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TFG Dubz

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Posts posted by TFG Dubz

  1. yous do know that the other 4 radios transmit morse code after the vodka step and each tranlstes to a letter each:

    V R I L

    and its timed, and you'll get the samantha laugh...

    the dummy radios are only interactable during co-op easter egg hunt therefore are not part of the radio transcripts which can activate anytime

  2. Did you already have a thread on this? If so I'm sorry I'll delete this, you seem to have got it all spot on, and I've missed a radio...

    My headphones are kinda crappy so that's my excuse xD

    no i posted them on my site only not done it on codz, i wanted to compare the two cos when i was listening to them George decided to come play, so i missed a few words here and there, plus you have done great analysis of them i wanted to give you more to work with, feel free to use my transcripts if you like,

    [brains] for the good work

  3. Heres a comparison from my transcripts, Radios in correct order (NOTE: Specimen N3WB is Takeo)

    RADIO 1

    Log entry 1471

    Date: September 2nd 1945.

    Dear diary.

    Another day, another failure. This time subject N3WB just slightly improved. The Russian subject still smells like urine. even after he was given a bath and deloused TWICE. I think i might have killed the specimen from Mexico. His spleen is on the floor and and he's not moving anymore. I can verify with certainty that the barrier is not located in the spleen.

    (static)Dr Maxis must continue no matter the cost. I wonder what he might think of the experiments on the little girl. ahahaAHAHAHA.

    *Animal screech* *most likely monkey (monkey bomb anyone?)*

    NIEN!!! drop that! That's my Spleen! MINE!

    RADIO 2

    Log Entry 1472

    Date: September 10th 1945.

    Deeeear Diary.

    Today was a good day. The swelling has subsided, the ice helps.

    They made liverwurst for lunch. It was (static)

    I still have not had any luck reprogramming any of the live specimens. Doctor Maxis says the key to unlocking the human mind will be more easily discovered of someone who isn't dead yet. I am not convinced.

    The army is stored until I can fix this, this trust Barrier.

    Oh. Apparently someone in security found a spy today, they are delivering him from Verruckt, to replace the one that i broke (chuckle)

    RADIO 3

    NOTE: ** and italic will denote Tank Dempsey speaking

    Log Entry 1473

    Date: September 17th 1945.

    Deeear Diary.


    *Get your hands of me you damn dirty Nazi..*

    Oh ho, get doctor Ludvig

    *yeah thats right, You want some of this?*

    *Im talking you home (fags?) Freaks!*

    *inaudiable sounds of a scuffle*

    Nien (static) throw american

    *Ok now im mad*

    I suppose this must be the replacement (vest? Specimen? Vessel?)

    Time to get to work!

    *I can still hear you*


    RADIO 4

    Entry 1474

    Date: September 20th 1945:

    Deeear diary.

    It would seem that the O.S.S realized that we have captured one of their spies. They tried to send a rescue team into Verruckt that was (Static) the first batch of test subjects (laughter).

    I suspect that there are other more in the organization, Dr. Harvey ena, and Doctor Peter mackay to be precise.

    Dr Maxis (static) Any americans at group 935, no matter how much genius they Have.

    Stupid Americans with their...Apple pies and baseball and children, but i digress.

    The new American Test subject is interesting, and muscly, His intellect seems low but his will is strong, like the others he doesn't seem to know who he is anymore. Unlike the others, he keeps breaking the restraints and Yelling at me.

    Test Subject N3WB is still staring at the floor muttering what sounds like some kind of proverb over and over again, i think his mind may have been destroyed by the (static)...oh well.

    The Russian subject recently begun responding to stimuli, but only after injecting him with a new serum made primarily from vodka, perhaps this is the break through we've been waiting for

    RADIO 5

    Log entry 1475

    Date: October 1st, nineteen hundred forty five.

    Deeeeeaar diary.

    As for the control group tests. they have been put on hold. Recently i have discovered that Doctor Maxis has not been mass producing the DG-2 as he swore he would. If he wont move those plans forward, then i wont continue following his dream of an undead army!

