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Posts posted by owner_101

  1. I was joining a clan on Elite and noticed the background.

    I don't know how to put it on without a URL so I'll just describe it.

    It has 3 zombies, with 2 in the background and 1 in the foreground. The one in the foreground is reaching out.

    To me it looks like Nacht Der Untoten but could it be a hint to the next maps.

    If someone can tell me how to put a picture up or can put it up themselves it will be greatly appreciated.

  2. Backstory

    Right, so everybody knows that at the end of Moon EE the Earth gets bombarded with missiles. Now we don't know what was in those missiles - it could be materials for a thermonuclear detonation (to kill lots of zombies) or lots of Element 115, (after all everything is toxic in enough quantites so maybe Element 115 is lethal to zombies eventually) or just lots of explosive.


    So, if lots of radiation hit Earth or a Doomsday Event happened it would be safe to assume that you would want to go to a place far away from or shielded from the radiation/destruction. Now where would that be? Well people speculate that The Catacombs of Paris could be a map (Eiffel Tower on Der Riese boards, Sam with a teddy bear [graffiti] on a mission, in France on MW3 etc,) and The Antarctican Base (in Antarctica obviously) could also be a map (numerous clues on Discovery and also Der Riese was compromised so the Group 935 need to fall back somewhere).

    Both of these places are far away from where the Radiation is. (CoP is underground and the ARB is far away from anything, and why would to want to bomb the antarctic?) So it is likely that either one of these will be a map.

    Layout etc.

    Now the layout etc., The Catacombs will be enitrely enclosed underground, and there will be a few lights, and when the power is turned on more lights will come on. Try to think of it as Kino Der Toten but with narrow passageways and occasional rooms that will be semi-big. Also some of it used to be a mine so, it will be like that, but only with wider rooms and tunnels. It would also have to be in a loose - grid like layout to prevent confusion. (or maybe not? :twisted: )

    Next the Antarctican research base. It would be underground, but not completely, allowing you to go on the surface. Also there might be a dock, where U-Boats used to dock. (maybe a U-Boat is available to go into and buy things; you would need to climb ladders so a new gameplay mechanic?) It would be quite big so Stamin-Up is a must here and also the hallways would be quite wide and the occasional opening. It would be dark until the power is turned on.


    Well for the Paris Map, the story is kinda vague, but in my mind it would be ANOTHER Group 935 base (hidden deep in the Catacombs) that was experimenting on extreme healing techniques and resurrection. Most importantly; where would the zombies come from? Well maybe this branch of Group 935 was using a different Element that is found in conjuncture with Element 115 (but in smaller quantities). This when administered as a shot/aerosol or even in nanobots would instantly heal the recipient and make them healthy. It works well on the living but on bones or the dead it is ½ or ¾ effective, bringing them back to life but without flesh in some parts. NOW where WOULD the zombies come from? The Element uses the bones in the walls, piles or anywhere and makes zombies, usually with bones showing; now this would really look like the undead.

    Also for the boss round everyone is so fond of, the Element mutated by a tiny, and I mean tiny amount radiation from the missiles or nuclear power stations would mess up the process, causing the process to be irregular and it would use more bones 3 times. Each boss round there would be 3 mutated zombies each would have different abilities, depending and what extra bones they received.

    -speed; would either have 4 legs to run fast, or longer legs to step further, which would make it faster (same health as what the zombies had that previous round)

    - strength; would have 4 arms to quad swipe, so you would need Juggernog, or would have longer arms so it could hit you a twice the normal range and that would do 1.5x the damage of a normal swipe. It would be quite slow about the same as 1.75x the napalm zombie’s speed (when it has 4 arms it will defend itself with it’s arms until it gets close so your would need to grenade it [to stun it] then attack it)

    -agility; this zombie would be a real pain because it would climb on the ceiling (because it has extra fingers and extra toes) and would only come down when it is above you, now you can shoot it when it is on the ceiling but it would be hard to see it. When it drops down on you, you have to execute a series of button presses (which would make you punch it, break it’s neck etc.) so you would escape, 3 wrong button presses would cause death. (has 1.25x the health as what zombies the previous round)

    Now the Antarctican base; the story is that in the Final Days of WWII the Nazis saw they were going to lose, so taking some of the S.S and Der Riese scientists they went to the Antarctican Base by a U-Boat. The Nazis intended to use the scientists to perfect the control for the zombies and create superior weaponry and take back Germany later. Their plan, of course failed and the zombies went through the untold numbers of Nazis, killing them. Then later they reanimated due to Element 115. So the zombies you kill are Nazis, the S.S and scientists.

