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Posts posted by JakeDuck

  1. I haven't found it yet, but are we sure this is Nacht der Untoten? Or them just reusing old models?

    The reason being is that it says we're in the Northern Hemisphere, the signs, buildings, etc, all look American, as well as the playable characters. Where as Nacht der Untoten takes place in Germany.

    Just food for thought.

    It is undoubtedly Nacht, it is exactly like it. You can't go up the stairs though.

  2. I've heard that Green Run is the name of the entire map we play Tranzit on. Tranzit is a mode, not a map. I bet we will get a new Green Run for some DLCs, then it will be split into survival maps like in Green Run.

    I see no problem with a Black Ops Tranzit mode, remember why the original four were there? They were trapped behind a door with a teleporter in it. Treyarch opens the door, bam, it's ready to play. Teleporters can link every map, and they can be redesigned for the destroyed Earth.

  3. Just to let you know, I probably won't play much multiplayer on release for a while, I'm going to be playing Tranzit forever. I'll send you a message if I start playing multiplayer. I will play multiplayer on the first day, but not until later in the night.

  4. Okay can someone please explain to me the gist of Borderlands and Borderlands 2? Like, how it works and whatnot? It looks really unique and original, but I don't want to invest 60 bucks into something I'll play for a week or so then never touch again.

    It's a FPS RPG. Every character has different skills and perks specializing in different types of guns and playstyles. The closest game I have played I can compare it to is Dead Island but with crazy guns and enemies. There are many quests and sidequests to go on, too. If you like any RPG you will like this one. The humor is great and the number of guns is amazing. When you start the game you'll feel a bit weak, but as you get better skills and weapons the entire thing is fun. Handsome Jack is easily my favorite antagonist.

    I highly recommend the game, playing it with friends is a blast. I have never played the first Borderlands, but I got the second on launch because my friend said it was good. It is now one of my favorite games.

    Here's one of my favorite Handsome Jack moments:


  5. It would make sense for them to NOT do a sequel to Dead Ops, but I think it would be nice. I was never a huge fan of Dead Ops myself, but I've had some good times with it, and there are quite a handful of people out there that enjoy it, so give them a treat. Telling them not to put it in just cause I don't enjoy it is like some multiplayer freak telling them not to put in zombies just cause he doesn't like it himself ;)

    My thoughts exactly. I love DOA, I may not be the greatest, but I like to relax and play a simple game now and then. I don't see why someone wouldn't want it because they don't like it, it's your choice to play it or not.

  6. Are you trying to say that one must always praise other posters' antics when one posts? Now that is ridiculous. He believes that the "I called it" phrases are juvenile, and he made the point without flaming or spamming.

    Of course not, as long as you be respectful. I thought he said it in a rude way using sarcasm, like he was trying to prove him wrong.

  7. I predicted Modern Warfare 3 and Black Ops when Modern Warfare 2 was launched. Then I predicted Black Ops 2 at Black Ops launch. Does that make me a magical genius?

    Yes, yes it does.

    You don't need to post on a thread if you just want to put someone down. If you don't like how they think, don't reply.

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