    He doesn't deserve his perch of power!. He doesn't know what to do with it! but I know just what to do with him.... and ill take care of that little brat when i get the chance to......

  4. im kind of against seeing the code... however something unside of me wants too :P

    heres a minor few bits then to wet your apatite (more random than anything)




    level waittill( "coast_easter_egg_achieved" );

    level thread maps\_zombiemode::set_sidequest_completed();

    level giveachievement_wrapper( "DLC3_ZOM_STAND_IN", true );

    level givegamerpicture_wrapper( "DLC3_TAKEO", true );

    if ( !flag( "solo_game" ) )


    level giveachievement_wrapper( "DLC3_ZOM_ENSEMBLE_CAST", true );

    level givegamerpicture_wrapper( "DLC3_NIKOLAI", true );


    precacheshellshock( "electrocution" );

    level.num_director_zombies = 0;

    level.director_zombie_spawners = GetEntArray( "boss_zombie_spawner", "targetname" );

    array_thread( level.director_zombie_spawners, ::add_spawn_function, maps\_zombiemode_ai_director::director_prespawn );

    if( !isDefined( level.max_director_zombies ) )


    level.max_director_zombies = 1;


    if( !isDefined( level.director_zombie_health_mult ) )


    level.director_zombie_health_mult = 7;


    if( !isDefined( level.director_zombie_max_health ) )


    level.director_zombie_max_health = 1000000;








    level thread maps\_zombiemode::register_sidequest( "ZOMBIE_COAST_EGG_SOLO", 43, "ZOMBIE_COAST_EGG_COOP", 44 );




    include_weapon( "frag_grenade_zm", false );

    include_weapon( "sticky_grenade_zm", false, true );

    include_weapon( "claymore_zm", false, true );

    include_weapon( "m1911_zm", false );

    include_weapon( "m1911_upgraded_zm", false );

    include_weapon( "python_zm" );

    include_weapon( "python_upgraded_zm", false );

    include_weapon( "cz75_zm" );

    include_weapon( "cz75_upgraded_zm", false );

    include_weapon( "m14_zm", false, true );

    include_weapon( "m14_upgraded_zm", false );

    include_weapon( "m16_zm", false, true );

    include_weapon( "m16_gl_upgraded_zm", false );

    include_weapon( "g11_lps_zm" );

    include_weapon( "g11_lps_upgraded_zm", false );

    include_weapon( "famas_zm" );

    include_weapon( "famas_upgraded_zm", false );

    include_weapon( "ak74u_zm", false, true );

    include_weapon( "ak74u_upgraded_zm", false );

    include_weapon( "mp5k_zm", false, true );

    include_weapon( "mp5k_upgraded_zm", false );

    include_weapon( "mpl_zm", false, true );

    include_weapon( "mpl_upgraded_zm", false );

    include_weapon( "pm63_zm", false, true );

    include_weapon( "pm63_upgraded_zm", false );

    include_weapon( "spectre_zm" );

    include_weapon( "spectre_upgraded_zm", false );

    include_weapon( "mp40_zm", false );

    include_weapon( "mp40_upgraded_zm", false );

    include_weapon( "cz75dw_zm" );

    include_weapon( "cz75dw_upgraded_zm", false );

    include_weapon( "ithaca_zm", false, true );

    include_weapon( "ithaca_upgraded_zm", false );

    include_weapon( "rottweil72_zm", false, true );

    include_weapon( "rottweil72_upgraded_zm", false );

    include_weapon( "spas_zm" );

    include_weapon( "spas_upgraded_zm", false );

    include_weapon( "hs10_zm" );

    include_weapon( "hs10_upgraded_zm", false );

    include_weapon( "aug_acog_zm" );

    include_weapon( "aug_acog_mk_upgraded_zm", false );

    include_weapon( "galil_zm" );

    include_weapon( "galil_upgraded_zm", false );

    include_weapon( "commando_zm" );

