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Posts posted by nhcre8tv1

  1. Nikolai has a very Resnov-esque mustache and pretty full goatee in Origins. Later on, when he transforms into Chernov, he does not have this facial hair anymore.

    Furthermore, Dempsey looks a lot more like Kiefer Sutherland from WaW in Origins, and as such his hair is black. But later on, his hair turns blonde.

    Same thing happens to Rictofen, he has a mustache in Origins, but no mustache in his older versions.

    When did they find the time to groom like this? I know, I know, ending and all these magical possibilities, but this is a still a perplexing issue that has been bothering me ever since I saw the new models.

    What are your guys take on this crucially important conundrum?

  2. If they want my money they will add zombies.

    And trust me, they want my money :mrgreen:

    I know it's really up to activision, so just keep that in mind if for some ungodly reason they don't add it to BO3, or whatever it will be called.

    It will be called Cod Z and MP will just be an extra bonus game mode at the end of the campaign :D

    I wouldn't even hate this.

    I voted maybe. In a fourth game I can only see it getting taken too far, but what the hell happens next seriously? Also, I'm sure they're aware of the people that buy the game only for zombies. 3 games in 1 is still a thing they push I think.

  3. It's just not particularly satisfying in an ultimate way. It justifies some things really well, and it's not like it's out of the blue or anything. And something I like about it is it's an ending that is also not one, if you get what I mean; it can continue or not, it works both ways.

    But, I mean, like... eh... really? Like, really?

    I am just kind of conflicted. Leaning kind of more towards liking, in kind of an odd feeling way though.

  4. Ascension and the Death Machine theories.

    "Shoot the door next to the quick revive machine to get the Wunderwaffe!"

    "Go on the Lunar Pads with the death machines because reasons!"

    "Shoot the perk machines for the entirety of the death machine duration to get free perks!"

    "Shoot all of the 'Spark' batteries in the starting room!" Seriously the batteries. Like, the batteries.

  5. This was taken nowgamer.com and I don't know if it was posted already but I am just gonna drop this here

    http://www.nowgamer.com/xbox-360/xbox-3 ... apore.html


    ''Zombies is now integral to multiplayer, with a four vs four mode in which two packs of survivors fight the undead and each other for points.'']

    This makes me happy because

    - my wish of a 4vs4 mode in zombies became true

    - leads to more speculation whether we're getting a new zombie gang who fight with or along our classic gang.

    Hmm, that's probably the best case scenario, but I'll see if it takes anything away.

    Way to keep an open mind guys... :facepalm:

    I'm remaining pessimistic about this. Again, I need to see it, and I'll by golly give it a chance, but I won't look forward to it.

    Do you see how self defeating this attitude is? It seems you have already passed judgement. No matter how good the new game modes are you already have it in your mind that you won't like them so what's the point in even trying it?

    I understand what you are saying, and I admit I'm being a little childish. I guess my main problem is not with the mode itself, I'm just worrying it might take away from traditional too much. I'm worried they might've focused on this more, unless this is something big with the story.

  6. Way to keep an open mind guys... :facepalm:

    I tried, but couldn't find a way this could turn out good, and "don't play it" isn't going to be enough. It will still exist, and time spent on doing that could've been time spent on the actual Zombies. I'm remaining pessimistic about this. Again, I need to see it, and I'll by golly give it a chance, but I won't look forward to it.

  7. Listen, Elite is an Infinity Ward thing. Who says Treyarch is going to use it?

    Already been confirmed :/

    I get "a fry ad"ded to every hamburger I order. (title joke) :?
    Now, if they came out with a separate subscription all together, a Zombies Elite type deal, with extra stuff such as additional character quotes, behind the scenes developmental clips, and perhaps even new aspects of the game itself like an ability to level up and prestige or weapon packs for the maps, then yes, I'd be glad to pay for that. Because that is what I—we—would want. Nothing would make me happier than to see Zombies get the attention it truly deserves.

    Genius. This is a great idea. If they did this it could open up a whole new world of Zombies. All the zombies fans could get exactly what they want without all the MP stuff and vice versa. Treyarch could offer a MP Elite and a Zombies Elite. You could either subscribe to one or both. Price wise Zombies Elite should be cheaper and the maps should come like every other month so Treyarch has time to make a great quality maps. I hope they see this thread so they don't ruin zombies for everyone.

    YEEEESSSS! this is amazing guys. No joke. Great idea.

    I would pay for that.

