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Posts posted by Undead

  1. I'm just glad to know I wasn't the only one who got f*cked over, I almost always play on split screen, and can't even enjoy it fully.

    Treyarch has some serious split screen bugs to workout.

  2. Alright so I don't know if anyone else has had this problem but last time I played Shangri La and stepped on the stones to activate the pack a punch machine, the game would freeze. And would eventually pull up the menu after pressing the center button and be back to normal. But it only happens when I step on the stone.

  3. Sounds like something Treyarch definitely would do.

    Ugh... Decisions, decisions. I suppose if you either are planning on getting another gun, recently just got a max ammo or have enough to go around it wouldn't hurt. But those become pretty valuable pretty fast.

  4. Alright so things are really starting to get crazy with Richtofen, he's gathering supplies for something in each of these easter eggs and we know that Richtofen's main motive for being on board of all this was to mass produce the wunderwaffe back in Der Riese. And Richtofen admits that in CotD.

    So, what is he doing exactly? Making a death ray? Or very possibly making a super wonder weapon?

    I've got the hopes for an even more epic Wunderwaffe in future maps. :D

  5. Yeah between the CotD EE song lyrics, radios, and the nic-nac's Richtofen is gathering it's fairly obvious what his motives are. Once he has everything he needs to finally mass produce the Wunderwaffe, things are going to get REALLY interesting.

  6. Exactly.

    The big easter eggs are cool and all, but I also like finding a bunch of other things such as radios, hidden messages, journals, etc. I also think they should do another Fly Trap based easter egg.

  7. Well I've just about browsed this forum in all sorts of directions with nothing related to the big easter egg or the song. So, is there any other smaller easter eggs, messages, etc that are in the map that anyone has found yet?

  8. Alright so I just played Shangri La for the first time tonight and have to say I am very pleased with this map first and foremost. Within the first 5 attempts, I already found the secret song WHICH, is good 'ol Elena Sigeman no less and by judging the game over song, there is obviously more to come. :)

    Now bare with me, I'm just spilling out things I've noticed even though I'm sure all of this is just about old news by now with some of our genious peeps around. :P

    But the easter egg, I watched NGT and there complation of attaining the stone and I noticed some very pecuilar things.

    First off, the two explorers in the radios. Brock (or whatever) sounds EXACTLY like Dr. Maxis. Or very, VERY simular, which I found interesting more than a coincidence. Then when upon actually aquiring the stone, Richtofen's name is actually engraved below...

    This just opens up all kinds of curious thoughts and Richtofen is definitely up to something here. Something BIG.

    Anyways, yeah probably just one of those "yeah yeah, we know" threads, but I had to share these and was too lazy to figure out which threads are which.

  9. I honestly think they should go back to doing easter eggs like they did in the classic maps, small details that puzzle things together. The Fly Trap was definitely one of the most eerie, yet fun easter eggs. And Ascension was fresh and suspenseful, but it'll get old doing 15 different precise steps map after map.

    I'm thinking more along the lines of small easter eggs that build up as each one is completed that aren't so specific.

  10. not many people here have played since WAW, and People who have played WAW realize how crappy BO zombies has become. Almost ALL of the maps lost their value for me (Except Kino, that is on the only WAW-ish map left), What happened to all of the easter eggs?

    I miss looking for co-ordinates, translating Illuminati code, now everything seems to be "In your face".


    After Der Riese, we were left with a giant cliffhanger. We learned so much in one map only for the following maps to date to just keep dropping fewer clues after clues. All of which are intriguing no less. But the maps all seem to lack the bit of "UMPH" that made Der Riese (IMO) so epic.

    CotD was a clever breather from the typical stuff, but just a bridge to keep us entertained with an egg and a few radios until the next map pack comes out. This map is nothing but a filler, which I had the vibe from the moment I heard that the original crew wasn't going to be in it.

  11. Well, I'm not sure if this can be called a real RAGE quit, but whenever I get in a game and the lag is unbearable, I leave and find a new game.

    I was thinking more along the lines of screaming twelve year olds. :mrgreen:

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