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Posts posted by zombieKid

  1. Alright, so, I've explored a lot of Kino Der Toten, here are some of the weird things I've found.

    -Activating all 3 meteors turns on the music

    -Weird steel coffin type things with bodies inside them (examples can be found at the back of the stage, next to where the item box would go)

    -Weird symbols next to the teleporter power structure, along with "Project Istain" or something, I'm not sure what the second word is...

    -Power Boxes open when you touch them. An example would be by the green window next to the teleporter, you'll see a big wire running to it, talk up to it, and it opens.

    -An obvious one, the 4 picture that the host can activate (activating meaning having the character making a comment)

    -A knocking sound when you go to the green window in what seems to be the dressing room. Holy shit, what is this? So after this, I decided to go to other green windows, I'm currently listening to the one next to the "Toiletten" (Bathroom).

    -Little stacks of paper that when damaged fly all over. This is probably just for effect, but hey, who knows.

    -"Samantha emilia JK abigail

    -The reel from one of the bedrooms shows a bunch of zombie pictures, with the numbers 115 and 110 in two pictures.

    -The clock in the projector room is messed up. Second hand goes backwards, minute hand goes forward. Under all the clock numbers is military time listed.

    -Another reel, the one from the dentists room, shows the letters E, A, R in 3 pictures one after the other. What could this mena?

    -Some things that look like solar panels on the stage props. Go to the chest with the teddy bear and the yellowish light on the floor, and look at the prop. There are like solar (lunar?) panels on it.

    Alright, I took a short video about the weird tanks with the guys in them, and the strange knocking sound by the closet. Take a look:


    ok some good finds but some issuses with some 1st the pap room clock isnt messed up when the hand gets to 12 u teleport back 2nd the letters are illuminati code you'll need to look a code sheet somewhere 3rd it's not a dentist it's a scientist and the letters are initials Edward A. Richtofen that or some else at group 935 has those initals i no it's someone at group 935 because the slide that there no letters if you look up near the top right of the screen it has the numbers 935

  2. interesting theory but he can't have made the wunderwaffe because in der riese theres a radio that maxis talks about development on the thing!!! i think it's a good theory he's trying to make new wepons but there's no point he's not human :shock: when ever he's close he makes a weird sound AND when he moves the numbers from the campaign and teleporters come flying out his back (unless thats maybe a side effect from teleporting too much!) also the amount of bullets you have too pump into him he doesn't even feel it! atleast you can tell the zombies are taking damage they bleed!

  3. i've got a few things to say first no1 has mentioned that on five in the p.a.p room there's a photo of richtofen DUH :facepalm: no one noticed that they have a pic of an insane nazi in the pentagon???? second is you look closely in one of the corners in the signiture of the artist:wendee (if any one knows about her let me know) finally (a bit off subject) some people wrote they're new to hidden storys this should help http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pz0ZdyZaKuQ

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