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Posts posted by JakeDuck

  1. I prefer ME1's 10 points system. 


    I would love to see them removing the limitations on the order in which you're recruiting your squad in ME2.

    Originally, you were given all the dossiers from the Illusive Man right off the bat. Meaning you could for instance recruit Legion before Tali. Resulting in this scene.  

    Unfortunately because of the limited disc space on consoles, TIM only gives you three/four dossiers to start with. 


    I like that, it would be fun to shape your own path through the game. I don't like the 10 point system from ME1, small percentage bonuses have always annoyed me. I like ME2 and ME3's style of leveling.

  2. I've heard that is is a possibility that Bioware will make a next-gen remake for the Mass Effect series. I was wondering what you guys would want from it. Would you guys want them to bring features from Mass Effect 3 and bring them to the older games? I would love it if they redid the gameplay mechanics of Mass Effect 1 and 2. For example, removing the ten point system from Mass Effect 1 and instead using the six level perk system from Mass Effect 3. Combat no doubt got better over time, so it would be cool to see what the games would look and play like on the newer generation.


    Expanding on that, would you be fine if they adjusted the Mass Effect even more? Allowing more romance options, squad mates, endings, etc? I would really love it if I could play Mass Effect 1 while feeling like I'm playing 3, but that's just me. (Maybe from being new to the series, I don't know if nostalgia would play a part in this)


    So what do you all think? If a remake of the trilogy was made, would you want it to be exactly the same, have just a few tweaks, or undergo a full overhaul?

  3. I have finished Mass Effect 3! I was entirely satisfied with my ending, I had the extended cut installed beforehand. I'll put all of my decisions/consequences from every game in a spoiler tab.

    Mass Effect 1
    Rachni Queen: Allowed to Live
    Balak and Hostages: Killed
    Wrex: Alive
    Virmire: Ashley lived, Kaiden died
    Council: Saved
    Romance: None
    Mass Effect 2
    Loyalty: All squad members
    Ship Upgrades: All
    Specialists Chosen: Legion for vents, Garrus for First Fireteam, Samara for Biotic Specialist, Jacob for Second Fireteam, Zaeed for Escort
    Crew Survived: All
    Collector Base: Destroyed
    Romance: None
    Mass Effect 3
    Rachni Queen: Left to Die
    Kelly Chambers: Dead (I didn't know I could talk to her at the Citadel)
    Grunt: Alive
    Samara: Alive
    Mordin: Dead
    Wrex: Alive
    Legion: Dead
    Tali: Alive
    Romance: None
    Final Ending: Synthesis

    Total Playtime: 70 hours (Funny enough, exactly as much as it is advertised)

    I would have romanced Miranda, but I played as a female Shepard. I didn't really care for the options available, so I just didn't go for anyone. I'll be playing through on the higher difficulties later, so I will likely try more romance partners as I go through. What DLC should I get for the series? I want to have as much content available as I can for when I go through the games again.
    I absolutely LOVED this entire series, they are now some of my favorite games of all time. Thanks to all of you for helping me start out!

  4. Gah, I keep forgetting about the Full Editor! Thanks, I appreciate it!


    I'm getting pretty close to the end of ME3, I've loved my ride through the trilogy and have been taking my sweet time through the end. I have a question about ME3 for my next playthrough. Can I get the Citadel DLC and use my previous squad members in the main game? I feel like six squad members in just not enough. I loved the massive selection in ME2. Is it worth getting "From Ashes" in order to get another squad member?

  5. Haven't gotten around to multiplayer yet, by the time I'm about halfway done with ME 3, I start planning out what to do on the next playthrough XD


    I started playing the multiplayer because apparently your Galactic Readiness Rating affects your ending. I don't know for sure, but that's what I've heard.

  6. I just finished Mass Effect 2, it is such a great game! Absolutely amazing. I finished with all of my crew surviving and loyal, which only made it better. I am definitely going to do an Insanity run of the trilogy. Onward to Mass Effect 3!

  7. Thanks for the help, guys! I'm not very far into Mass Effect 1 at all, I've just passed the first couple missions and talked to the council. I chose the Vanguard class for my character. I've noticed that hitting your targets can be tough, so I try to move in close. It just ends up with me losing health. Will that get better over time or is there something I can do to improve it?

  8. Recently I got the Mass Effect Trilogy, and I've never played any Mass Effect games before hand. I've started the first game, and I would like to ask for some advice, things I should look for, etc. So, any Mass Effect players out there?


    These are looking good, remember though that the smileys if they did get added they would need to mean something.


    Yeah, I thought of this after I posted the Ray Gun. Even so, it couldn't hurt to have the characters too. Speaking of which... Misty_zps768e28a3.png

  10. One thing I really liked that they mixed up was the power system. As efficient as Germans may be, throwing one giant switch to turn on the entire map is redundant. Some people thought MotD took this change too far and complicated it too much, which is understandable. However the conversion generators were beautifully done. Namely because they can be turned off without turning off your perks after buying them like with turbines.

    It was a really nice breath of fresh air to hear "thump-thump SCREEECH" on mob of the dead when entering afterlife, or maxis yelling "CONVERSION PROCESS ACTIVATED" or whatever instead of the famous "CLUNK wubwubwubwub"

    So much onomatopoeia.

    I too really liked the new objectives, it gives me hope that they'll expand on the side modes a bit. I feel like Origins was the start of a zombie Domination mode, or maybe King of the Hill.

    I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned the new game modes. Even if they are flawed, I'm willing to bet that they will be a lot better next year. Zombies has switched to a multiplayer engine rather than a coop campaign engine, everything is changing.

  11. Well, fuck this entire game. I'm sick of it at this point. I'm not touching online again until it is actually working. Why in hell did they not have an open beta for this? In those 2 weeks where GTA Online wasn't available, they could have actually fixed this broken game. I lost my character twice at this point, lost 15k and my favorite bike.

  12. This is AWESOME! Thanks for the .dds format, I've always found .jpg files which don't have as good quality. I was wondering, could you post the other maps too?

    Also, has anyone found higher resolution versions of PhD, Tombstone, Who's Who, and Vulture Aid? This is what I've found.

    These are large, high quality, and are the size of power ups:

    But these are smaller, like the ones on the HUD:

    On another note, here's a good wallpaper 8-) (Open in new tab)

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