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Posts posted by Fu453

  1. In gameplay footage, we definitely don't see a scope on our new starting pistol.

    So, what will it be for? Will we even see it? What I think is that it may link to it's Pack-a-Punched form.

    With the Colt, we were given Mustang and Sally, or originally, C-3000 b1at-ch35. An hit-sensitive detonating grenade launching pistols. Ultimately a very...unorthodox transformation.

    So, if the Mauser were to follow the tradition, what kind of transformation shall it be? This is where the scope comes along. What if it becomes an ultra-powerful Sniper-Pistol? Perhaps it will gain a variable zoom scope and become the most powerful one-hit weapon Zombies has ever seen? Trumping all other sniper rifles. Something that can pierce through zombies and kill them up to Round 30 with a single bullet.

    Or, I could just be going crazy.

    Maybe it's another Mustang and Sally. Who knows :mrgreen:

  2. Here we can see men impaled above the trenches during the teaser trailer. It makes me think that it is not a usual war scene. As in the battle that there "Giant Metal Men" are in aren't really in a normal event...

    Basically, what I'm trying to say is that this scene is not taken from an ordinary battle, and I'd like to hear your thoughts.

    Please discuss.


  3. Hypothetically, DLC 4 might just be the last zombies map. But hey, who knows? So before the map gets announced, I'd figure we'd all take votes on the best map so far that has been playable since November of 2008. Every map from World at War, Black Ops, and Black Ops 2.

    You may get 2 votes. One for the best map and one for the runner up.

    I believe I did something similar to this just before Moon was announced as well, so I might as well do it again for it's successor.

    You don't have to reply or anything. Just vote. If you'd like to discuss, be my guest.

    I'll put my two cents in.

    I think the best is Der Riese, with Moon a close second.

  4. I've heard some real funny one and some real...odd ones. I'd like to know what you guys call him!

    I like to call him Papoose...don't ask why.

    I also say Big Pimpin', Daddy Long Legs, and Daddy Day Care (because he holds the crawlers like babies. Funny, right? No? Okay....)

    So what do you all call him? Besides the regulars like Leroy, the Sloth, and Lennie, that is.

  5. PHD Flopper all the way, no doubt about it. Back in the BO1 days, if I could hold myself without Jugg, my first priority was Flopper. The jingle is nice, too. "When you dive to prone, it's gonna shake ya to the bone, all the zombies gonna groan, 'cause of PHD!"

    I'm bout that #divetoprone lifestyle.

  6. There have been reports of some sort of persistent upgrade that would either double the points earned or halve the points spent.

    This is just further proof. Next question is how do you get it?

  7. NGT got it doing their livestream. They were around the EE step where you had to Galvaknuckle the signs. Out of nowhere it kicked them back into the pregame lobby and gave them the error.

    Pretty damn strange if you ask me. I have small grip on game mechanics but I have no clue on what this could mean. Best guess is an animation error of some sort.

  8. Well, we know our sides.

    We know what will happen.

    We know who we want to root for.

    SO VOTE!

    Richtofen or Maxis?

    Explain your reasoning if you'd like.

    I'm Pro-Rictofen. I knew Maxis was a tad shady from the start. I know both control the Aether for their own selfish ways, but I feel the world is in better hands if Richtofen is in control.


    So, when you go into Round Infinity in Richtofen's side of the egg, he says "This is your future, blah, blah, blah, ironically you don't have much time, blah, blah."

    In order to proceed with the egg, you must find your dead bodies and search for a lever.

    Does this mean that this will be the Green Run Group's final appearance? Or do you think that their fate has changed because of the ending of the egg?

    I'd just like to hear the community's thoughts.

  10. Die Rise:

    1. My best guess is that it's an unused file, because it's really out of place. Matter of fact, if my memory is correct, that's one of the first zombie pictures to release.

    2. I'm actually working on what these mean, I'll get back to you. But for right now, I don't think it's important.

    Mob of the Dead:

    1. It's probably nothing. I think it's a masking file for a visual effect. Basically, masks help things look proper.

    2. My best guess is that that is the border you see while in Afterlife mode. Everything white is transparent in-game.

    3. This must be for MP integration. Again, just another way for Treyarch to get some more profit. (In other words, when you download Uprising, you actually download the camo. This way you can still see others using it without having "bought" it)

    4. It's the key hole to the lock you get when you hit the box.

  11. What I'm about to theoize may just give us a new lead in "Mending the Rift".

    *Thanks to Afrochubman for getting the MotD textures.

    Here is the texture for the MotD Pack-a-Punch camo.

    Here is the Pack-a-Punched Ray Gun side-by-side for comparison.

    Now, there are 2 things important things I have found/theorized.

    1. The characters with in the circles. I was able to find this:

    They seem very similar. That is from the Japanese alphabet. However, I couldn't find any other characters that seem similar. For any multilingual readers, see if you can compare some of these characters. For everyone else, I suggest we search for other languages to use. Or, maybe, they have something to do with religion? Culture? Tribal characters? Elemental signals? I'm sure some of us can get a grip on this.

    2. The shape. Take a look at the lines. I highlighted them with red.

    That's clearly a triangle that is broken. This is the rift!

    We must find what these characters mean, and maybe we can discover how to mend the rift!

    I think I'm onto something, guys. This can answer many of our questions!

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