  8. Special zombies are in the game to break the sense of security and requires players to reinvent their play style with each new map.

    George taught players to keep moving instead of camping

    This is exactly why I'm in agreement with the OP. Now, I'm not into camping, though I was before I found out that running is more effective. But forcing people to play a certain way will put a lot of people off. The mid-round boss players need to be done away with IMO, bring back boss rounds!

    Doing this would keep things more interesting I feel. It helps break up the gameplay so every round doesn't feel the same, makes the game go quicker so it doesn't get so boring and lets players go with whatever strategy suits their style of play.

    The only problem with the boss zombies like George is it eliminates the fact that other people can't play to their tuned playing style. I'm up for running or camping, but you should be able to straight up pick, not alternate throughout. George forced the play style that most people were not used to or even enjoyed down their throats. I have no problem with things like the napalm and super sprinters and such, but make it possible to have more freedom for players to do what they want without having to do a side mission that involves something stupid like math or something. I went for feel, I want each map to feel different, be distinct in their own way, not just a new map in a new cool place with new cool things.

  9. Is CoD Elite will probably destroy zombies. I know it will be a part of it, but like, I mean by getting the maps early kind of thing. It's unfortunate Treyarch has to have the Call of Duty label over their zombies, so people just throw it in with the pile of trash everyone labels CoD for. Zombies is a masterpiece, I know I'm never paying for the gimmick that Elite is, although some people have found enjoyment and usefulness out of it. I've put up with the 15 dollar map packs, but Elite will just ruin it for me. PS3 people, I'll just wait for when you guys get it.

    Edit: I have apparently spoken for a lot of people. Neat.

    Edit 2: It's every internet goers dream to not directly start a petition! Let's do it!

    Edit 3: Oh dear, it seems I have inadvertently started a flame war. Woops. Now that crappy college humor song is stuck in my head. Ah well.

    Main beef with it for me is on a personal level. I just don't want to/can't pay for this whole thing about CoD, that I don't even care for all too much, when I only want zombies from it. I guess I'll cross that bridge when I come to it, but for now I guess I will still be in fear. Good points from both sides here.

  10. Ascension and Kino had the most badass songs IMO. All the other ones were fantastic, at worst. Well, Moons was alright, but I liked it from a story standpoint. I don't however, welcome outside music with a map featuring the main characters. COtD fir alright, though. Elena and Kevin K thx. Although a colab would be amazing...

  11. Before I begin, a quick message to the Treyarch zombies team: I hate when things change. I don't mind change, per say, but when they change from A New Hope to Attack of the Clones, I get peeved. Appealing to a broader audience is awesome, and it's always rewarding to see something you love and follow have a sales jump, but make sure your hardcore fans that know and love your piece of entertainment, still think you have at least an ounce of credibility left.

    Now onto it.

    I hope to god that reasons why I liked and disliked, say, a good example of a map:

    Kino Der Toten

    What I liked, is it had the old zombies vibe, daytime, OUTSIDE!!!, and it was fun, easy and flowing co-op.

    Now onto dislike. A new, absolutely horrid story twist that turned my dark, cult-like horror dramedy, into a 1950's hippie alien proof reel. Not cool. I hope the good boys and girls on the zombie team had their backs against the wall at the time, and if so, I understand, you guys have been doing a fantastic job with what you had.

    It was much too easy to solo, not because of a lack of "factors and twists" that Treyarch calls them, or what everyone else calls them, "bad ideas." The fans know what I'm talking about George Romero cough Pentagon Thief cough. You can change the map layout, make it as big as I'll get out, add awesome side missions that take heart and thinking, bend over for your publisher and overprice your map packs to all hell, and put your maps out every 31 days for 7.99 a stupid month, just make the flow of the actual game the same. You messed with your precious formula all too much, and now we have the cluster****s that are Moon and COtD.

    TL;DR is that I just hope to the gaming god that watches over and controls the very talented and hard working people that make the experiences we call video games all us gamers waste our lives on to just once, think about your core fan base, and keep doing what you WERE doing, not what your currently payed to. That's why I love this damn zombie team. They read these forums, and know us. Thank you, for that. Just bare in mind the story and the fans, our opinions are fragile, and very few of us give you a chance.

  12. I agree with a lot of your points, especially the ones regarding the skins, but I loved Mule Kick in every map, it let me have different strategies. All in all I'd say that the BO maps are already too good looking and advanced to be updated graphics wise, the Xbox has the specs of a 2001 office printer anyways. Plus Kino looked bloody fantastic.

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