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Posts posted by Tehredfield

  1. Everytime i start a game i knife goerge multiple times, not allways ten, but i do, and i've only noticed the zombies spawning alot quicker at the beggining of round 1, Theres not much else, Although around round 19 i've been running loops round the lighthouses 1st floor, And got two max ammos within two kills of eachother, 6 claymores in a round kills ALOT of zombies in a train.

  2. No.

    Samantha/Maxis hybrid?

    The zombie looks like any other, just suffering severe burns across his body, It could be a visual change or an entirely different zombie, but i dont think its special, all the special zombies have been restricted to un-original characters (Apart from gas zombies) like George and the Pentagon Thief.

    He dosen't look like hes got any specific traits, and why would they want to kill of samantha and dr maxis already when they can milk it for tonnes more money.

  3. I used the PM-63 recently, Its only good as a fallback weapon, saved my life on round 11 when my mp40 run out of ammo trying to get to juggernog. It runs out of ammo quickly and has a small clip.

    Its useless in the long term, but has a high fire rate which is helpfull as it cuts down 5- 15 zombies in a train quickly on round 10.

    But that game i also upgraded the FN-FAL. Possibly one of the most hillariously bad decisions i've made.

  4. I call major bull...

    Nothing there seems right..

    I honeslty doubt the flamer will return because of how pathetic it was originally...

    If its true i will eat my tinfoil hat.

    But a perk that slows down time? makes no sense, how would you activate it when all are used? How would it work with all 4 players? Why would they add a bottomless pit when its such as a huge hazard.

    Don't get me wrong, but i sort of want these features, but unfortunatley there most proberbly a lie. :(

  5. Looks like a fire damaged zombie, I like the detail on him though, No hair, eyebrows, disfigured facial features, the works, Looks like it could be special zombie thats uncommon but is the same, or has a slight health buff for vengeance or something like that..

  6. Gonna try post a few more at the same time. Tell me what you think is happening!

    4: Look at the zombies, the one on the left appears to be wearing a gas mask, Could there be usage of gasses to kill zombies or a gas facility or something on the island? Also, you can see a lever for a trap - But what would the trap do? Surely electricity would just electrify yourself...

    5: Looks like the steps up to where the PaP goes, the red double points must mean its about to disappear, The stone on the right looks like it should have something put in it aswell...

    6: Takeo going down the waterslide, Nikolai in the background. Also, Takeo's katana seems to be a bit bigger and obvious, The water slide looks cool though.

    7: These spikes rise from the floor, look at the picture, the electricity switch is down that route, nikolai has an olympia so it must be a low round and he might be running for the power, The spikes may be pressure activated and judging by the trailer it also looks like you HAVE to sprint to get past because they rise so quickly. If there not pressure activated, perhaps they are timed? as in they rise every 15 seconds. Also, dosen't appear to be holes in the floor where they rise from, perhaps other areas will have un-noticable traps?

    8: these wooden bars also seem to be pressure activated, when he walks on the cleared bit of floor they fall down and restrict his path to the one exit, Perhaps the chosen exit will change every time and you are forced down a specific path?

    I wonder if Takeo's katana will be usable in-game, most likely not but you never know. It's either that or the way he's angled as he slides down the water slide

    I hope you can use them too. The sickle and bowie knife are boring, the Machetes and pitchfork were really hyped up to be weapons, then werent included. It does look liek there extended details on the characters, but we havent seen dempsey yet - what does he look like I wonder?

  7. Gonna try post a few more at the same time. Tell me what you think is happening!

    4: Look at the zombies, the one on the left appears to be wearing a gas mask, Could there be usage of gasses to kill zombies or a gas facility or something on the island? Also, you can see a lever for a trap - But what would the trap do? Surely electricity would just electrify yourself...

    5: Looks like the steps up to where the PaP goes, the red double points must mean its about to disappear, The stone on the right looks like it should have something put in it aswell...

    6: Takeo going down the waterslide, Nikolai in the background. Also, Takeo's katana seems to be a bit bigger and obvious, The water slide looks cool though.

    7: These spikes rise from the floor, look at the picture, the electricity switch is down that route, nikolai has an olympia so it must be a low round and he might be running for the power, The spikes may be pressure activated and judging by the trailer it also looks like you HAVE to sprint to get past because they rise so quickly. If there not pressure activated, perhaps they are timed? as in they rise every 15 seconds. Also, dosen't appear to be holes in the floor where they rise from, perhaps other areas will have un-noticable traps?

    8: these wooden bars also seem to be pressure activated, when he walks on the cleared bit of floor they fall down and restrict his path to the one exit, Perhaps the chosen exit will change every time and you are forced down a specific path?

  8. Whats interesting about the last one is that there is 4 suitable dates from 1963 - 1979 that a natural solar eclipse has taken place, July 20th, 1963, March 7th 1970, Jun 30th, 1973, Feb 26th 1979. Which if it is actually a natural exlipse, we have 4 possible dates IF the time zone remains in the BO timeline.