    include_weapon( "commando_upgraded_zm", false );

    include_weapon( "fnfal_zm" );

    include_weapon( "fnfal_upgraded_zm", false );

    include_weapon( "dragunov_zm" );

    include_weapon( "dragunov_upgraded_zm", false );

    include_weapon( "l96a1_zm" );

    include_weapon( "l96a1_upgraded_zm", false );

    include_weapon( "rpk_zm" );

    include_weapon( "rpk_upgraded_zm", false );

    include_weapon( "hk21_zm" );

    include_weapon( "hk21_upgraded_zm", false );

    include_weapon( "m72_law_zm" );

    include_weapon( "m72_law_upgraded_zm", false );

    include_weapon( "china_lake_zm" );

    include_weapon( "china_lake_upgraded_zm", false );

    include_weapon( "ray_gun_zm" );

    include_weapon( "ray_gun_upgraded_zm", false );

    include_weapon( "crossbow_explosive_zm" );

    include_weapon( "crossbow_explosive_upgraded_zm", false );

    include_weapon( "humangun_zm", true, false );

    include_weapon( "humangun_upgraded_zm", false );

    include_weapon( "sniper_explosive_zm", true );

    include_weapon( "sniper_explosive_upgraded_zm", false );

    include_weapon( "zombie_nesting_dolls", true, false );

    include_weapon( "knife_ballistic_zm", true );

    include_weapon( "knife_ballistic_upgraded_zm", false );

    include_weapon( "knife_ballistic_sickle_zm", false );

    include_weapon( "knife_ballistic_sickle_upgraded_zm", false );

    level._uses_retrievable_ballisitic_knives = true;

    maps\_zombiemode_weapons::add_limited_weapon( "m1911_zm", 0 );

    maps\_zombiemode_weapons::add_limited_weapon( "humangun_zm", 1 );

    maps\_zombiemode_weapons::add_limited_weapon( "sniper_explosive_zm", 1 );

    maps\_zombiemode_weapons::add_limited_weapon( "crossbow_explosive_zm", 1 );

    maps\_zombiemode_weapons::add_limited_weapon( "knife_ballistic_zm", 1 );

    maps\_zombiemode_weapons::add_limited_weapon( "zombie_nesting_dolls", 1 );

    precacheItem( "explosive_bolt_zm" );

    precacheItem( "explosive_bolt_upgraded_zm" );

    precacheItem( "sniper_explosive_bolt_zm" );

    precacheItem( "sniper_explosive_bolt_upgraded_zm" );

    level.collector_achievement_weapons = array_add( level.collector_achievement_weapons, "sickle_knife_zm" );


  5. @Dubz,

    your saying that there is a way to complete it without the green light?

    i got stuck there in solo yesterday,

    i blew up the generators,

    went back to listen to the gang and richtofen (sp?) starts singing about a forcefield.

    i went outside to see if there was anything new, (morse code etc) nothing.

    i went to the ships controlls to see if those did the next step, nothing. no green light, nothing.

    granted i didnt have the whole ship open, but i dont see why that would matter, 'cus i had everything else related to the egg open.

    what do i do?

    ive bypassed the green light 4 times now each a different way, tbh twice i had no idea how i did it as i wasn't doing anything in particular, it all depends on which branch you get. i have got 2 rough guides for the 2 other ways to get the achievement and will post them in abit

    i just had a quick look at the game code and on first glance it seems the dials on the lighthouse can skip part or most of the Easter egg itself, either that or it makes zombies ignor you and they end up dancing, i kid you not

  6. I love how dubz claims that he hates fame seekers and what not. But earlier he says that he is tired of people that take credit for what he "founded". If you didn't seek fame, you would not care who takes credit. All you would care about is the personal satisfaction. I may be a noob, but I can spot bs when I see it.

    you know how much stuff ive discovered since the beginning of zombies started and people took credit for? alot, now im all for helping zombie communities but ive since given up doing it freely since idiot kids with machinima contracts steal what ever they can, Credit where credit is due, and as for FAME, it was my community members who found it, so therefore They deserve to get a mention.

