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Posts posted by Powerhouse631

  1. Long time reader, first time poster. Testing the G11 and other 115 theories tonight on PS3 with a friend and an HD PVR. Anyone else who wants to participate or chime in on our live commentary or post game discussion can add me on PSN @ OysterTwister

    If you'd rather just see if we've found anything, keep checking http://www.youtube.com/user/PubescentMuffin until we embed a video on this thread. Keep up the good work and let's keep this thread alive!


    Thanks & good luck on your mission sir :)

  2. I've said this in a post before but I think I need to start a new thread on it. I know there was some debate on what the written message on the stage near the teleporter power device. Its been deciphered as meaning "Aether projectionist". Riddle me this, why would they split up the word projectionist, as the "ist" portion is clearly under projection? They didnt break words up in any other writings on the walls. No people, there is no doubt in my mind whatsoever it says "Aether Projection 1st". Meaning, start with the projection rooms in the teleporter. Isnt it possible that they gave us more verbal instructions to the egg on Ascension because we MISSED the clues for order on Kino?

    Has anyone tried correlating a campaign level for Kino as was done for Ascension? I'm no good at that sort of stuff. :oops:

    It is really hard for me to grasp that there are only 3 film reels and two radios, some guy knocking and screaming, a few notes, a bleeding mannequin, and a double downing dolphin dive that produces more powerups for about 10 rounds.

    There are still huge questions surrounding whose locked in the closet and the missing picture. The biggest thing for me was Takeo saying "Maybe what once was will be again".

    Lets have a huge [brains]storm fest here. Any code decipherers out that I would appreciate your input. Is there anything left unexplained? Let me know what you think. :)

  3. The weirdest quote to me is when Dempsey says he remembers seeing Richtofen before Shi No Numa.

    Could Depmsey have been a subject, released, and then ended up back at Shi No Numa trying to rescue Peter or whoever and end up bumping into Richtofen again

    Also, I think the quote about Takeo is saying he was very respectful even when being tortured.

    That was the first thing I thought myself as far as far as the Takeo quote. I'm still playing catch up with the back story. I didnt want this thread to turn into a HL debate. Glad you brought it back to the topic. ;)

  4. The yellow signs on the walls with death machines on them point back to where u start from and i noticed that in that room the spinning mechanism looks like a big death machine and it looks like it has been shot before at one end...Maybe u all have to shoot that end ??? :shock: first and maybe last post...........peace out

    Those signs have pictures of the centrifuge a.k.a. the spinning mechanism you speak of on them, not death machines. Sorry hun, but good luck in your searching ;)

  5. Richtofen just said when I PAP'd the thundergun:

    "Takeo has always been very quiet, no matter the pain. He has always been respectful".

    Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :geek:

    Would he be saying that because Takeo was part of the testing group, or could it be he was just saying that in regards to them battling zombies together? Richtofen be endearing about their battle?? I HIGHLY doubt it. He fits the sadistic profile much better. Interpreting this as though he is saying "Even through the torture of my experiments, he was still respectful" What do you think:?:

  6. Wow dude, on the screaming vid after you turned up the volume the scream made me jump :o:lol:

    As far as the no clipping into the knocking room, did you get wounded while you were in there near the boxes? I saw your screen go red twice. I am so certain we are missing this "boss" zombie that we were fowarned that could take out the whole team upon early release of Black Ops.

    Awesome job no clipping! Thanks so much for putting in the time. [brains] for you. :)

  7. Okay guys, I will No clip (Offline) on a friends xbox.

    And post anything new i find that i have not already posted.

    Does anyone have any request on picture audio etc?

    Yeah, getting the audio of this guy screaming would be amazing as well as possibly no clipping into the room if you could? Not sure if you can do that but I cant help but think there is something we are missing, and this guy screaming and knocking is driving me banana's lol. Thanks in advance ;)

  8. I'm looking forward to hearing what you come up with as far as the morse code goes. :)

    What? You don't want to hear about anything else from me? :P Just messin

    Ok, All I could come up with is jibberish. Since the knocks really don't give you "long keys" just short ones. I don't really see this being morse code. I did say I was going to post the recording, I still am. Just need to find a way to get it off my phone. (Thought SD Card would fit)

    But in short, I don't think its morse code. But I can say its not "Help me"

    Help me would have-

    4 shorts, 1 short, 1 short 1 long two short, 1 short 2 long 1 short (help)

    2 long, 1 short (me)

    [EDIT] So someone posted is might be SOS. I actually didn't think about listening for that. But it seems in a very large portion of the cycle of knocks, SOS does sound. but this could be nothing. Becasue its just 3 short 3 long 3 short. & Plus the actual standard sos, is S.O.S. which .'s carry many more morse coding.

    Ha ha Willie. Nah, I'll hear whatever else you have to say :P

    Brains for you BTW. Its awesome you gave it a shot. It does seem plausible by what you describe as SOS. Either way I think its a knock full of distress....I know I'd be freakin distressed if somebody locked me in a closet! :lol:

  9. I think the OP is referancing a step in the EE hunt, I am not sure as I have not done it myself. I believe that when you maintain pressure on the plate beneath the rocket it sets off a KA BOOM.

    She was indeed robbed by the sounds of it, the swines. I guess you wont be so keen to kill crawlers anymore. :D

    Rock on lady.

    Yeah, definitely not going to try to do that again ha ha. & thanks for having a sense of humor. I was in a good mood when I posted this sarcastic thread & trying to spread some around as I've been reading a lot of negativity on here. Seems even this thread didnt escape it though...sigh~ :roll:

  10. Doing the pressure grid step of the easter egg, when the nuke goes off, it will kill the crawler and start a new round.

    We killed the crawler before hand, started the next round, let the nuke go off, and it did not affect the zombies whatsoever. They were running and shaking their Freddy Krueger faces off just as always (cant forget the gas mask man who does ballet tricks either). :D

    Needless to say, running for our lives was not the anticipated effect we had hoped for :lol:

    Anyway, just a lighthearted post to keep ya all smiling. Rock on with your zombie killing bad a** selves :mrgreen:

  11. yeah, youve done my idea of linking it to history.. but that doesnt explain why a nazi from the past has one, surely if it was referencing this you would be taking about dempsey :mrgreen:

    With all due respect I wouldnt exactly call it your idea of linking it to history, because I dont share a [brains] with anyone. :) I will say that great minds think alike though, so my compliments to you ;)

    Again, the reason I think Richtofen is in an astraunaut suit is because he has been to a lunar base on the moon already, hence why I sincerely feel there will be a future moon map. I know that my concept of that tends to get lost in all this info, but I am theorizing here about future maps and why.

    If the US captured a German scientist (known to have achieved launching a rocket into outerspace at the End of WWII), put him to work at NASA, and allowed him later to become a US citizen, it seems to make Five relevant, especially now that we are at a Russian launch facility, setting the time frame to be during Kennedy's reign if you will.

    I am theorizing about the timeframe with this one (USSR & USA spacerace). I know it gets confusing because there is so much in this thread.

    As for exactly linking the doctor to the Russians and the zombies storyline, well that is still a work in progress, which is why I started this thread. Contributions on theories are most welcome. :mrgreen:

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