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Monopoly Mac

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Posts posted by Monopoly Mac

  1. That's a clever theory and it's well supported by Richtofen's quote on the radio. Perhaps Maxis was never at Shangri La but I do believe that he was at least working on a similar device. He was working on a device that can shrink an object, one that holds massive amounts of energy, into the size of a walnut. Most likely to help him with his projects involving Vril.

  2. That's a clever theory and it's well supported by Richtofen's quote on the radio. Perhaps Maxis was never at Shangri La but I do believe that he was at least working on a similar device. He was working on a device that can shrink an object, one that holds massive amounts of energy, into the size of a walnut. Most likely to help him with his projects involving Vril.

  3. I can't say that I agree with you because like you said, we only have a small amount of information. However, I can say that I want to believe you! I think that if Treyarch respects the community, then they will try to at least make references to the events of Moon. The red atmosphere and chaotic setting definitely would definitely make sense since about 3 nukes have ravaged the Earth. If Treyarch would move on from these comical characters, this story would have such a better feel.

    [brains] for offering the interesting idea and please keep using this color font. It makes the the thread so much more attractive. :D

  4. The Earth wasn't completely destroyed. There is only so much three nuclear missiles can do. More than likely, the rockets caused mass destruction and you know it's still habitable because you can teleport back to Area 51.

  5. With the release of the trailer, we see that Middle Easterns are actually involved and Muslim zombies could actually come into fruition now. I can just imagine after the campaign, the Muslims start rising and the soldiers are forced to fight again. They thought they were dead. They were wrong. :lol:

    I can dream.

  6. Good job linking the MW3 campaign to this one. I agree completely with you that Tacitus is a Monopoly waiting to take control. According to the trailers, cyber terrorists may have taken control but perhaps Tacitus gave the key to them with a secret agenda on their mind. Give the gun to the man and let him wreak havoc. After the terrorists have done the damage with the drones, then is the time Tacitus to take control and look like the hero.

  7. I agree completely BusDrivr. If Tacitus really does possess HAARP they could use it as their own super weapon or Death Ray


    I also think they could HAARP to control certain people like politicans or soldiers perhaps. With all of those tools at their disposal, it's like a game of chess.

  8. In Moon, we launch three nuclear missiles into Earth, causing mass destruction. A Big Bang.

    Our crew isn't affected because they were on the Moon at the time, of course. The Earth however is devastated.

    With mass destruction on the major countries of Earth, everybody makes a fatal mistake. They believe that another country did. Russia thinks it was the USA, USA thinks it was Russia, etc. A massive third world war breaks out. And in this massive war pitting everybody as everybody's enemy, who will supply the weapons?


    TACITUS will be the supplier to the whole planet, selling unmanned arms to the entire world, giving to all sides. Monopolizing the weapons trade. Not only will they supply the weapons but they will create fake attacks by using their super weapon known as HAARP which can be capable of creating natural explosions and earthquakes.

    While the world tears itself apart, TACITUS will sit back and watch, gaining wealth and power.

    As the world is in chaos and all order has been destroyed, the higher power will step down and take over. All will have no choice but to follow because TACITUS controls all of the weaponry they possess.

    We know what happens next. The birth of the New World Order.


    Credit goes to Ehjookayted and BusDrivr who helped create the idea.

  9. Gonna be honest, I think a near future setting would be 1000 times more interesting than a cold war one due to the fact that Treyarch can create their own history and not have to depend on events that happened in the past

    I agree completely. Of course Treyarch will use conspiracies and previous events to help create the story but now they have more freedom.

  10. I agree completely. We don't have a lot to pick from which is exactly why I'm not going to many theories for the next game. Until I see the reveal, I'm just gonna sit back and relax.

    I know this is a future weapons manufacturer because of the tags in FPSRussias vid. Other than that, it's all educated guesses.

  11. Isn't it funny how Tacitus is a weapons manufacturer just like GK was? GK supplied chemicals and the deadly Nova 6. It was quite honestly the biggest threat in the game. Now what will Tacitus bring to the table? It will most definitely be something just as powerful as Nova 6 or even more. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the future of mind control technology.

    Most of us know what this is capable of. To those of you who don't, let me explain.

    HAARP is a High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program funded by the U.S Air Force to manipulate the Ionosphere. Since everything we know is a lie, let's say that they are not doing it to help us.

    By beaming up rays of energy into the Ionosphere, they can come back to the Earth in the form of ELF waves which many conspiracists say can penetrate your brains. Well that is exactly what Tacitus is aiming for.

    Similar to how the Ascension Group was the successor of Group 935, I'm starting to think Tacitus is succeeding Group 601. They researched Tesla technology and waves. Proof of there research exists in Paris, France and possibly other radio towers such as the Fernsehturm in Germany.

    Both Group 935 and 601 were decades ahead of their time and created futuristic technology such as a teleporter or shrink ray. Tacitus was simply waiting for the right time to make their plan go into fruition. Operation Charybdis was the perfect chance.

    There were still hundreds of sleeper agents in America who could still attack and the CIA itself was contaminated with them. (Alex Mason and his associates Hudson and Weaver.) It was a national threat and emergency. To solve the crisis, the US Government hired TACITUS to help in communication and enforcement. Of course, TACITUS had other goals.

    Let's go back to HAARP for a second. By manipulating the Ionosphere you can also manipulate the weather. Some say the Tunguska event was the result of testing from another similar device. How easy would it be to pass on an explosion as terrorist attack? 8-)

    By doing this Tacitus could slowly take over and keep control of the people. A huge plot orchestrated by TACITUS. Following the footsteps of GK, they will supply the greatest weapon in the game.


    Did I forget to mention Tacitus is just a front for another secret organization? ;)

  12. Like most people think, I think Takeo will be the protagonist. You could say that Richtofen was the protagonist of Black Ops because he was the leader while the others were pawns. Now that he has the control and power he desired, our team is on their own and will have to find the a solution. Perhaps Maxis has paved the way for us by blowing up a portion of the Earth.

    If any of the characters took initiative, it would be Takeo. Trying to bring back honor to the Masaki name.

  13. That's pretty clever Alpha. Many have suggested Yuri was the Thief but you're the first one I've seen thats brought evidence.

    So my question to you is do you think the man on NDU loading screen is related to the Thief?

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