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Posts posted by DirtyDocterT

  1. He is right, because in one of the achievements that are for the new zombies, it mentions a statue.

    Really?Which one is it?

    I don't think any do, he might be talking about the time travel will tell one

    Ohhh that would make scence.

  2. There was indeed a dragon shown as an picture of shangri-la.

    Which in my eyes simply meant mythes and acient temples but perhaps that picture would also be a clue towards the easter egg showing that you indeed need the dragon, which might be this gun which is in my eyes not PAP.

    One other note however on the statue. The PAP is also in sight thus they might tell us that the statues bring forth the PAP.

    Also the weapon might not only have one effect, they just show one effect. How would you explain the fire zombies and the blue aura zombie if it are not special rounds and bosses. Might be the case who knows. I just believe this map does involve myth and legendes which makes me believe the Easter egg will indeed be one hell of a good thing this time.

    So far this new wonder weapon might have a few purposes...

    - Easter Egg

    -Beating Special Boss Zombies

    - Making Zombies Into Midgets

    -Shooting The Circuler Things By The Statues To Make Them Spin(Possibillity)

  3. Here's a post I made earlier today on the New Shangri-La Video Discussion thread..

    You can see this statue looking thing spinning during the video (1:04 on the video, right after the new Wonder Weapon clip). Maybe something to do with the Easter Egg?

    I think it's got something to do with the Easter Egg. Just my opinion.

    Is that the same statue though?It kinda looks smaller.

  4. If you pay attention in the trailer, about at 1:03-1:04 you can see a spinning statue or totem like thing.Also beside it, is like a circle that looks like a lever.Anyone else notice it?

  5. wonder weapon that burns zombies? If they do make this it should be way better than the flamethrower and if it was then why is he still alive? :o:o:o All of your ideas could be true, but i really do not want another George in the game, he ruined my expirence for CotD

    Mabey the wonder weapon could take a while to kill?If you noticed the zombie looked like it was stumbling.

  6. Mabey the red perks do the opposite of the real ones.EXAMPLE:if aq monkey drops a red Max Ammo and you get it, Then it takes your ammo away.If you get a red Hammer it would unbuild ALL the windows.Just a thought.

  7. I Think it could be a possibillity that the new wonder weapon could burn the zombies.because theres monkeys for boss rounds.If you noticed in CotD Geogre was there which replaced special rounds (Monkeys, dogs Theif).I Doubt if that they would make a special zombie and have a monkey round.

  8. How would they bring it back? Richthofen blew it up!

    There's no proof of that...

    There is: a new radio is on Shi No Numa explains that the DG-2 overloaded the teleporter on der riese destroying them DG-2 and teleporting them to Kino der toten which is in the future

    Sounding Crazy,Just Because One Got Destroyed Doesnt Mean He Can't Rebuild Another Model.They Keep Finding Element 115 As We Come Along The Way.Look At Kino Der Toten,They Found Pieces Of The Meteorite(Element 115).He Could Make A Second Prototype.Look At The Thundergun,It Went From Kino To Ascension.How Did It Get There?We Don't Know.

  9. I play W@W Der Riese not too long ago & yes the Wunderwaffe DG-2 is gold there too...

    Sorry matey. I will post a video soon...

    Regards Alpha

    Ohhh I Guess I Got My Colors Mixed Up.Its Has Been A While Since I Last Played WaW.If You Do Post A Video I Thank You.^^;

  10. Winters howl is better in my opinion...

    Better than the DG-3 JZ when using it with instakill & a Bowie Knife...

    Did you know if you freeze a zombie you can shatter them with a melee?

    See my last two parts in the Five solo tour posted in the media section...

    Regards Alpha...

    Alpha On My Post?! Honered :D True True.You Dont Even Have To Melee,Just Walk Up To Them And They Will Shatter~!Plus If You Get The Winter's Fury Before Round 20, Everything Disinigrates Except For Thier Feet!

  11. Both are amazing paired with the Ray Gun which I can't say about OTHER wonder weapons coughwaffecough. Winter's howl is good for guarding windows. All you need is one shot to get all of them to slow crawler speed, then fire away. The Thunder Gun is the same but quicker, which is a good bad thing. Now next map, maybe they could lose the raygun and the Winters Howl AND Thundergun in the box. That's actually a stupid idea.

    You'r Right At The End,Ray Gun Gets You Far!On Ascension,It Started To Only Make Crawlers About Round 38.Ray Gun Does Loose Its Strenght Quickly.

  12. I've never been a big fan of either. Put a bottle of Juggernog in one hand and good ol' Ray in the other and I'm happy.

    But the DG-2 can never be replaced. (R.I.P DG-2 Whenever/SNN/Came out - 9/11/10)

    And I also want to dedicate this sentence to Mr. Monkey- our friend who was sadly transferred to the Pentagon and was split apart from our characters. He was destroyed in testing several weeks back. R.I.P Mr. Monkey 6/08/09 - 1/02/11 :cry:

    Nice Dedications :cry: And Im With You On The First Part.Good Ol' Juggonog 8-)

  13. Winters howl is the worst power weapon ever. Try and use it after lvl 40 and you will find that it takes at least 5 shots to even slow them and 8/9 to kill them, this is with the upgraded version too. So you manage to kill like about 5 mobs which absolutely sucks. Thunder gun is great, no matter the lvl it still kills in 1 shot!

    You Can't Kinda Say That About Thunder Gun.Round 38,Its StartsTo Only Knock Them Down.WunderWaffe Has An Infinate Amout Thus MakingIt A One Hit Kill.

  14. Freeze ray is terrible, absolutely. I have no problems with the thundergun, but Wonderwaffe is definately still better. Gold just makes it that much better, i hope they bring in back in the second map pack.

    Tell Me About It!Gold Makes It Smexier xD.

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