    and Satisfaction? yes, putting so much effort into something and getting it right is satisfying, however i dont need to post videos on youtube for proof because i actually write stuff down

    you know what is missing, reading and writing.

    most kids and people seem to forget how to do both, only living by youtube videos and what have you, jeez this generation of kids believe unless theres a video on youtube then it didnt happen, shows how retarded people have become in 2 years and shows the state of the world when people only believe something is true only if youtube tells them so

    I can show you how i did it if you want, seeing as i have the ENTIRE EASTER EGG GAME CODE decrypted and viewable for all to see, you can figure it out too

  7. Looking through in game code, heres part of the code that appears after the bottle easter egg for multiplayer

    radios = GetEntArray( "hello_world", "targetname" );
    for( i = 0; i {
    radios[i] SetCursorHint( "HINT_NOICON" );
    radios[i] SetHintString( "" );
    radios[i] UseTriggerRequireLookAt();
    radios[i] thread coast_egg_art_critic_message();
    level endon( "aca" );
    if( !IsDefined( self.script_special ) )
    if( !IsDefined( self.script_string ) )
    flag_wait( "power_on" );
    while( !flag( "aca" ) )
    self waittill( "trigger", dj );
    if( is_player_valid( dj ) )
    if( !flag( "ke" ) )
    self PlaySound( "zmb_radio_morse_static" );
    wait( 0.1 );
    if( flag( "ke" ) )
    self PlaySound( self.script_string );
    if( !IsDefined( level._reach ) )
    level._reach = [];
    heard = level call_out( self.script_parameters );
    if( IsDefined( heard ) && heard )
    flag_set( "aca" );

    Now the Dummy radios as i call them (of which ive found 3) do not make a sound in SOLO, however in Co-Op they make a static noise when you hold X on them at this point in the easter egg, as this relates to the easter egg codes, this is clearly part of the step for co-op

    i have all Call of the Dead Easter egg coding and am going through it all now, will have all the answers to do it multiplayer shortly


    1st step - Power

    Turn on the power

    step 2 - the fuse

    go to the room where the team is trapped, listen to the banter, knife the door or shoot it to get the trigger started, once the conversation has finished, go upstairs and for a Big Fuse which will be located on either of the 2 desks in the above room, once you found it, insert it into the console to the right of the door

    Step 3 - destroy generators

    Blow up the 4 glowing red generators dotted around the map (Note so far only semtex blows them up, must be hit directly on top or wont get turned off

    Step 4 - Find golden rod

    Turn ships stearing wheel to 5 oclock, push the first lever once, then push right lever all the way, this will stop the morse code or giant orb faze and cause a submarine to appear and shoot a green light into the lighthouse (or vice versa)

    GEt a VR11 (mine was pack a punched so dont know if needed to be PaP or not) get a zombie at the bottom of the lighthouse inside and shoot it with the VR11, the zombie will get sucked up into the green light, while it is floating up, you need to kill it before it reaches the top.

    if done correctly the goldenrod will appear and float down to the bottom of the lighthouse for you to grab.

    Take it back to the tube to the left of the heros door, hold x to put it in and complete the easter egg solo, congratulations. Enjoy a gamerpicture, Achievement and WunderWaffe, yes you read right, you get the WunderWaffe DG-2

    TGP members found a total of 3 ways to complete this, dont know if they are glitches but multiple paths have completed the easter egg (we bypassed the green light altogether), other 2 paths coming shortly

  9. the flashing light outside of the map is a ship using morse code, I think the horn sounding lamps can be used to call back to the ship.

    ive gotten 3 different paths during the easter egg now

    The blinking morse code light and golden glowing rocks (only 2 of the PaP rocks were golden

    The Giant 2nd solid gold orb in the sky

    The Ship control's Green Light

    All three end up setting the team free, but i think theres more to the first two than meets the eye than just releasing the team

  10. "Deeeear Diary, stupid Americans with there apple pie and baseball."