    Now this one wouldn’t have a boss round. It would just have the highest ranking;


    -S.S officer


    They will have about 200,000 health each when you first encounter them but each round it adds another 75,000 health on. Once killed, the Nazi would drop perk bottle, the S.S officer would drop a Death Machine (lasts for 1 minute) and the Scientist would drop a Max Ammo. BUT there is a 1 in 10 chance that perk they drop is negative. Also if one is negative they all become negative, so it is more like a 3 in 10 chance of a negative. Negative effects: random perk lost, lose the weapon your holding, lose ¾ of the reserve ammo that you had at the time (it would be rounded down if it is a decimal) The negative Perk Bottle and the Max Ammo would be red but the negative Death Machine would be black.


    Wonder Weapons

    Time for Wonder Weapons;

    Now for the Catacombs; the Ray Gun would be coming back because it is loved by all. For new Wonder Weapons there would be a Fire one where the flames would be blue and would spread from zombie to zombie and cause massive damage. Now, unlike the flamethrower from W@W it would have an ammo capacity. It would be quite helpful as well because it would light up darkened passageways. Also the QED returns, the effects are the same as before but with a few added ones; can spawn one of the special zombies, the flamethrower spawns and fires in a circle and it would replace your weapon with the starting pistol. All of these are 50/50.

    For the Antarctican Base the Ray Gun would be back (of course) and the Winter’s Howl would be back. The only new Wonder Weapon would be a special grenade called the HAARP. Now for those of you who don’t know what that is, it is basically weather modification. For the HAARP there would be 3 different types of weather; a thunderstorm (with lightening), a blizzard and a “hailstorm”. Each of these would kill the zombies in or outside. Thunderstorm with lightening, blizzard with extreme wind speeds and hailstorm with big pieces of hail.

    Mull over this while I think of some more.

  3. What is Group 601?

    First seen on Der Riese solo loading screen in W@W.

    Then there was image in Der Riese server in BO terminal.

    And record cover with group 601 logo in one of the DLC MP maps.

    That's where is the evidence for Group 601.

  4. Edited the post to fix some grammar problems you missed out, if you need help just pm a mod like myself to go over it :)

    I'll post again.


    Post more clearly for grammar nazis like me in future.

    Your last post was deleated becuase it was pointless :D If you come across a post like this which needs attention you don't post WTH, you report it so that mods like myself can adress the problem, that's what we're here for! :)

    There's a little button shaped like an exlamation mark in a triangle that you report with, you can also specify what you think is wrong with it to help :P Don't worry most people miss it. :mrgreen:

    Thanks I'll remember that for future use.

    deleted, just had to

  5. Pro Perk Zombies.


    Pro Juggernog - even more health

    Pro Quick Revive - brings zombies back from the dead

    Pro Speed Cola - dodge grenades etc.

    Pro Double Tap - swipe faster

    Pro Stamin-Up - run continuously and can outrun you

    Pro PhD Flopper - trap resistant, explosive resistant, WW resistant

    Pro Deadshot Daiquiri - aims for your head, does more damage

    Pro Mule Kick - quad swipe, really need Jugg here

    Also what about a perk mixer in the map? Using it would combine the effects of two perks and make a zombie with those powers. Imagine Stamin-Up Pro and Mule Kick Pro in a single zombie.

    I think that would be a bit overkill once you start approaching the higher rounds. Even normal zombies are a pain to kill with just about anything after the 30's.

    Yeah but then it adds the the challenge, after all isn't that what zombies is about?

  6. Pro Perk Zombies.


    Pro Juggernog - even more health

    Pro Quick Revive - brings zombies back from the dead

    Pro Speed Cola - dodge grenades etc.

    Pro Double Tap - swipe faster

    Pro Stamin-Up - run continuously and can outrun you

    Pro PhD Flopper - trap resistant, explosive resistant, WW resistant

    Pro Deadshot Daiquiri - aims for your head, does more damage

    Pro Mule Kick - quad swipe, really need Jugg here

    Also what about a perk mixer in the map? Using it would combine the effects of two perks and make a zombie with those powers. Imagine Stamin-Up Pro and Mule Kick Pro in a single zombie.

  7. Lots of people want Pro Perks but they have different ideas about how you unlock them. Possibilities of their effects:


    -takes more hits to down

    -never flinch

    Quick Revive


    -keep a random perk once revived

    -invincible for a while once revived


    -revive people instantly (a tap of the button)

    -revive yourself if downed (with this PQR only stays for 3 buys)

    -the person you revive keeps a random perk

    -get 20% of their points when you revive them (but they don't lose any)

    Speed Cola

    -reload even faster

    -equipment, grenades etc. take less time to prime

    -knife faster

    -recover from everything faster

    -ADS quicker

    Double Tap

    -shoot even faster

    -semi-auto weapons become slow fully-auto weapons

    -three round burst becomes 10 round burst but takes the same time to fire


    -run forever

    -run faster

    -increase mobility for every weapon

    -can run with equipment, grenades, special grenades etc.

