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Posts posted by JakeDuck

  1. I'm going to get this out of the way now, there ARE spoilers ahead if you have not finished the campaign or want to take a new route for a second playthrough. Honestly I don't know why you would be in the Single Player section if you don't want spoilers. You have been warned.

    So, here's my question:

    In the mission "Old Wounds", you learn there is a mole in the CIA. Then in the mission "Suffer With Me", Krevchenko's words echo in Wood's head that there is a mole in the CIA when getting ready to shoot Alex Mason. In the previous cutscene Woods expresses his anger for not killing Hudson in Vietnam.

    This makes me think that Jason Hudson is the mole, telling Woods to shoot Alex Mason. However, he only did so to protect David Mason from Menendez. Hudson is then killed later in the mission by Menendez. SO this rules out Hudson as the mole.

    Later in the mission "Odysseus", Javier Salazer is shown to have been working with Menendez, like a mole. However, he could not be in the mole Krevchenko was talking about because David, and probably Javier, were only kids at the time.

    If what Krevchenko said was true, then the question still remains. Who was the mole?

  2. I'm so glad they buffed Double Tap. I tried it a few times and it in phenomenal. It was already my favorite perk, but now it's even better. If you like aiming for headshots, go with this for sure.

    One thing I didn't check when playing, do you get 10 points for each bullet, or just 10 per shot?

  3. Dude... This is from an iPad... If I write too much 1 wrong click will send hours of work down the crapper, so chil bra... The rest will be up soon....

    I'm sorry, I reread my post and I now see that it was way too harsh. Maybe you can use the Notes app to do the main post, then copy and paste it? If you want I'll help you in any way that I can.

  4. I think you should have actually finished this guide before posting it. Although it is called the "COMPLEAT GUIDE", it tells next to nothing about gameplay and strategies. It also needs to have some better organization. Remember that you don't need to finish this entire guide in one sitting, you can still save it as a draft and work on it later.

  5. Neither of the links worked for me. The Xbox says that it isn't a real page (or more accurately says Zombies ate the page) and the PS3 page links straight to my player home. Any chance of taking a look I am very interested in joing the PS3 pros on CoDz ;)


    Before you click the PS3 link, set your profile to PS3 in another tab. Click the little options gear at the top right to do so. :)

  6. I think Richtofen will continue to be his evil self, and Maxis will ultimately betray us once he is back with Samantha. That evil laugh on Moon at the end of the egg did not seem like it was only because he had went against Richtofen. I think Maxis has lots of evil within him, just he hasn't shown it all. After all, what did those missiles actually do? It nearly destroyed the entire Earth, and zombies are still there.

    My vote goes to Richtofen. He may be crazy and evil, but I do not trust the Maxis family.

  7. Perhaps a high round on Town gives your skull with shotguns. High round on farm gives you Skull with Knife. 30-40 I am positive. I have seen friends with high rounds holding these emblems.

    I think I've got it! The talleys in front of the emblem might be how many rounds you survived there (Or a count of something else), and the emblem itself is from the location you were in. Question: Do those with the blue-eyed skull ALL have Nuketown, or can you get it without Nuketown? That might explain why it is not on the Tranzit map from the trailer.

  8. I can't believe it took me this long to notice. Watch this video again. See anything familiar?


    The rank emblems are on the map! They must have SOMETHING to do with where you are or what you do. However, I have no idea how Nuketown and Grief affects your rank then.

  9. I find that stealth classes work excellently for league play. What are the classes you all use?



    Rapid Fire



    Cold Blooded

    Dead Silence

    Bouncing Betty (Destroys those that like to camp in the same spot every life)

    Shock Charge

    Primary Gunfighter

  10. Are they going to fix the sound glitch? That's pretty annoying as the only way to correct it is to reboot your system.


    What is the sound glitch? The only things I've gotten are the occasional freeze and "Waiting for more players to balance teams".

  11. Funny... My Xbox hasn't froze once...

    Don't even try to start a console war. Those only cause flaming and hate.

    As long as you are on CoDz, try to consider all platforms equal to each other. Each have their own advantages and disadvantages.

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