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Posts posted by owner_101

  1. I'm a PS3 user so forgive me if these spots are rubbish:

    -At the dragon sign (I think it's open for training)

    -Where you spawn (seems reasonably ok)

    I haven't seen anyone train anywhere it's just that these spots seem open.

  2. PS3 user here, has anyone actually made progress on the Easter Egg with steps or a written guide?

    I would say this is by far the hardest Easter Egg as it hasn't been solved in

  3. I know they are planning on implimenting a form of Race into the Tranzit map eventually. Perhaps this is a subtle clue telling us. I havent seen or heard of any of what you are talking about so I am taking it on faith that your not just making things up.

    If you know that they are implementing a feature :roll: , then why would you propose something is a clue to telling us about future features.

    Also how do you know they are implementing a new feature.

  4. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were hit by some substantial blasts, REALLY. Did it destroy the entire world? I don't think so.

    Of course even a 100 Mile wide meteor hitting earth wouldn't destroy it.

    It's simple High School physics. The only possible way to blow up earth is from the center core, with a really GINORMOUS explosion.

    A planetary collision would do the same thing.

    I believe that the maps happen in order (excluding Nacht)

  5. PhD Flopper probably won't be put into Die Rise for the exact reason of verticality, so you can die by falling down elevator shafts. (which I want to dolphin dive down)

    Would love to see a wing suit but how would the zombies follow you?

    Jump from buildings and wait for you to land...

    As far as I can remember all forms of transportation (except teleporting) allows the zombies to follow you and jumping from building to buildings seems a little unlikely.

  6. Ok, I'm an ex Geology student so I'll try and set things straight. Neither meteors or nukes could cause tectonic plates to shift. The plates aren't just floating on water, think of it like a jigsaw. Only over millions of years the plates get worn down due to pressure from magma being pushed to the surface from 'holes', and to create room for this the plates are pushed to the side into other plates which then due to huge pressure (among other things) melt into magma which effectively shortens the distance betweeen two land masses or in the case of the North American and Eurasian (Europe) plate, pushes them apart.

    In the case of India, which used to be near Australia it has taken millions of years for continental drift to take place. I'll leave an image which should hopefully help and I hope I've simplified this so it's easier to understand.

    In the image if you look at the arrows of forces, on the right, the land is pushed away from each other and the hole that would be left is filled with lava, creating more rock, thus making the plate bigger. On the other side, the opposite is happening.

    Oh one more thing, if the continents were to drift back to their starting positions as Pangea then there'd be no Himalayan mountains so it would mess things up for Shangri-La. Of course the continents aren't the same shape due to erosion and changes in sea levels so they wouldn't even fit, but I'll leave you with that for now.

    Hmmmm..... With the crust floating on the lithosphere (if I remember my Restless Earth) I would've thought a big enough impact from the right angle would cause all of it to move - if a planetary collision can strip everything but the core off Mercury, create the Moon and level half of Mars, moving all of the crust on a liquid, now matter how viscous, would be easy by comparison.

  7. Green Run is in USA.

    Die Rise is in China.

    Nukes cannot shorten this distance, only plate tetonics (and possibly meteor strikes) can do this.

    Also if 3 Nukes can move continents wouldn't the thousands set off IRL have completely screwed the Earth up. (more so than now)

    possibly meteor strikes? I think you just helped my theory!

    remember the trailer? if one watches carefully, you can see that meteors fall from the sky!

    Meteor strikes that can cause crust displacement would have to be apocalyptic, the one that wiped out the dinosaurs wouldnt have done this, so if it happened most or all life would be killed.

    The rockets were filled with E115 but they could've been nuclear to spread it. The most powerful nuke tested was about 50 megatons, the ones launched from Moon would have to be like 1000 megatons to cause the damage they did.

  8. If America is now next to china after these nukes, surely our 4 characters would be exposed to extreme radiation and would be unable to survive?

    Not quite. First y'know the big lava pit beside power on TranZit? That's believed to be a Nuke strike location. So their so close to one that radiation mustn't be a problem. I know the CDC wear Hazmat suits but i don't think that's relative. We'll just stick to the whole "Super soldiers" idea..

    Surely a nuke would a lot more damage than leave a lava pit and destroy one corner of a building??

