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Everything posted by BleeekOoops

  1. Then maybe this is why Rick has a new outfit. Since he's a scientist, he might have made a 115 resistant outfit? Also, if you guys remember the old zombie trailers, we were getting lots of zombies with a bit of MP now lots of Mp with a bit of zombies What I think is on the 27 we might get a second trailer with more info cause this one is kinda...empty I couldn't agree with you more about a second trailer.. this one hasn't really shown us any weapons or new perks at all..
  2. *PS. maybe ed decided to grow a moustache just like takeo :shock:
  3. Really? im sure it's just richtofen w/o his hat.. his face is clearly the same, he just has a scratch on the side, the light is low which could also make you think otherwise. like i said on a previous post, im not sure why he would change all of his clothes like this.. but who knows.
  4. Perhaps that rocket pad thing, takes you towards the actual missile, or seperate areas? I mean its probably unlikely. But thinking about it, the elevators on five introduced the aspect of taking the players to separate locations, I don't see how this could be any different. although this has no proof so I could be talking Bs :roll: PS. thinking some more could be a way to get to the Pack-a-Punch????
  5. that guy isnt black.. its richtofen but it does raise the question to why is he dressed so differently while nikolai remains in exactly the same clothes?.
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