    Richtofens character has hit a new level of Insane Genius with hilarious results , new ringtones are in order. I will be anxiously awaiting your revised timeline Dub, cant help but feel Treyarch are backtracking to cover old ground, when there is no need.

    gonna send you a link to the radio transcripts i posted on my site as they are done now, some very interesting things were said, also have the dates needed to revise the timeline so will get on that aswell.

    1 more thing, theres 3 branches of the Easter egg, in the sense ive done it 3 different ways and released the team, dunno wtf is going but it seems to me theres different dialogs depending on the 3 different scenarios your choose

    1st - a second giant orb in the sky (Only when pap is in 1 locations and disappears when pap does)

    2nd - The first way i did it, PaP VR11 at the glowing golden PaP locations (of which only 2 were glowing)

    3rd - The green light way (using the ships controls)

    ive now released the team 3 times in 3 different ways and not sure if its a glitch or what but would be interesting if theres more than meets the eye to the egg

  11. oK, so im on the goldenrod part (solo) again and have come to a head, this time i did what i did before, however the Pap rocks aren't lighting up this time, but there are 2 golden orbs in the sky, the 1 which beeps the melody, and a second that appears Randomly** and remains solid, which i will explain in a minute. so i believe there is either 2 ways to complete this egg, or there is a fail way (which would be the result i got this time)

    ** ok so abit more on the goldenrod step

    for a start, the blinking orb does move at least 3times under certain conditions (first time i just held X while looking at it

    When i completed it before, i got the VR-11 After the pap rocks were glowing, so i know the VR-11 isn't needed to progress to the glowing rocks part.

    there is a second giant glowing orb in the sky this time, back of the ship in the sky, it remains solid, however it only seems to appear when the pap is located by quick revive, it disappears when pap goes or when its in other locations

    i did however see the giant orb when i completed it first time, this time it was directly above the lighthouse (Right above it) this is i believe the key, as after this, is when the 2 PaP rocks started glowing and coincidentally the giant gold orb was no longer seen

    so im going to try again, i believe theres something i did and didnt realize that at the time, so im going to list everything i done and through the course of today i will narrow it down and give a step by step walk through once i know what affects it and what doesn't by the end of the day

    What i Tried/what could mean the difference of completing the egg and failing

    Activated all four fog horns

    moved the dials on the lighthouse (from bottom up) 1389, 1945, 0115, 1471

    activated all radios (including the dummies)

    flung George across the map several times

    opened every door

    activated the Easter egg song

    shot the lighthouse light with several guns including the rocket launcher

    held X of the blinking light

    shot the blinking light with several guns

    move the steering wheel 180degrees so the darkest part is facing down, and pushed both levers all the way down

    i did all this before the rocks glowed, and before i got the VR-11.

  12. as this will be the last topic on here for the foreseeable future just figured id go out with something eveyones been wondering about since Der Riese

    the mystery of HYENA

    gonna get straight to the point, the radio gives us everything we need, and give us agent peters real name.

    anyway back to HYENA, it is one Harvey (Y)ena

    OSS (the group who sent Peter in as a spy) another name for majestic twelve?, we shall see

    Agent Doctor Peter Mckay

    also mentioned in said radio are Dempsey, Nikolai and Takeo, finally giving me more to add to my timeline

    and yes proof proof thats what your all gonna say blah blah so i found a recording on youtube


  13. Diex on round 20 and didnt get to complete the easter egg on mutiplayer, so this is still just only been completed on solo, my own fault for plaging with randoms I guess as only got up to the vodka stage.