    PhD Flopper

    -when you get hit with explosives you produce a small explosion

    -less height needed for the dive-to-prone explosion

    -fire and electric resistant

    Deadshot Daiquiri

    -3.5 multiplier for head damage

    -smaller crosshairs

    Mule Kick

    -4 weapons (4th weapon has 3/4 of the ammo?)

    -keep this perk when you get revived. Gets downgraded, lose 4th weapon

    These are the perks that are around at the moment, what about new ones?:

    Tankeo on my old Perks thread posted:


    -Triples (or doubles) knife damage

    -Increased knife lunge range

    -don't flinch when hit


    -Triples knife damages

    -Further increases the range of "the lunge"

    -Can cut off body parts when hit (legs, arms and head)

    Duraide (increases the DURAtion of powerups)

    -power ups last even longer

    -increases their effect (X2->X4, Nuke->Radiation damage for the round etc.)

    -spawn more often (max ammo stays the same though)

    -traps last longer

    Fist Punch (allows you to punch and kick zombies, gives you knuckledusters, and spikes on your shoes)

    -can snap zombies' necks (happens quickly)

    -mutilates zombies quite badly (implode skulls, breaks bones, rip flesh etc)

    -can rip limbs off (kinda like W@W) (and possibly use them as temp weapons?)

    A.K.A the "P18" (Pegi 18)

    Candolier (lets you carry extra ammo) (a cut perk)

    -carry even more ammo

    -every 5 minutes you get a clip of ammo (2 rounds for WW's)

    -extra grenades, more equipment, extra underbarrel ammo

    On RetroZombies115's thread (New Perk Idea "Devils Dew"), he had a perk called Devils Dew:

    "Devils Dew"


    Effect: Once buying this perk the players ammo would become Dragon Breath rounds letting zombies on fire doing a small-medium amount of damage over time almost like buying the underbarrel Flamethrower for your gun


    -the fire lasts longer

    -the fire does more damage

    -the fire can spread from zombie to zombie

    -affects special zombies (lets face it, they will return)

    What do you guys think? If your perk is up here please reply.

    (Edits in red)

  8. I just watched G.I. Joe and thought that the crossbow Scarlett uses would be a good wonder weapon. For those who don't know what it does, it can lock on to targets, and homes in on the target. The bolt then explodes destroying or killing the target. Scarlett uses it to kill the Neovipers (the guys in the heavily amounted suits who feel no pain or fear [because of the nanomites] and the nanomites can repair them).

    Also the nanomite warhead fired from a modified RPG launcher would work as a wonder weapon. The effect on this would be:

    •1 rocket with 1 reserve (maybe only 1 rocket)

    •fire it at a zombie

    •kills the zombie (with the dissolving animation the Eiffel Tower had when it got hit) and reproduces making more of it.

    •keeps killing every zombie for that round, then at the end it disarms itself and dissolves

    Also, before everyone says they are overpowered the crossbow could home in on the front of your train, killing you and wouldn't have infinite damage. For the nanomite launcher, you only have 1 maybe 2 rockets and is ultra rare to get from the box. Remember the game where you never got a wonder weapon? Times it by 50 and that is how rare it would be.

    For names the nanomite launcher could either be "Nanomite Launcher", "WMD" (weapon of mass destruction) or "RPNW" (rocket propelled nanomite warhead). The crossbow could be "SC" (Scarlett's crossbow).

    You might have to make better names.

    What do you think?

  9. I don't think candolier would actually work, that's why they removed it. You see, how would drinking something give you ammo? Would you just randomly puke it out? It might work if they gave non perk a cola perks, turn it into bandolier. Prk Bru sounds OP dude.

    I honestly hope all perks stay, though. A slight cap increase would be great, though.

    How would drinking something give you more health, faster speed and an explosion when you dive to prone? It wouldn't, I'm not going to say it's magical (because I'm not 3 years old) but there are forces beyond our knowledge or control - Aether.

    Candolier would work if it increased the amount of ammo by 10% (2000) or make it take up 2 slots or have to re-buy it every 5 rounds or it goes.

    Prk Bru I suppose it is OP but maybe it would cost 5000. Then you have a dilemma - PaP to get a good gun or buy the perk to get great perks.

    And Knife-aid!

    -Triples (or doubles) knife damage

    -Increased knife lunge range

    -don't flinch when hit

    Bowie knife with ballistic knife PaP'ed...130 points a kill until round 35.

    That could work...

    I think instead of increasing the range of the knife lunge it should get rid of it and increase the slash instead - you stab and get trapped in your train of zombies.

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