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Posts posted by EtErNiiTY

  1. Well, from what i believe is that it was a Nazi base built during WWII. But since america got to space first, they captured it. In the zombies storyline, the only reason the space race started was because of this base and the 115 located around, and stored inside and the weapons/secrets.

  2. My theory:

    The nazis originally had a base on the moon for a very long time (back during WWII)

    It was said that there were large quantities of element 115 on the moon, so they went mining for it.

    I PERSONALLY believe that the base was for experimenting on humans and trying to create their super army without any havoc breaking out on earth. This is what i think the capsules in kino der toten (the ones on the stage) and shangri la were for, transporting the dead into space to experiment. This is what created the space race, everybody knew there was a base and large quantities of 115 on the moon. It was a race to see who could get to it and use the resources to their advantage.

  3. I believe that richtofen may be dead, or at least zombified. Lets not forget that he has the focusing stone, lets keep in mind that that is a meteor, not just a meteor. but a meteor that contains element 115. Which as we know... creates zombies. and when teleporting in der riese, there is in image that shows on the screen of a zombies face, with richtofens scar. it could be that all of the zombie crew had developed an immunity to the effects of 115 due to constant exposure (ray gun, wunderwaffe, etc.) , but there is a possibility. If he is not dead, then he is definitely going to end up turning against us.

  4. As we all know, the moon is white-gray on the surface, and has moon dust all over it. We also know its all made up of rock. There is and always was talk/speculation about a Nazi/German moon base created in the WWII era. Underneath all of that moon dust is rock. Well, maybe discovery (all this talk about discovery being a map). The snow acting as moon dust, and the cliffsides acting as the rocks. It seems a bit fitting for a moon base, does it not?

  5. Im sorry if this doesn't seem accurate to you. Im just tying together what I know.

    dr. gersch

    He was trying to build a portal that takes you to the moon.

    The way he says "Open a portal" during the Mystery Man easter egg, leads me to believe his goal was not to make something that sucked things in and killed them, what would the point of that be?

    I believe that he was trying to send men to space via portal.

    I think that they were sending monkeys to space not by rocket, but by portal. Because the monkeys natural reaction when you throw a gersch device, is to jump inside and teleport! Notice during a monkey round , the monkeys dont get killed by gersch devices, they teleport just like we do.

    So I am lead to believe that when the monkeys jumped into the portal, they were sent to the moon and died in the process, but the large amounts of element 115 revived them as zombies, and they were sent back from the moon through the portal. (2 portals open. one on the moon, one on earth in the cosmodrome) When they came back, they infected the scientists and all hell broke loose from there.

  6. As first strike was released for xbox 360 on february 1st, and march 3rd for ps3.

    And MP1 Was released for WaW on March 19,

    And MP2 in WaW was released on June 11th,

    i THINK, that we may be expecting some new DLC in May. (for xbox 360)


    1st strike was released in march, and so was MP1.

    If it was not for microsofts deal with activison, i believe it would have originally released in march for all consoles.

    And since it would have been the same month as MP1, and Xbox gets the maps earlier, I think its fair to say that PS3 will be getting the maps in June(1st or 2nd), and xbox in may (possibly, 3rd or 4th). Im sorry if im not making any sense. but this is the best i could describe it.

  7. The first verse

    "I can fly like a bird not in the sky

    Which can always swim and always dry

    I say goodbye at night and morning hi

    I’m part of you what am I

    I follow and lead as you pass

    Dress yourself in black my darkness lasts

    I flee the light but without the sun

    Your view of me would be gone"

    Its actually a riddle.

    and the answer is a shadow.

    It glides over the floor [like a bird flies]

    and looks as if it swims on land. and it is always dry.

    Its part of you only visible in day

    And it's always hiding from the sun behind you.

    and the 2nd,

    I am what men love more than life

    Fear more than death or mortal strife

    What dead men have and rich require

    I’m what contented men desire

    Is nothing.

    Men love nothing more than life and fear nothing more than death,

    a dead man has nothing and a rich man needs nothing.

    and nothing can content mens desire.

  8. Well, Im on PS3.

    But I went to my cousins house to play some ascension. [he has xbox] [[obviously]]

    I did the easter egg and completed it with 2 of his friends (we were splitscreen)

    All of us knew what we were doing and i was messing around with the death machine and started to get mobs and quickly kill them all, i was backed up into the PaP room and the room shook.


    Sorry if this was found. Like i said, im PS3 :P [brains]

  9. Well, i honestly dont believe there is anything up there because the crawlers make the same roaring noise sometimes. But if there is something up there, i would have to say it is the "Downpour" zombies from dead ops arcade that are huge, walk slowly, and carry maces around. The maces could possibly be the thing that breaks the holes in the ceiling as the crawlers pour in? I dont know. just a thought.

  10. I was playing kino today and on round 22 i decided to go shoot the red power box by quick revive . so i shot it with the porters x2 ray gun and my screen shook. I know i wasnt seeing things because my brother said "WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED?" as it happened. and i shot the rest but nothing happened... i think maybe they need to be shot in a certain order? Idont know.

  11. Well, i was in the interrogation room [main menu] just messing around out of my chair and walked under the window where the 'interrogator' is and heard something that sounded like a zombie breathing? i dont know if anyone else has heard this but it sounds kinda like a zombie breathing faintly through its mouth. try it yourself if you dont know what i mean!

  12. Referring to one of the radios in Der Riese, Maxis was talking about the lack of funding for 'The giant' project. Which was basically the mass production of the wunderwaffe DG-2. Maybe they never had the funding they needed to continue the project! Or maybe because everyone .. uh.. died.

    Or it could just be for the sole purpose of introducing some new wonder-weapons. I loved the DG-2 as much as the next guy, but treyarch wouldnt carry that to every map like the ray gun. [even though i want them to at least 1 more time ]

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