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Posts posted by EC_100

  1. Has anyone tried looking on GKNova6 for any clues? I would, but my iPod doesn't load it and my desktop is running a bit slow. xD.

    What about Der Riese? In one of the recordings, Maxis welcomed everyone and reminded them that there were handbooks and what not in the lockers in case something were to happen.

    Also, I think that finding out McNamara's password for the DoD, would reveal a lot of information that we don't know of. After all, he is like the Richtofen of Five. He's the most knowledged in the zombie weaponry.

    EDIT: I managed to get on GKNova6. And the only thing that i could find that might be a clue is thr number 47093 which appeared three times. I don't what that number is for, and it might just be my viewer number, but I'm gonna try to get more info.

    Sorry my posts are a bit lame, right now. But, I'm not Sherlock Holmes and I have yet to find anything fascinating. Haha.

  2. Ok. So, hello everybody.

    Anyways, I found this topic so interesting that I decided to make a CoDz account.

    Anyways, I'd like to Participate in this exploration. And, you can count on me trying out the codes that have been posted here, as well as trying my own.

    I didn't have much time in the last couple minutes, so I've only tried two codes which I thought of.

    I tried cossack for NBelinski. This got no result, although I read somewhere that his mother was a Cossack or something like that. Idk if that's how it's spelled.

    I also tried freakbag for TDempsey. And, nothing.

    So, yeah. I'm glad to have joined. And count on me contributing. :D

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