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Monopoly Mac

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Posts posted by Monopoly Mac

  1. Those radios on Moon got me thinking, whatever happened to Fluffy? I know she went on to give birth to many more hellhounds. But how did she end up in the Aether? And why was Sam able to control them and send them wherever she wanted? I know the whole Sam was in control of he undead thing, but there are still some unexplained mysteries here.

    It seems Richtofen was wrong with many of his calculations when he attempted to assassinate Maxis and his daughter. Seeing as the previous test subjects were either destroyed or sent to Aether, he assumed the same would happen to Maxis and Samantha.

    Something happened and the three were teleported to three different locations. Fluffy was most likely stuck in the Aether and gave birth to the Hellhounds, Maxis was sent to an unknown tunnel, and Samantha to the Moon.

    Samantha was able to control the dogs because the MPD gave her godly powers. Perhaps we will find out more about the pyramid device in the next game.

  2. When Menendez approaches him, Woods doesn't look happy. It is definitely not a friendly meeting. More than likely Raul used his connections and Messiah status to make his way to meet Woods. I'm going to make an educated guess and say that something happened in the 80's between them and the handing down of the pendant symbolizes the start of something new.

    This man cannot be Mason. A 92 year old man would not have that much brown hair at all. Seeing as both Frank and Alex went through wars, it doesn't make sense for Woods to be in that much of a worse condition that Mason.

  3. I'm positive that the man is Menendez because his voice isn't Sam Worthington enough to be Mason and why couldn't it be Raul? The point of the Villain trailer is to showcase the enemy. The last scene in this trailer builds some suspense because now we know that Frank Woods and Raul Menendez have some history. They most likely met each other in the 80's part of BO2.

  4. Welcome to Codz. Stay in your room at all times, keep to yourself, and do not bother the other users or there WILL be problems. And when changes happen, just remember...

    This is a Dictatorship. Not a Democracy.

    Enjoy your stay! :D

  5. It seems to me that we are either missing a word or this sentence is just grammatically incorrect. Going from present tense to past tense. It's odd.

    My stance? I agree with MurderMachine. Maxis didn't allow any Americans in Group 935 no matter how much genius they held. Richtofen agreed because he hated their stupid obsession with baseball and apple pies. :lol:

    This makes me assume that 935 primarily a European organization and the West wasn't allowed to join. However, the Griffin Group was different.

    Dempsey says why did Richtofen bring them to Area 51. Edward had to have known that Hangar 18 was connected to Griffin Station. The announcer is definitively American. They might have had a partnership. I'm not really sure how they could have done it.

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