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Posts posted by JakeDuck

  1. So, what happens next? If he PM'd shapeshifter I think you should PM him back, saying we solved it. I tried PM'ing him but haven't gotten a reply yet.

    He went to bed, I was on Skype with him since I got home. I think we solved it, we're just waiting for MrX to make another appearance.

  2. I think I'll go with a UAV, Hellstorm, Dragonfire/AGR setup on launch. I usually use UAV anyway so I get less frustrated when I die and Predator Missile for an easy kill or two. Like most people I want to try out the Dragonfire/AGR. I do really like the AH-6 from MW3 so I will definitely use the Escort Drone now and again.

  3. I am 100% against any bonuses you might get from leveling up. I really want there to be ranks in zombies, but with absolutely no gameplay bonuses at all. Only aesthetic details. Treyarch has said that they don't want anything that breaks the core of zombies. What has not changed since Nacht der Untoten? Every player has the same opportunities. The only thing different between you and another player are your skills and strategies.

  4. Hey, if you can kill a man with 3 attachments on his gun, I say you deserve them.

    But what do you get for killing a man with 3 attachments on his gun AND six perks? Of course, I have not played the game and this could be an extremely ineffective strategy. However if you have an organized party of 6 people all using a gun with three attachments, it would be pretty easy to do. Or even worse, Three with six perks and three with 3 attachments. Those 3 with attachments suicide, then switch to a class they like. They have their gun picked up and you have three super soldiers.

  5. I've given up on veteran achievements entirely, they just make me mad when I die more times than I can count. I prefer going through on recruit to just enjoy the story and easy gameplay. The campaign is a fun thing to play if you just want to relax and shoot some bad guys. The multiplayer I will always play, the first month or so gives that illusion of it being the best game ever. While the main reason I want Black Ops 2 is for the zombies, I will no doubt be playing everything else.

  6. I'm sure there will be balancing with picking up guns on the ground. Maybe instead of giving you all three attachments, it will only allow you to use one of the attachments when you pick it up. Treyarch knows what they're doing, they've said they are still tuning the game. If they didn't already know of this flaw, then this video just informed them about it.

  7. I have not read this in a while, and I must say that was one of the best stories I have read. the ending was wonderful, please continue this!

    I found a funny error in chapter 8. “No! You can’t do this to me! You can do this to my brother!” Either there is an error here, or Daniel is a dick. :lol:

  8. Very interesting, now Treyarch better explain this so we can understand it for once! :lol: Maybe a bonus mode is the campaign with zombies instead of humans? *Zombie drone ahead!*

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  9. I honestly think it was only a joke tweet. I see things with 115 on them all the time. I saw a bag of frozen fish sticks with a 115 count, sometimes I look at the clock and it says 1:15. I think Jimmy might have been seeing one of those things. Now that we know the number 115 has significance, we look for it and notice it more.

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