    The map also starts sunny, But becomes dark, So either the eclipse happens randomly or is triggered.

    There is also a blue streak going through the sky - A comet or plane?

  9. Really interesting ones:

    Zombie looks like he's either been napalmed or burnt alive in a trap.

    Large view of it - Supports the idea of the map being set on jungle.

    This zombie on the right also looks extremley disfigured, like it has a goblin head or a pigs head.

    Thats all the major interesting points in the video. Ill start editing and saying what i think is going on, if your suggestions are good i'll put them on aswell.

  10. RIchtofen in his standard attire - Nazi uniform. The minecart thing

    "Zombies waiting in line for a Hula dance." - Samantha Maxis

    Also shows the variation of zombies, look likes the zombies from DOA's temple levels obvious female zombies!

    Better view of female zombie with arm being blown off - Must be an early round.

    This building looks awesome, looks like the minecart from the first picture travels through this house, Looks like someone is getting swarmed.

  11. *Puts on tinfoil hat*

    Gone cast away in time (Time travel? Sam trapped in the aether? Like shes inbetween space and time, hence she's like omnipotent and travels time, presumably staying the same age)

    Evil yours, now evil mine (The evil of the nazis in tehs toryline trying to re-animate the dead or creating things for evil purposes, now taken over by whomever controls the zombies now)

    So I robbed you blind (Pentagon thief, stealing weapons often leaves people lost, confused), the voices

    in my head could jest a less than

    peaceful side (Aggressive voices trying to get richtofen to do things like kill people or take over the zombies?)

    The endless possibilities (You don't know just how many easter eggs or possibilities for maps there are?)

    controlling every fight (Possibilities of getting max ammo drops and instakills - determine how long you last in the fight)

    You can’t break me, crushed the

    fears of yesterday (Moved past the fears of the previous maps)

    You can’t change me (Sam? The zombies?), barriers our trust will fade. (The original crew can't trust richtofen because he's crazy, also a faction enemy of Nikolai and Tank?)

    I’ve stood in the dark, been

    waiting all this time

    While we damn the dead (you begin to hate the zombies as rounds become harder) I’m

    trying to survive, I’m not ready to die (Self explanitory)

    Damned, watch the masses fall (The damned zombies die again - en mass)

    Burn it down, control ‘em all (Burn it down - like kill the zombies? Control them, like sam can?)

    Make me crawl, to daddy’s little

    girl to read the writings on the wall

    (Zombies crawl, Sam's victims leave writings on the wall (Like going to the aether in der reise in the spawn) Daddy's little girl - Maxis's little girl?

    While cast into the nothingness

    the final curtain call (The end of zombies? the NZ storyline?)

    Through the madness we find

    loyalty is no match for power (Can be applied for multiple things, such as abandoning your friend to him the box)

    Save your body or lie, left to rot in

    your darkest hour (Save your self or die? Just like running froma zombie horde?)

    Friends won’t help you now as long as your mine

    You can’t break me, crushed the

    fears of yesterday

    You can’t change me, barriers our trust will fade. (Becoming friends - trusting richtofen although he wont change - shows a betrayal?)

    *Takes of my tinfoil hat*

  12. lol still havent worked out how to kill him ;)

    I found a really easy way to kill him on around round 10 - 15. Get one person with a scavenger, one with a raygun and one with PhD Flopper + Juggernog. Take George to the back of the lighthouse near Staminup on the stairs, have the scavenger fire all rounds from near the staminup machine, the PhD Flopper flopping him repeatedly and the ray gun leading zombies around in circles away. When scavenger ios done have them swap with ray gun and keep flopping. PhD Flopper can kill him suprisingly quickly; Around 10 - 15 minutes depending on how much damage he takes from other weapons. If possible have two people with PhD Flopper.

    Also, Back to the original thread, it does actually sound like he stays on the map, just teleports from an off map location back to the map. Like how the teleporting rooms on Kino and Der Reise house the player for a few seconds.

  13. I was playing CoTD with two friends, we were only playing to get the achievement for killing george, But as i ran back to spawn to calm him down a giant rock rose from the water making the same sound as the PaP rising (Bubbling noises, a little smoke) and it stayed there, there was no "x" options, no sounds when I pressed X on it, no nothing. It was very shortly after activating the power and buying juggernog aswell, Im sure it wasn't there to begin with. It stands slightly higher then quick revive and just as wide as quick revive, Its either that or im going crazy. Sorry for the small pic, but where the points are in this picture the rock rises around there.http://thumbnails.truveo.com/0019/7E/4F/7E4F4598F1E845080B0DCF_Large.jpg

    Im also sure i've heard rocks rising around other areas like on the end of the side, areas where the PaP dosen't spawn, and hasn't spawned.

    Is it just me? Am i going crazy? Has anyone else realised? If you wanna play some time add TBE Perkaholic and i might be able to tell/show if you haven't seen it before.

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