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Posts posted by Shaggz

  1. I and another friend completed Richtofen's side of the EE and got the achievement just fine. But when we try to do it again with 2 other friends who haven't completed it, it won't work. The Navcard machine/table is built when go into the game, but we can't trigger any of the other steps. The tower is lit up blue and I think that means Richtofen's side is complete, but why would it be for them. I've also tried having them host, still same issue.

    How can I get it reset so I can get it done for them?

  2. Also seems like a lot of people were so jaw dropped by all the videos that they didn't pick up on what the devs said.

    In the first Rezurrection trailer vid, one developer said "this is like our season finale".

    and towards the end, they say " The community is important to us, keep the feedback coming and we'll keep delivering"

    So no, this isn't the end of CODZ. I'd bet my house they're working on a complete zombie game, just gotta let it rest for a while and give games like MW3 and BF3 room to breathe.

  3. Nonono wait!! LAST zombie map??!! What about Retaliation? Cargo, harbor, metro, mansion and quarantine??! I don't want to wait for another game!! Ah yeah most important thing: the retaliation's maps' names were already in the game, think about it

    Tell me what you think

    I think it's safe to say that the Retaliation pack was a hoax, makes sense since you can barely see the blurry picture.

    I don't get why they want to end it. I can understand letting it rest for a while, and give MW3 some breathing room. But to completely end the zombies story? It's insanity.

    Quit on a high note, leave em laughing, I get that. But this is like killing your kid when you know he'll be rich and famous someday.

    The zombie craze will not die out, ending it completely is foolish.

    I still want a full CoD standalone zombie game.

    All I have to hope is MAYBE they're not really killing it off and we'll see it come back in the next treyarch CoD.

  4. They also showed an AK-47, akimbo shotguns, machetes, pitchfork, and SMG fighting hand-to-hand.

    The ascension poster also the DG and Winter's howl, neither of which was in Ascension.

    So no, no attachments, just more things that make us drool and feel disappointed.

  5. I've played a few times solo and a few times 2 player splitscreen so far. Get the ray every time, I thought this thread was about it popping up alot, seems otherwise and I may have just been lucky lately. Have yet to see the vr tho.

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