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Monopoly Mac

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Posts posted by Monopoly Mac

  1. ^ It's actually Gersch. And I personally like to believe that we allowed him to pass away peacefully. When he got sucked into the device his body was destroyed but his soul was still alive. In the middle of Aether and being tortured by Samantha, he wanted someone to free him and let him die.

  2. This public announcement is brought to you by the one and only, Monopoly Mac.

    I’m not as good as Eye at making motivational speeches but I’m going to take a crack at it. For the past few weeks or months, I’ve been suffering from writer’s block and a lack of ideas. These aren’t the only things that have been stalling me however. I also have this tiny fear in the back of my head that anything I write would be too far-fetched for Treyarch to come up with. Perhaps one of you have been suffering from these fears. Well I have to come to tell you that I've had a massive realization. You don't need to care about things like this because Treyarch aren't the creators of this story. We are.

    When World at War was released and we discovered the Zombies gamemode, it was an amazing world filled with fun and story. It involved conspiracies, Nazi’s, and much more. We realized that Treyarch had created something of epic proportions and had allowed us to take part in it. As time has passed, we have evolved as story decipherers and Treyarch has slowed down. They attempted to hide huge interact able easter eggs but we have found and solved them in mere days.

    The point I am trying to make is that at this point, Treyarch no longer has control over their creation. Like Prometheus had given fire to the humans, Jimmy Zelinski has given us the power of story telling. They have said themselves that they get much of their ideas from the Codz forums and that we even gave them the idea of Samantha.

    Is it not right to say that this is our story now?

    Is it not right to say that we can decide where this story goes?

    Is it not right to say that WE WRITE THIS STORY?

    As long as your theories are backed up by evidence and good research, nothing you post can be far-fetched my friends.

  3. This public announcement is brought to you by the one and only, Monopoly Mac.

    I’m not as good as Eye at making motivational speeches but I’m going to take a crack at it. For the past few weeks or months, I’ve been suffering from writer’s block and a lack of ideas. These aren’t the only things that have been stalling me however. I also have this tiny fear in the back of my head that anything I write would be too far-fetched for Treyarch to come up with. Perhaps one of you have been suffering from these fears. Well I have to come to tell you that I've had a massive realization. You don't need to care about things like this because Treyarch aren't the creators of this story. We are.

    When World at War was released and we discovered the Zombies gamemode, it was an amazing world filled with fun and story. It involved conspiracies, Nazi’s, and much more. We realized that Treyarch had created something of epic proportions and had allowed us to take part in it. As time has passed, we have evolved as story decipherers and Treyarch has slowed down. They attempted to hide huge interact able easter eggs but we have found and solved them in mere days.

    The point I am trying to make is that at this point, Treyarch no longer has control over their creation. Like Prometheus had given fire to the humans, Jimmy Zelinski has given us the power of story telling. They have said themselves that they get much of their ideas from the Codz forums and that we even gave them the idea of Samantha.

    Is it not right to say that this is our story now?

    Is it not right to say that we can decide where this story goes?

    Is it not right to say that WE WRITE THIS STORY?

    As long as your theories are backed up by evidence and good research, nothing you post can be far-fetched my friends.

  4. Well I'd like to say my thoughts on this.

    I believe Maxis was shot and killed simply because Richtofen says himself "Now you are dead". I don't think Maxis was the one who yelled "No!" I think Groph did. When he died his soul must have entered the pyramid and actually closed it as a result. As to why Samantha laughs I suppose she must have cracked when she saw her father die. Either that or maybe that wasn't her laughing but the dark entity that lives inside. Thanks for listening to...

    Another Monopoly Thought. :D

  5. Wow, nice summing up Blind, deserves more brains if I could give them :)

    Was the devil in anyway instrumental in the instructions and/or building of the MDT aeons ago?

    Well I think the things that built the MPD long ago were the aliens or Vril Ya. These aliens worshiped the devil and tried to make a way to get him out and into this dimension. They managed to build the pyramid but they disappeared and abandoned it for some mysterious reason. This made Satan resent the aliens and waited until someone could find the pyramid and enacted his plan.

  6. 115 over exposure... You just made me think of something that could actually be right. What are two things we have seen 115 is capable of?

    Corruption and Power. I think Dr.Maxis was indeed overexposed and I think your theory is right Busdriver. In the beginning he wanted to "improve the human condition" but in the end he actually destroyed it. Some of you might say he did it with good intentions but his evil laugh in the end makes me think otherwise.

  7. "Before the war he was a back alley plastic surgeon, who created an army of monstrous affluent Weimar socialites that would follow him around and laugh at every joke the genius doctor made. This all fell apart when the republic fell and the Nazi party took control. To Richtofen, their values were too moral, too liberal for his liking. He joined the army so he could satisfy his need to watch people die, slowly."

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