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Posts posted by Lgjoka2002

  1. have you looked into pack-a-punch on the dm's yet im very curios as to what happens i hurd it turns into the god finger plz let me know if you find out i wass get back to you with my results

    you cant pack-a-punch the death machine iv tried before you cant.

  2. what about they have 2 zombie maps in the next pack and they do a swap out, on one map you have dempsey, nikkoli, nixon, and castro and on the other map you have JFK, Mcnamara, takeo, richtofen or a mixture of them. two teams collide to survive :!:

    or better yet all 8 of them meet and you can have 8 people in a zombie match lol

    That would be awesome.

  3. Or better yet a campaign where you first start out as one of the characters until a level where you meet with all the others and fight zombies.

    while you fight the zombies you basically have to find some vehicles to leave that area and go to the next place but there is a round limit.

    once you go to that round you may do some stuff that may take a round and the you find the vehicle or helicopter

    and go to another map.

    All of the places you land in are choices made by Richtofen.

    but instead of having one objective in each place you have to find people and gain weapons and things and the game will be a bit cinematic like the campaign in Black Ops like if you get attack by one zombie alone you have a choice of letting him attack you or grabbing his head and kicking him.If there is more than one you can pistol whip or just kick a group of them but you cant kick forever if there is more than one zombie you kick it drains a small amount of health and you have to wait a full 2 second before kicking again.

    But when changing the place a cinematic scene may take over as in (Example) You are in Der Riese and the whole group is running to the teleporter one of the characters (lets say Dempsey) runs gets the WonderWaffe and tries to use it screws up and shoots the teleporter.Then you time travel to Kino Der Toten.

    But the game would have 3 settings Campaign,Classic survival and multilayer.

    In multilayer you have 18 people in one map you know team death match and all that regular stuff.

    Then you have zombies mode.Zombie mode is where there are 12 people and all of you fight to survive each of you get killed all by zombies.If you get killed you cant get respawed but instead you go to 2 rooms either to chat with other players or a room where you can kill zombies for fun.Then you just wait for the match to be over.

    I will update this when i have more time.

    Reply to how you think it might be and what needs improvement.

  4. All of this leads to the Dreamland theory. Of course Tank would NEVER work with Takeo. and Nikolai with Richtofen, they ALL fought each other in the war. American vs Japanese, and Russian vs Germans, the dreamland theory, what happened was long story short, erased their minds, not all of it just some of the memories, thats why they are working together, they wuldnt if they didnt have their minds erased.

    Or would they...

    i mean its a zombie apocalypse i would work with my enemies in a zombie apocalypse.

  5. You guys my friend was wondering can you gameshare your classic maps from black ops and how do you need to do it ? thats all

    Im sorry but the the Classic Maps which come with the Hardened and Prestige edition's of Black Ops cannot be game shared. Treyarch have simply made this a one use code and once console pack.

    Even if this was allowed, the Hardened and Prestige disks have a special game code compared to the standard Black Ops disks. It can be seen either on the disk or the spine of the game case. The DLC Maps are encrypted to work on the code that matches the Black Ops Hardened/Prestige edition disks therefore it wouldn't work on the standard disks (if gamesharing of the packs were permitted).

    Hope I helped.

    That is all wrong info my friends gameshared the maps off me and it worked just fine.

  6. If you shoot at all the batteries with the death machines, a portal will apear. if you Dive into the portal with all 4 people that have all the perks(including double tap), you and all of your teamates get unicorns and get to use death machines while riding them. The unicorns will then fly you all the way to the moon and there you'll find the magical bucket of BULL SHIT!

    oh my god it works it was so much fun!

    NOT its pretty funny though :3

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