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Posts posted by Cpt.Stylin

  1. After the skins used in game were posted, any similarities between him and Clarke were thrown out the window. Even if they were the same, that arguement is as valid as Richtofen being Amsel. Yes, the four heroes of Nazi Zombies share skins with characters from WaW's campaign.

    Your other big arguement is their hairline and Thief's stubble. I don't know you, or your age, but something you must understand is that facial hair is something every man has. Let's not grasp at straws here.

    I presented an analyses on their facial structure when the skins were posted. I'm no plastic surgeon but the differences present aren't something that change with age. For example, Clarke's nose is upturned, while the Thief's is more round. Your nose does not change as you grow old. The only way it'll ever look different is if you get plastic surgery or take one too many punches.

    Anti Earth, you brought up how this forum was created to find hidden meanings in the Nazi Zombies game. I'm trying to discuss this in a civil manner but so far all you've managed to accomplish was insult anybody that disagrees with you.

    You've laughed at the idea that Treyarch would take a formula from one character model and use it on another. You've also admitted that you don't know what that formula is. So instead of delving deeper to find out what the tattoos mean you've decided to stick with basic speculation. In doing this, you've overlooked one very key piece to this puzzle.

    That formula is for Nova 6.

    Two men of different ethnicities with the formula for Nova 6 tattooed on their faces? Hmm, what could this mean? I'd wager that the Thief worked along side Clarke in the Ascension Group. And what do you know, the next map just happens to be called Ascension.

    So while you've bickered with people over something simplistic, whining about how "all these 5 year olds" don't know anything. Wishing this forum would go back to it's easter egg finding glory days, you let this one slip right under the radar. Stop being a damn hypocrite and contribute something to the topic other than "Nope, it's Clark cuz I said so lolololol".

    I apologise for making this personal.

  2. In pretty much every-zombie related piece of media, zombies need a brain to operate and one can only become a zombie by being bitten before death.

    However, I don't really believe that the thief is a zombie. I mean, he doesn't have any wound marks that I can recall.

    Except there's nothing to suggest this in Nazi Zombies. The radio messages in Der Riese explain the zombies came from failed teleportation experiments.

    Sorry but yes there is something to suggest this. You shoot the head of a zombie off in the game and it dies, it may keep moving for a little bit but if you watch it, it will walk a little ways and die without you needing to do anymore damage.

    Of course they continue moving, that's not what I was talking about. See bolded part.

  3. In pretty much every-zombie related piece of media, zombies need a brain to operate and one can only become a zombie by being bitten before death.

    However, I don't really believe that the thief is a zombie. I mean, he doesn't have any wound marks that I can recall.

    Except there's nothing to suggest this in Nazi Zombies. The radio messages in Der Riese explain the zombies came from failed teleportation experiments.

  4. also if you compare there faces you can se clark has a few scars ect. missing from the theifts face

    these are the textures used for the theift and clark


    http://i1117.photobucket.com/albums/k60 ... ised_c.jpg

    the pentagon theift(without glasses)

    http://i1117.photobucket.com/albums/k60 ... head_c.jpg

    Alright, now here's something to work with. Upon closer examination the Thief looks nothing like Clarke. The only similarity is the equation on their faces. Even if you were to account for one being older than the other, their noses, ears, and lips are shaped differently.

  5. Maybe a flashback zombie map that involves the original creation of zombies to better explain the storyline, like playing as Maxis, Richtofen, Sam, and Peter? With WW2 guns and early Cold War guns?

    This is one of the better ideas I've heard on this board. :lol:

    Maybe instead of Sam we could get Porter. It would be funny to see him berate the regular Ray Gun when he gets it out of the Mystery Box, possibly talking about wanting to upgrade it.

  6. I guess you have completed missed the time-travel theme in the game then....


    What theme? A backwards timeline juxtaposed onto Nacht Der Untoten and the trip from Der Riese to Kino does not make a theme. The theme is zombies. Time travel is a plot device.

    With that said, I highly disagree about the Thief being a character from the campaign as the campaign and zombie storie's are independant of eachother. Instead I will point to another thread for the true identity of the Thief. The Pentagon Thief is really

    an extremely clever tribute to a text-based adventure game.

  7. Didn't I just say give me a reason why Takeo will die BESIDES his un-involvement in the storyline? :facepalm: This same excuse could be used for Nikolai and is not a legitimate argument. Will someone PLEASE give a different reason as to why Takeo should die?

    A reason people might feel Takeo will be the one to die could be from the new Shi No Numa message where he finds Nikolai's vodka. He doesn't say a word during the whole message, which also ends with Dempsey saying, "Aw come on Tak, suck it up and walk it off." This implies Takeo is injured. Granted, the entire team has suffered some injuries by the time of Kino Der Toten. Nikolai even has a bloodied bandage on his arm.

    I don't beleive we'll be losing any of our boys in Ascension. However, with the extensive teleporting the team has been doing, Richtofen is the most likely to go since he has no special resistance to 115.

  8. Hello everyone, this is my first post on these forums. I've lurked around for a while and decided now was the time to throw my two cents in.

    The Thief is a pain in the rear but extremely easy once you know how to deal with him. This little tidbit GermanZombiefreak provided has some juicy information regarding the Thief, but alot of it is simple symmetry.

    At any point underground, the Thief may come by and steal valuables from you. If this happens, don't worry; you'll get the treasure back at the end of the game. The Thief is hard to defeat in a fight. If he is already in a room when you enter, it is usually a good idea to leave immediately; giving him a treasure will also distract him from attacking you for one turn.

    Most of this is stuff we've come to know from the Pentagon Thief. The bolded part intruiges me. I've never tried throwing the Monkey Bomb at the Thief since I'm too busy running. Is the Thief distracted by the Monkey Bomb? If he's not this could warrant further investigation.

    Actually I had a brain-fart there. This could simply be when he takes your gun and escapes, as he no longer has interest in coming after you until the next Thief Round.

    The nasty knife from the Attic is a slightly better weapon against the Thief than the sword is.

    I'm not sure if this simply means "use the Bowie Knife". If we're continuing the allusion to ZORK's Thief, the Bowie Knife comes from the basement where the Thief lurks. However, the Mystery Box roams and could possibly spawn in the Board Room, or the attic in this case. The Ballistic Knife is a pretty nasty weapon, perhaps shooting the Thief in the head with it is an OHKO?

    It's my personal experience that if the Thief takes your gun the Krauss Refribulator gives you more than enough speed to keep up with him. When combined with the Bowie Knife it will even kill him in a couple swings. Further testing should be done with this, as I had shot the Thief with a few mags before he caught up with me.

    The scaling HP in higher rounds needs to be taken into account, of course. I can't recall exactly what round I was on at the time. Around 15 or 16 sounds about right.

    *UPDATE* No luck OHKOing the Thief with a Ballistic Knife shot. On round 7 it took 6 knife swings to kill him. This was just with the regular Ballistic Knife+Bowie Knife combo. I don't think the Krauss Refibulator would have been an OHKO either. This might just be a red herring.

    You also become a better match as you gain points, so save purposely attacking him for the very end of the game.

    This simply means you won't be steam-rolled later on since you'd have more goodies at your disposal like Speed Cola, Double Tap Root Beer, PaP weapons, Wonder Weapons, etc.

    But I digress. Very cool find, GermanZombiefreak! :) Sorry about the long-winded analysis.

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