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Posts posted by Christof

  1. Hello forum! Im Ryan form teh good ol' US. Im 16 and MW2 was my first cod. Im decent at best in multiplayer; yet i do have my moments. I consider myself a quite above average zombies player. I hope i could make some friends on the forum. Hit me up on XBL.

    Fick houndinnen bekomme geld=fuck bitches get money

    Gamertag: ryanptitty

  2. Well, since Shi no numa we have all wanted an area 51 map. Me and my group heard the phones on ascension ringing and when you answer we heard Nixon. Now this could just mean that we are hearing him at the pentagon or; he and the other guys, will be on the next map. Area 51 would be a fairly good choice because Nixon, JFK, and Macnamara could all have access to it. What do you guys think?

  3. Somee ideas for things the characters say in the new map:

    Tank (recieves Death Machine): WERE HAVE YOU BEEN MY WHOLE ****EN LIFE?! I BET IT'S AMERICAN!

    Takeo (monkey steals perk): This monkey, it has NO HONOR.

    Nikolai (monkey steals perk): Just like my second wife, stealing $#!~ and running away. She died.

    Richtofen (after reaching the rockets cockpit): TO THE MOOOOOOON!!!!!!!!!!

    What are your ideas?

    These are perfect especially Richtofens'. Him saying that would be hilarious!

  4. this seems likely yet, why would they drop the hint of the silverback being in ascension? Though i do agree that i think it will be in a lighthouse. Especially with the lighthouse pictures while teleporting in der riese and the photo. If it happens to be in a map like launch i would be very dissapointed.

  5. I don't believe this at all. It looks like there's a Python in this guy's hand, but anyone could photoshop one in.

    And there's just one thing I noticed. Sorry if it sounds like I'm trying to be a smartass here, but:

    If you "edited this thread" with pics, then how come you didn't just put the pics up straight away? If you had them, why did you wait and see if we believed you BEFORE posting them?

    I think this was a modded map or something, as you would have waited to see if we believed you before going to get photos. If you were telling the truth, you'd have pics up like instantly. Doesn't take muich to transfer a pic from a phone to a computer.

    You obviously played on a modded map that looked exactly like a zombie map, otherwise you'd have never been able to get into it twice to get the pics, which, had you been able to do, you would have posted a walkthrough on HOW.

    I call fake.

    Im pretty sure that in one of his reply posts he said that he had trouble getting the photos up on here from his phone.

    So with you saying that he said he got in there twice i never saw him say anything like that in any of his posts.

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