    ^ This, the Nuketown Zombies explosion and crater are gigantic but I think the crater is to big.

    Hell, even Rods from God would do more damage that this and they're not even nuclear or explosive.


  9. With the Revolution DLC you can play as zombies by (I believe) only when everybody is dead but one person remains. If you kill the survivor, you become the last alive.

    Also on Die Rise there is verticality, such as elevator shafts to fall down and get from one floor to another.

    Treyarch seem to really have outdone themselves this time.

  10. Indon't get why you would only sometimes get Double-Tap, it's like the 2nd best perk on the map! Double damage for almost any of your weapons, why wouldn't you want that?!

    I also don't get why people loop at Town on Tranzit; there are no wall weapons there. Seems odd to rely completely on weapons that you could be unlucky enough to have no ammo for due to a drought of Max Ammos, but hey ho.

    Double Tap is ok cause it splits your bullets in half, but it does increase your rate of fire which isn't good sometimes.

    At Town I have the Jet Gun so I don't need ammo but if I decide I do I just buy the B23R from the Bus and go around with it.

    And you do get power ups from zombies killed with the Jet Gun.

  11. What strategies do you guys use? Do you have a separate one for solo or multiplayer?


    -build turbine

    -run to Town (yes, you can get over the lava pit, without persistent Stamin-Up)

    -open bank, withdraw ~10,000 points

    -open to Stamin-Up and Juggernog

    -run to Cabin and buy Bowie Knife, collect Gauge for Jet Gun (Aww Yeah!)

    -run to Town and put the part down

    -run to power, buy AK74u, turn on power and grab Wire

    -run to Town, put part down, buy Juggernog and Stamin-Up

    -knife zombies for a few rounds to earn points back

    -run to Bus Stop, buy Quick Revive, run to tunnel and get the Jet then run to Diner go in Mystery Box (if there)

    -take shortcut to Town, put Jet down and train for a few rounds

    -run to Nacht Der Untoten, grab Brake Handle, run to Town, put it down and pick up Thrustodyne Aeronautics Model 23

    -train until game ends

    Other things

    -put points in Bank until I have 5000 (for when I go down) at the end of the round (this is when other people are at Town as well)

    -if I don't have money in the bank I would follow the Bus, use box and eventually get to Town

    -sometimes buy Double Tap at farm if I have HAMR, LSAT or RPD

    -train is running from Juggernog building to Stamin-Up building and repeating

    -Ray Gun helps a lot

    -making sure you have no ammo in your gun and that you've just killed a denzien is best for jumping over the lava pit at Town

  12. I think (this is just a theory) that or somehow we can build wounder waffle or thundergun (that I know is in the game :3) or if we follow richtofen side we can get for reward the wounder waffle and maxis the thundergun (because they are the respective constructors of these weapons)... this is just my theory

    I seriously doubt there is the Wunderwaffe and Thundergun in TranZit. Also the Thundergun was made by the Ascension Group through Project Thunder.

    Maxis is the creator of the Thundergun

    No he is not.

    Project Thunder is nearing completion. My staff has assured me that the remaining limitations of the effective range and power cells will be solved within the next few months.
  13. I think (this is just a theory) that or somehow we can build wounder waffle or thundergun (that I know is in the game :3) or if we follow richtofen side we can get for reward the wounder waffle and maxis the thundergun (because they are the respective constructors of these weapons)... this is just my theory

    I seriously doubt there is the Wunderwaffe and Thundergun in TranZit. Also the Thundergun was made by the Ascension Group through Project Thunder.

  14. Please guys, focus on why you're here. I'm not here to send you through a "WORM HOLE" of lies. I'm here to send you down a wormhole of truths. Take from this what you will, but it's obvious that the innovative thinkers present have a better understanding of how this works than the ones that spend countless hours here attacking posters. YOU'RE NOT DONE, YOU'RE NOT CLOSE. I don't know how many times I can stress this to you guys. Put your heads together for once, instead of being the man to crack the case. This will take a team effort, as it always does. USE the information in front of you, don't dismiss it as random debris.

    I hope you have taken from this what was intended, instead of using it for fuel to your pointless crusade. Have a great day of zombies!


    Please allow me to apologise for calling you a troll. This goes to OPL Razor and itscanny as well. Also how do you post gifs.

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