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Posts posted by owner_101

  1. OPL Razor joined 10th Dec.

    BirdDog Dan joined 13th Dec.

    OPL Razor last visited 13th Dec.

    BirdDog Dan last visited 13th Dec.

    So, while OPL Razor made his account on the 10th and laid in wait, BirdDog Dan (same person or close friend of OPL Razor) made his account on the 13th and posted about the train station and other B.S. on the 13th. Then OPL Razor uses the account to say they figured it all out with the Navcards.

    <_ suspicious...>


    Does OPL stand for Original Poster Lies?

    I checked their IPs, they aren't the same, nor are they even from the same region of the country. So relax or you'll be getting a warning for harassment. Just ignore something you think is incorrect, don't harass and don't jump to conclusions.

    Edited a post so it isn't offensive but could be changed further I guess. Anyway as I said in the edited post why is it me that has be told to relax and kinda threatened with a warning publicly while no one else has? Blackfire561 made a thread calling BirdDog Dan a troll and bullshitter and does be get "told off" publicly? No. The thread isn't even locked. Sorry, but this does seem like your targeting me for some reason, at least from my point of view anyways.

    Also some people called Scoop1215 an "dumb ass" and a "downer" and most people break the CoC in threads like these.

    I somewhat half-way apologise as I found a general warning given to everyone on one thread.

  2. Its me that had it up in the game. For some reason it was only me that could see it, and I have not finished the easter egg yet. I'll get razor to reply to show it is actually me who did it.

    Also I don't have a capture card and that was from a webcam sorry. It isnt it theater but I can try and get a video up on my youtube quickly using the webcam again sorry about the quality.

    I like how this is your first post.

    So to recap the list of trollers are:

    -BirdDog Dan

    -OPL Razor


    And this is NOT harassment, yes I may be jumping to conclusions but three people who have little posts, accounts made recently then all start claiming about doing more about the EE and one of them claims he is/has someone on the "inside"... seems kinda suspicious. And BTW why am the only one who has been warned with the threat of a caution because of this? :( At least publicly.

  3. OPL Razor joined 10th Dec.

    BirdDog Dan joined 13th Dec.

    OPL Razor last visited 13th Dec.

    BirdDog Dan last visited 13th Dec.

    So, while OPL Razor made his account on the 10th and laid in wait, BirdDog Dan (same person or close friend of OPL Razor) made his account on the 13th and posted about the train station and other B.S. on the 13th. Then OPL Razor uses the account to say they figured it all out with the Navcards.

    <_ suspicious...>


    Does OPL stand for Original Poster Lies?

  4. You say it looks like there is a piece missing from the front axle area? Is there any text that comes up indicating that you could interact with anything down there?

    Maybe you could attach something...like the buildable weapon?

    I seem to remember Richtofen saying that the bus could go faster, "If only you could build a jet engine"...

    Has anyone tried to attach it during the Easter Egg?

  5. What is the bus route? Will have this tomorrow.

    Where are the hidden locations (NDU etc)? What do you mean?

    Where are the Perks?! Tombstone is located where the lab is (past the farm I think) Speed Cola is in the bank in Town.

    Where are the buildables? Assault Door is at Diner. Fan is at start. Power switch at lab.

    Where are the wallguns? Too many to really say.

    What are the boxguns? RPG, War Machine, Barrett, RPD to name a few

    Where is power? Lab (need to build it though)

    How to handle the boss zombie and the fog zombies? Electro Zombie I believe you need to make the buildable where Tombstone is.

    Where are the storages? A fridge at the farm is for weapons.

    Where are the music-teddies? No idea.

  6. For everyone who has seen the trailer will know that Snipers can have iron sights, but this would make it easier for those Quickscoping Scum (lol) to kill people, so how do you think they will balance it out?

    Also the Sniper seen in the campaign that can shoot through walls by firing multiple bullets is made by Metal Storm (they made the 1,000,000 rounds a minute "gun") and it works by stacking bullets and firing them electronically.

    So what do you think about the snipers?

  7. Weapons

    -Auto shotgun

    -Snipers can have iron sights (WTF?!)

    -Heartbeat/X-Ray sight

    -generally seem quite powerful


    -Stinger type launcher

    -RPG launcher

    Equipment/Lethal etc.

    -TOMAHAWKS (win!)

