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Posts posted by Vikings-Call

  1. What I usually do to kill him, and costs the least amount of points, is I keep getting guns from the box and shooting all of those into him. He will die within 6-7 box weapons

    That can take a year and a day LOL.. In other words that takes forever! I do realize that with every bullet hitting gets you closer and closer to take him out. But still, would rather get him away for a few rounds as a quick as a possible.

    I would like to see a video of someone taking him out and in the same game see him come back. Would be neat to see. Or is this just me?

    Also, did anyone notice in the video he mentions getting the VR-11 and it pops up in the box :o :shock: ?? I fould that shocking to say the least

    He was doing a commentary, not live commentary he put the audio in afterwards

    Just so ya know 8-)

  2. Havn't played the map yet (PS3, grounded no xbox friends houses) but just wondering, who has catapulted him, u know using the flinger? ive been searching for vids but i havnt seen one yet


  3. I just want to say that they do change it up a bit for each map obviously, the fact they put stuff in the trailer like a pitchfork (Which i wanted) or akimbo shotguns kinda makes me upset but as long as they bring in new ideas each map i feel fine about it. they cant do the same thing over and over each map, they put in five as a fun little map even bringing in two new weapons and the fact they did add many new features to this map makes me happy. we cant always play as the old crew all the flipping time now cant we? if we did for this map we would be stuck behind a door. just sayin.

  4. As a matter of fact its easy to make the giant loop (Theatre to lobby, lobby to foyer, foyer to theatre) accessible for everyone at once or have 2 on giant loop and 2 on stage loop, also its easy to have 2 people run giant loop, 1 on stage and 1 running alley loop (theatre to alley, alley to theatre). thing about the last strategy is that it take coordination so you either meetup in theatre or are on separate ends of the stage so you wont have eachothers zombies splitting towards the other. for more than one person running the giant loop the person in front must have a crowd control weapon (EG thundergun, raygun, shotgun.) to blast zombies in front that could potentially block people running behind him or if he gets stuck. also one last strategy for 3 people is one on stage as usual and 2 doing giant loop at different times, let me explain. At the beginning of a round 2 people are in the theatre and one person is on top floor of foyer. the two giant loop people are running individually and if one goes down the other is usually halfway to them already, see the plan. so many strategys to kino and it continues to be my personal favorite.

  5. I believe that the blueprints are of the actual cosmodrome spinning thing in the starting room

    Oh and if you notice the three ships shoadows above the circle in the blueprints it makes 115, just sayin

  6. I think that zombies is a little time away from other modes, come on guys its another joking map, IMO its good that they change it up a little from the main 4 characters every once in a while. While it might not contribute to the story ATM at least they stay true to a map that continues zombie tradition. Start in an area with almost nothing, work your way to power, purchase perks, Survive as long as you can. there seems to be more interaction with this map than ever before and thats why we all loved ascension, plenty of eggs and mechanisms to utalize. no map can be perfect and we are making the story larger than it should be. yes its a part of it and i love the hints towards how the zombies came to be. but i say every map has its advantages and disadvantages. just try to stay to the positive and enjoy playing as Danny Flippin Trejo! ;)

  7. Heres my thought, He was made to stop CIRCLES!! noooo! its my best tactic, but in all seriousness he seems to move really slowly and doesn't do much unless your near him but i think if you hang around in one area too long he gets mad and bashes you. so his intention is to move the "Script" along. he is always on the map and Urges you to continue thoroughout the map. =( idk but if they figured out how to remove circles thats destroys my strategy. also mayby us players could go though the whole map in one giant circle like on kino, but he does seem out of place for zombies uknowwhatimean?

  8. The need for a whole game dedicated to the Nazi Zombie theme is real & growing...

    Mp mode has a short life span if your a CoD veteran...

    Don't get me wrong, I do like a bit of Mp carnage now & then, but it soon gets stale...

    The only problem I have with Zombie at the moment is lack of Maps, I love the ones I have, but I really want those classics released with some critical updates to the easter eggs.

    Oh, and while I'm at it, why the hell isn't combat training available offline?

    With the PSN down I thought I might do some CT vs nine AI on Veteran mode (I love a challenge) but alas you can't play it offline WTF...!

    Regards Alpha.

    Alpha its fully possible, Go into local and go into game mode options and set number of opponents to whatever you play against. it doesn't level you up in how ur doing in online but its still for the most part combat training. it still has recruit normal and veteran bots

  9. Yes i can see the topic posters map quite...



    naw but i hate kowloon.

    Hahahahaah that joke was so lame it was funny. Got me cracking up.

    I appreciate lame puns alot so yeah we always say it when its the next map

  10. Call of the dead?

    But of course! Its a telephone building!

    Come on guys we have seen telephones on the two previous zombies maps that are interactive and they finally reach their telephone company to find out why they get disconnected from the guys at five and such and BAM zombie outbreak!

    This is a joking post, that would be redonkulous

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