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Posts posted by JakeDuck

  1. Now it has grown to be too compicated. The gamemaker doesn't need to be included, the game can just send a lethal killstreak to someone who has been sitting still for, say, 20 seonds to stop camping. If this were playable I would rather have it be strictly you, your gun, and maybe a perk you find outside.

  2. We won't get anywhere by guessing what each letter means. Our best bet is that this is a A=B, B=C type of code.

    I have no clue how that works ....

    I feel stupid ;)

    Basicly it's when every letter actually means a different letter. If I said A=B, you would go back one letter to get the real word. Also, if go after Z then you loop back to he beginning.

    So if A=B, then DPEA would actually mean CODZ.

    In this case, we have no clues. I have been looking at the contraction, there are only a few four letter words with an apostrophe (Or epiphany ;)) in the middle of the word.

    NXheadshot1, the actual tweet has an I, not a ¡. I was confused about that earlier too until I double checked it.

  3. I was thinking of care package boxes like when you get a perk in MW3 survival mode. I think create-a-class would give a bit too much freedom with the game, it would be better if absolutely everything is random.

    Also, thanks for the congrats! :D

  4. I have a few ideas to add.

    -Everyone has a knife to start, 2-hit kill on front, instant kill on backstab.

    -10 second grace period so nobody will die instantly

    -Double/triple health, no regeneraation

    -Headshots with snipers are instant kills, only bolt action spawn.

    -Perks and guns sometimes spawn in the outer region of the map

    -Map size based on amount of players

    -Secret teams of three can be created in lobby, friendly fire disabled until there are 7 players left. Only your team can hear you unless you are alone, dead players can talk like in S&D.

    -1 magazine in all guns, ammo can be collected from any gun

  5. What you posted is not an IMG code, it is a URL. I recommend using PhotoBucket to post pictures. Make an account there, upload an image, then copy the IMG code from the album to post it here without any links.

    Anyways, here is the proper URL: http://postimage.org/image/p8i7qijyv/

    The idea sounds good, but maybe the HQ and the defender's spawn should be in the middle of the map. Then the attackers would spawn on the outside of the map charging in from every side. If every sentry and guardian were shooting in one direction the attackers wouldn't have a chance. However, if they were spread out it wouldn't be a problem.

  6. Camping would be a HUGE problem in this mode. People camp flags enough in CoD, but if you don't even get the ability to shoot back then it's just pointless to even try. I think CTF needs to be improved in some way though. Much smaller respawn times would be nice. It's a good idea, but I can't see how it would work.

  7. On the topic of premium, please promise us there won't be any exclusive premium tournaments, competitions, etc. I want CoDz to stay with the fact that every user is equal with the same opportunities. If it comes to UOTM being premium only or something similar to that, CoDz just wouldn't be the same.

  8. No, none of those are real. Notice how they all say concept? They are fan made.

    Also, to embed YouTube videos you take the part of the link after the = sign and then click the YouTube button. So if I did this:


    Than this would appear:


  9. I think this idea is great, everything here would be able to be implemented fairly. Although, a M1911 would not work well against a round 15 zombie, it would be better if rounds 1 to 15 went by very quickly so you would have time to grab suitable weapons. I would give brains if I could, I'll take a mental note for when they return. ;)

  10. Next time try to expand on the topic a bit. One word posts are usually frowned upon, especially if they are the first post. For example, give your fears of Black Ops II and your reasoning behind it. The first post sets an example for the repliers, pave the road for everyone else!

    My biggest fear is the multiplayer. Pretty much all multiplayers from MW2 and beyond have went a little downhill, giving new players an advantage and such. However, I've heard the matchmaking system has changed so you will be paired with people of your skill level in certain lobbies.

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