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Posts posted by owner_101

  1. So, its only been a mere 30-48 hours as I write this and Im sad to say that MW3 already has a fluent amount of campers. Of course, the simple answer is rage about your unfair death, then spend the whole game trying to kill him, but the inevitability is one way or another, campers always win. Unfairly win. And what do you do to brothers who unfairly win? You tell mum, AKA: Infinity Ward...and that other group of people....um....something with a hammer? Oh yeah, Sledgehammer Games, you tell them too.

    So after the game, report the camper by saying that he was "Exploiting". Because he really is "exploiting" the map, no?

    That's what I've been doing, anyway. Now lets see if it pays off!

    Stay cool and stay MODERN WARFARE 3!

    Fu453 8-)

    Stop raging. It's a game.

    Put the revenge death streak then you'll know where he is.

  2. I think it would be sorta near the Recieving bay. You would jump over the chasm where the rockets are. They probably got rid of it because they didn't want zombies to use the pads (except at the start) and you could easily escape zombies.

  3. How is it a glitch? Treyarch put it there to be a challenge. If you get stuck at the start that is your problem because you didn't hack the excavators.

    Solutions on how to stop them from breaching:

    -Early on

    •Run there and hack it

    •Run and get a teammate to cover you

    •Wait till the end of the round

    •Teleport then hack the panel

    -Later on

    •Throw a Gersch go through it, hack the panel and then throw another one

    •Teleport immediately then hack the panel

    •Run with Ray Guns and Wave Gun

    Another solution:

    •Grab a mask and do absolutely nothing

  4. I was playing solo on Moon and threw a Gersch. The Astronaut zombie went in a teleported. I was surprised because it had never done it before. It didn't come back.

    Anyway tunnel 11 (with Stamin-Up) breached I stopped it a second after it breached, but it looked like it breached with the siren and the dirt but it wasn't there.

    I thought WTF? So I opened the door at the start to the tunnel and put my head in. All of a sudden the Astronaut zombie came out of the corner and rushed towards me.

    The Gersch teleported it "out of the map" this happen to anyone else?

    I was also quite annnoyed that I let it out.

  5. I threw a gersch device at the plate, and Samantha laughed at me for doing that. :roll:

    She tends to do that.

    Very nice find friend. Wouldent have noticed it if you didnt point it out for me.

    It's because you threw the Gercsh outside the map. It does it on Ascension too.

    It doesn't mean anything.

  6. What happens at the end of the radios on moon

    All i hre is Sam laugh and the guy say "were doomed"

    Lol, help?

    I'm assuming Samantha turned the dead bodies buried outside on the Moon's surface into zombies, and that's how Griffin Station initially became overrun with zombies. You'll note that in the Moon radios Richtofen is not there when the initial outbreak occurs and Sam unleashes hell from within the Pyramid/MPD/Aether. So when Richtofen teleports to the Moon again (with the rest of our crew during the Moon map), it's his first time being there since the outbreak occured.

    I think it's basically explaining where the Moon zombies came from.

    I'll elaborate from my radios:

    Remember on Der Riese, Richtofen traps Maxis and Sam in the room with Fluffy (a hellhound) and the teleporter noise happens? Sam got teleported to the Moon base and ran into the MPD, then it closed. Maxis got teleported/trapped into Aether and put himself into a computer.

    Groph or Schuester told Richtofen, found Maxis and and made him get Sam out. Maxis told Sam to kill them all, Maxis got shot, Sam went into the MPD and sent the zombies. Groph or Schuester said "We're doomed"

  7. i hate those camper noobs... now they will have jugg suits!!!!

    i wish the AUG was in MW3

    Don't worry, there limited to Riot Shields. ;)

    Not the Assault juggernauts, they have M60E4's and MP412's.

    Where you get the jugg suit your limited to riot shields and USP .45

  8. No ones going to find it, it's on the loading screen of moon as someone said before the maps been noclipped and it hasn't been found. YOU CAN'T FIND THE PYRAMID BECAUSE IT'S NOT THERE!

  9. You haven't even asked people to help you - troll sign 1

    Haven't clearly explained what you've found - troll sign 2

    BTW we know it's there so...what do you want?

    Also it's pointless telling people that you've found the pyramid without asking for help.

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