    -Electric "knife" - think the projectile of the ballistic knife that after 3 secs (after hitting something) discharges electric stunning people close, can have 2 or more

    -Throwable explosive that needs to be primed but can be thrown later


    -Quadrotors - seem pretty easy to killA

    -An "Assualt Drone" like off MW3 drops from a heli in a crate, crate opens you drive it

    -Suicide Bombers - drones that fly towards you, fast, crash and explode (unfortunately there seems to be hundreds of them when you call 'em in)

    -Microwave disruptor - basically a stand and a plate that makes the air in front of it go wavy, stuns people in the wavy bit

    -Something called lightening strikes (HAARP anyone?) maybe like Rolling Thunder or manipulation of weather

    -Seem quite powerful


    -blackbox-esque map but instead of a plush housing estate it's a small village (poss. another map) with a windfarm

    -can run with knife out, still one hit

    -possibly see load out as a hologram when you spawn

    -Dolphin diving returns

    I'll add to this, and leave your thoughts.

    Good Day.

  8. I hope everyone has seen the E3 gameplay and the new sniper (Storm PSR).

    Well it turns out that the rumors are true - there will be a sniper that lets you see through walls, shoot through heavy cover and destroy killstreaks with "1" shot.

    Anyway you can see through walls and shoot through them, should be quite good for Objective Modes but bad for campers. Also I think it can see through an unlimited amout of walls.


  9. I kinda want to make an HK-Lawton. Crossbow bolts EVERYWHERE.

    This is why they won't make it because you can take the best wonder-weapon (with little ammo) and combine it with the gun that has the most ammo then all you have is the wonder-weapon with lots of ammo in a different body.

    Also I think WW will start to have different forms because of the (Wave Gun) so it would kinda mess up cause you can't take a HK21 apart. (for example)

  10. What guns should return or make an appearance in zombies? Not even just guns, but melee weapons, equipment, grenades, etc.

    I would want a mix of weapons and perks and ive made a little list. Feel free to make one also:) Leave Some [brains] if you like it:)

    My Setup for zombies:


    Perk 1-Juggernog

    Perk 2-PhD Flopper

    Perk 3-Speed Cola

    Perk 4-Mule Kick

    Weapon 1-Colt M1911/Mustang and Sally (Black Ops)

    Weapon 2-PPsh-41/The Reaper (World at War)

    Weapon 3-An effective wonder weapon (Black Ops II)

    Melee Weapon-Machete

    Equipment 1-Spikemore (Black Ops)

    Equipment 2-Hacker (Black Ops)

    Equipment 3-New effective grenade (Black Ops II)

    They won't bring back guns. Also Spikemore only appeared once in B.O so it won't come back, especially since it is set in a more futuristic environment. Same with Hacker. They probably won't even put a new melee weapon in.

  11. Now I've been thinking, who could the other 4 characters be?

    It could be:

    -random soldiers

    -scientists etc.

    -younger versions of the original 4

    The first two are pretty easy to think about but what about the third option? If, (as some people speculate) you go back in time to stop Richtofen wouldn't you want to help your past selves escape and together you could stop Richtofen and the zombie apocalypse?

    Pretty far fetched I know but; what about it?

  12. Right, might aswell be the 1st thread so let's summarise the story.

    http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=x3tedlWs1XY (that's the trailer)

    Frank Woods narrates the trailer, possibly the campaign.

    You play as Alex Mason's son.

    Hudson returns.

    The story is China vs. America over a battle for rare-Earth minerals (presumably materials like gold, platinum etc.). The majority of the game is set in Los Angeles in the year 2025. But a 1/3 of the game is set in the final days/weeks of the Cold War and the rest is set in the future.

    Another new feature is something called Strike Force. Basically they are a little bit like spec op missions, where you can direct troops do do things, play as a commander or take part first-person style. These also affect the outcome of the story. They have a single mission but will have side missions intertwined with the main one.

    Will update when more info is realeased.

  13. Speaking to Official PlayStation Magazine UK Treyarch studio head Mark Lamia has hinted at the future of Black Ops 2 zombies.

    "Our zombies fans want more zombies,” he revealed somewhat unsurprisingly. Hang on though, he’s going somewhere with this. “They literally want more zombies and they want more ways to play” (see). That means Black Ops 2 will be expanding on what the previous games have done before with the undead.

    “They want bigger maps” says Lamia. “They want even more interesting things to do inside these levels. So we are crafting new worlds, creating new game modes and bigger worlds.” Much of what this new zombies will bring is partly due to an undead tech upgrade. “We’ve actually put [zombies] inside of our multiplayer engine and it’s capable of doing twice as many zombies, twice as many co-op players.”

    Eight player zombies is more than just a bigger set up, it’s changing the entire game. “There are actually new modes,” says Lamia. “There’s classic mode that you guys are used to but there are going to be new modes. [Twice as many co-op players] introduces some interesting new gameplay modes. Perhaps you can think of some team game modes where there might be fun to be had?”

    I personally think it should be increased and it is! Now I can play with more friends.

    What do you think?

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