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Monopoly Mac

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Posts posted by Monopoly Mac

  1. I also thought that it was strange that this is the first quote we hear. There is a torn piece of paper in Shi No Numa saying - Might be powered by HAARP. But comes with a risk.

    This must be tied into the game somehow & what's the reason we are activating all of these sites? Weather Control/Fixing the earth for Maxis? Or using it a one big mind controlling weapon for Richtofen? This is both sides of the HAARP conspiracy rolled into the Zombie storyline.

    Funny thing is I think it's the other way around. Richtofen wants to fix the Earth and restore his full power while Maxis might want to control everyone. Can't really know the second for sure of course.

  2. I personally see no problem with the term. As you quite literally 'raping' zombies of their points. I usually just call it kiting, but I see how people could find the other term offensive. Especially if they or a person they know has been affected by rape.

    I remember Syndicate mentioned this one of his livestreams. He means rape in the way that you plunder something from someone. In this case being points.

  3. We have the audio files. There are files that can't be heard in game but they aren't groundbreaking. Those navcards might have a place in the game but it won't do anything amazing. Maybe free perks because we all love that don't we? The imaginary "last step" of this EE isn't going to be integral to the story and it isn't going to give us anything new visually.

  4. why cant people just see the main easter egg is over we got our in-game reward the random switching drop and the achivement/trophy oh i forgot that means nothing. there are over 200 theories out here and still nothing the reason people cant find the next step is cause there is no next step. the day treyarch tells us the answer is the day they stop caring about the game and us. they want us to keep playing thats why they haven't confirmed nothing. i think alot of people got spoiled by permanet perks and getting all 8 perks also when have they ever put a big easter egg in the 1st map never.

    Smart boy. It's real immature of you guys to put this guy down and insult him. You can go on and believe there is more but sometimes being too open minded is really close minded if you know what I mean?

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