.

    Wha...? You're saying he's always had those gloves in other BO maps?

    Yes. Play Kino. Its OBVIOUS. Also, in case you didnt notice, Nikolai's hands are exactly the same as Alex Mason's while in Vorkuta.

    Russian prison garb, Nikolai. Kind of a joke there...also it was Treyarc being lazy again :P

  15. It looks like its restrained by the person behind it so maybe well find out where the nova 6 zombies came from?

    You stole my thunder! :evil: I was just about to post that...and I actually posted an in-depth version of it on a different topic lmao

  16. Hold on, I think I know what the whole Zombies storyline is about...

    Its all in Samanthas head. Shes imagining it because shes reading it from a comic. All those things on the back page, those ads, theyre probably for fictional toys, which shes imaging as real weapons. Which is why Samantha controls everything, shes not evil, shes a child, and this is all in her imagination!

    Someone on youtube (EmeraldJunkie) Posted this as a response to thesyndicateprojects video on moon,

    Well thanks. You just ruined the entire series for me. lmao

    If that really is the truth, omg i would be so mad at Treyarch -_-

  17. So saying its CoD Zombies Live, one could assume a live action movie. Now to all the apparant haters on this topic (-_-) who havent seen the pics of the MOVIE QUALITY nova zombie being sneaked into the trailer, you should go back and watch the trailer again. As soon as it shows the logo, theres about a quarter-second clips of a live-action version of the nova zombie. Theres I think only two of these quarter-second clips. Its INTANGABLE PROOF, however that they are at least making a short video of what zombies (the mode) would like like in real life.

    Now, at any rate. MY theories onto this (to teh modz, im sorry if theres already a "moon" theories thread...:C Ill edit and move this over to it if there is one.). I think that because in the background of these extremely short clips one can see filing cabinets (possibly from Der Reise or elsewhere) and what looks like a collar (made from thick leather like in restraining chairs) on the Nova Gas Zombie, one could assume this video or movie will show the experimentation that resulted in the zombies. Or maybe how they broke loose. I will further provide possible evidence to backup this theory in the fact of, in the second split-second clip, theres some kind of (what looks to me) leather restraints in the background.

    So, will we finally see the origins of zombies? Will we see some cool video of sorts? Will there even be a video? Guess we will have to wait and see.

    P.S. if people want to see these live-action zombie screenshots from the video, its here

    EDIT: Also, to those saying you cant read a freaking logo in a different way than is what is grammatically correct (left to right)....wtf. Ive seen dozens, possible even hundreds of logos made with initials in them, that are supposed to be read in funny ways. The logo being read top left-right, bottom left-right ive seen before in a few different logos...so its not impossible as some of you guys seem to act. Besides, your basically trolling here and stomping on someones theories whenever you say such things.

    Just like in art, theorists have complete freedom over analyzing and even bending evidence to come up with something. No offense to the community, but some things such as the idea of a moon base (which you all were right after, you crazy nuts ^_^) were created through essentially making up crazy crap.

    Like how when you launch the shuttle on Ascension, the players secretly get on there....even tho yr supposed to shoot the ship. It doesnt matter tho really, I thought the theory was pretty cool. And once again, I dont want to troll on someone's idea at any rate. Hence why I kept such thoughts to myself up until now...

  18. Just to play on the perks to dolls thing, it is known that the Russians were world-renowned for their fast firing automatic weapons, and for their tanks which were very fast for their armor and gun capabilities.

    Ahh, good ol' T-44s.

  19. So I bet this explians how the zombies rounds never end. The team are stook in the 6th dimension and can't leave it. This theory also explains why the clock in Der Riese keeps going up and back down again all the time. They were in the 6th dimension and the time was stook in the same ten seconds for their whole stay there.

    but doesnt explain why they get stronger.. hmm

    Hi all, just joined to reply to this as well as a few other things. If there's an introduce yourself page, i will be posting on there as well.

    Just wanted to say that it makes sense that they get stronger, and i can explain it in a few different ways but I dont know what to call this theory-thingy exactly.

    If you shoot a lazer and it neverendingly bounces off mirrors, as time goes on the lazer will gain more and more power. I cant remember what I was gonna say when i started this post unfortunately but in time the same holds true. So basically as time goes on in a parallel dimension sort of deal number one the people will get smarter and

    number two if it's a really screwed up loop dimension i remember for some reason that the people from the last time around will remain in the dimension or what you perceive of it/ more zombies makes sense because they dont dissapear when you go back through to the next loop or whatever. That's one reason as to why you gotta kill all the zombies in each round I suppose. And there are more zombies each round because the ones that existed last time appear along with clones of themselves made from the looping factor.

    As for them getting harder to kill and stuff, maybe the higher in the round you go the farther away you get from normal reality and therefore the harder it is to do things such as kill the zombies, open doors, remove barriers etc. This may also explain the otherworldly powers in a theoretical way but really we know its Samantha doing all of it. It doesn't make sense as to why she would give you helpful powerups (feels guilty? idk) however...there maybe another side to the coin that we dont know of.

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