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Posts posted by GruBTubz

  1. he said nothing about repairing. he said something like" the powers off i could probably build a new generator with all the spar parts.",

    then when the power is turned on the announcer voice thing says power activated auxiliary power failure

    which leads me to believe that we will have to use our inventory to find the missing parts of the generator so Richthofen can build one.

    Oh, my mistake! :)

  2. Not sure if he'd get damaged anyway shooting at that distance.. But yeah, seems likely, as well as maybe protecting from fall damage.

    Has anyone ever died from fall damage in zombies?

    no, but there seems to be some pretty high places in ascension, especially the lander

    By the looks of it I don't think we will be able to jump off of the lunar landers, as they have railing around them. Even if you could jump off, WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO?

  3. Phillips your a troll. All that you post is, "Theres already a thread on it".

    - Jacob.

    No, Phillips is not a troll?

    You're an idiot.

    The reason he said it, is because MULTIPLE THREADS ARE NOT ALLOWED.

    You are wasting the Codz Community's bandwidth.

    Cool story bro, I'm new here, so this is the first info of its kind that I've seen.

  4. Another thing to go with this, on Kino, when you teleport to Sams bedroom, there are little models of all the characters, and a teddy looking down on them. (The teddy being Maxis).

    Also Ive heard that "Eddy is a liar" is written somewhere. This could be Richthofen lying about it all being real.

    - Jacob.

  5. This is going to be quite hard to explain, but as soon as you spawn on the map 'Five', there are screens on one of the walls. On the top right screen, there is a picture of some sort of Island.

    To me it looks a lot like Firing Range. Sorry if I don't have enough detail, but if anyone else has noticed this, I'd like to know what it means!

    - Jacob.

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