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Posts posted by BenHR

  1. I'm wondering about how the German soldiers doing the excavations were of the WWII variety. The uniforms, helmets in particular. And they had StG-44s, or MP-43s, or even MP-42s. All more or less the same thing. Did they go back in time to WWI to do this? Or was that first bit actually in WWII, and the rest was in WWI? Or was all of it WWII? Or is it just the easy way out, 'The Rift'?

  2. There was that old periodic table that listed 115 as Divinium, or something. Like it's divine. Maybe those two prisoners had 115 appear in their blood, in their dead bodies, as their souls were trapped in purgatory. Somehow, Richtofen was able to find out that it had some sort of spiritual significance, so he took a sample, and extracted some Uup from it? Sounds quite far fetched, though.

  3. So here's what I think the general plot for this map is.

    Takeo, Dempsey, Nikolai and Samantha all want to destroy Group 935, and probably also stop the whole zombie thing. They know that the teleporters can also go through time, so they try and hack one teleporter on the Moon to bring 'em back to when 935 was just starting. Of course, only Sam vaguely knows how they work, and the rest have basically no clue, so this takes a long time. But they finally figured it out, so they went back to said time. Problem is, they were a bit late, 935 had already discovered 115, and they had made that robot that runs off 115 (assumption). Though they weren't originally going to send the robot into battle, something of the O4's arrival makes them do that. And with all that 115 walking around the dead of the war, the first zombies are inadvertently made. This could end a few different ways, either the O4 succeed, the whole story gets undone, and the robot is destroyed and WWI goes down basically how it did IRL. Or they fail, 115's reanimating ability is discovered early, and the zombies story gets rewritten one way or another.

    Edit: Ok, maybe not. Just saw the overall map pack trailer.

  4. Also, I think THIS map is set in 2025. I mean, what Bus Stops do we see around with massive great big neon signs on them?

    Bus stops back when busses were still sorta new and at a main bus terminal? The sign wasn't that massive, and Neon signs aren't that expensive. There wasn't any Neon in that single player level in L.A.. And just look at the bus itself. It's an old flavour. But it looks like it's newly made, it's busted up, but not by age.

  5. I think I remember hearing that when the universe first began, only simpler elements exsisted. Stars began burning off of hydrogen and helium and stuff. Inside all that nuclear madness that is a star, all the heavier elements are born. But 115 is too much for most stars to make. But maybe way out there, there are some stars that do spew out 115, and maybe some meteor got a healthy dosage of it, and continued spacing it out 'till it ended up on earth.

  6. It annoys me, Treyarch keeps using these numbers, but after GKNova6, no one's bothered to decode any of it. The codes as mission objectives in Revelations, all the numbers said outloud in Mason's mind in various missions, and so fourth. It's all gotta mean stuff.

  7. Mabye he served with Reznov!
    Chernov Mason? Good luck with that. They just wanted to say he had a military background, and the most logical war for his dad to be in was WWII. Mason didn't know of Reznov 'till Vorkuta.
  8. This was really awesome. The Quadrator had different commands such as Smoke Grenades,Microphone(sitrep pro?) and an MP7 MG. A special armor with homing rockets on the back, a four legged robot and stealth cloaks. I don't think stealth cloaks would be a good idea for BO2, but the homing rockets could work as a 6-kill killstreak.

    IMO, a Justice Rocket Backpack Rocket Rocket shouldn't be a killstreak, since it's sorta something you'd have to specificly wear. It should be a secondary, like the other launchers. The pros would be that there's no switch time, just switching to a slightly different HUD for it. And, it'd shoot two at a time, and automatically reload the next two. (max of four rockets) Cons would be each rocket is slightly less than half as strong as other rockets, and it'd be lock on only. And only one lcok on target that both rockets would go to.

    (If you know what JRBRR is from, I love you.)

  9. Yes they are. x3tedlWs1XY At 1:18 you can see the mystery box light behind the guy Tebowing. Theres a ruined building in the background emmiting smoke. also judging by the heavy armor that Mr. Tebows sporting I'd say it's the future with the game. YAY FUTURE WARFARE!!

    And also how would it be the most expansive zombie edition ever if there were no futuristic toys?

    That light looks like lense flare; it looks alot like the Soyuz 1 launch off in the distance near the beginning of Executive Order in BLOPS1. And if that was the Mystery box, it is a DAYUM long way away. I don't think they'd make zombie maps THAT big.

  10. I don't care about just recording streight gameplay, I'm more interested in the free cam stuff. It would widely open up the ability for zombies machinima, and could be used to make W@W style trailers of the maps, something Trearch got lazy with and in BO1 only did for Kino (and lately so).

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