    So if anyone wants to do this today I would be glad to help

    Im statting to believe theres more to it than first realized, for a start, the giant blinking flashing orb in the sky, as I said it moves location, it beeps a melody in what I can only decribe as morse code on a loop

    During this time only 2 of the pack punch locations (that ive seen) have a golden glow around, at which point huge rocks are placed in the pack a.phnch locations which I know.for a fact were not there before

    So as on solo we completely skip the vodka part, I believe that the golden rod is alot more.complicated to do co op than it is solo, and possibly includes an extra step, but need a.decent team to confirm it, I believe the beeps are more important in co.op than they are in solo. Also I have a crappy vid captured on phone showing the beeping lights

  14. Really Dubz you use this information to attack me, Carbon & CoDz... Wow, just wow...

    Really showing those colours now arn't we?

    For shame. :facepalm:

    Leave CoDz if it's such a crap site...

    You've been hostile & pushy ever since you got here.

    Regards Alpha.

    wtf really?

    Fact is Carbon did use to advertise CodZ alot on the official forums, im using this in comparison for the fact that people say im advertising providing 1 link, a source link, dont call the kettle black

    secondly wtf i wasnt attacking you???? you bloody egocentric old fool, alot of codz members gave me alot of flak for challenging a theory you had, it was a theory, (if no one challenges theories your never going to fin the truth, even you should realize this) with no real proof yourself, just a bunch of mythology and such, no different from me now claiming what ive found. you either take my word for it or go prove me wrong

    and just to show theres no hard feelings, and to show our difference in quality over quantity (Just for Alpha, this has nothing to do with codz)

    Codz Total members = 5905

    your biggest thread stickied that i can see = 5755 views

    my orginal site TFG total members = 457 (at time of being hacked)

    my highest viewed thread = over 30 thousand views (do the math for such a huge well known zombie community agaisnt my little community and myself who people seem to not realize who i am)

    dont take me for a fool Alpha and dont try to boost your own ego, it wont work, i dont care and tbh you just wasted your time posting here, but i understand you want retribution for me doing it on your thread, so its cool, i dont hate you, just wish you used something more intelligent instead of twisting my meanings, sad really, just plan sad. you dont have the gift of the gab and you really dont have the wit, but i admire you none the less for trying so im gonna give you brains for effort [brains]

    oh and just for the record, i was a member on the original codz forums, as i said before, this is a new username so dont act all high and mighty

  15. if any of you knew me from the official forums you'd know i neither dont record videos as i hate youtube fame seekers (and everything that goes with it) and neither need to provide proof. ive never lied about anything and have always provided ingame proof to back up everything since W@W

    As i said, if you dont believe me its fine, but i have done it, everyone (and i mean everyone across multiple sites) are stuck on the golden rod part, i got past it, and decided to help the community by showing you the way,

    Have i told you everything about the easter egg and how to complete it? No, of course i haven't, and with good reason, this is an important part in the story arc and i believe you need to do yourselves and experience it first hand, its not something i want to give away, 1. it would waste all the effort Treyarch put in and 2. i truly believe its worth waiting for, this is why i dont record my stuff, i dont wish to take away from your experience, however i have shown you the way, ive only given you enough information to get a rough idea, i was very specific in what i was trying to do, if you think its dishonest, think im a lair, i dont care, Zombies is about discovery, im not gonna hold your hand for something this important and show you what happens, goes agaisnt what zombies is

  16. Just curious, how do you grab the bottle of vodka on solo?

    This step doesnt happen in Solo as it needs 2 or more, after destroying the generators it moved me straight to the golden rod Section of the easter egg bypassing the need to find vodka

  17. yes i do own TGP, but before i owned TGP i was a zombie vet on the official forums, i allow any on my site to view any of the threads without registering, i dont ask you to sign up either. i posted the official thread link because im sick of twats like PTG and syndicateproject taking credit for finds that i myself and others have found first

    considering i have the achievement for freeing the team solo and im now playing online to get the co-op achievement, i dont really care what you think, the fact of the matter is it has been done, i havnt asked you for anything but i have pointed you in the right direction, so if you dont believe me i dont really care, proof is its done, be grateful i still come on other forums instead of keeping it to just mine own site.

    have a nice day

    oh, and btw, your in for a treat when you do it

  18. ummmm, your last two post contradict each other, first, you found it, its a glowing flashing beeping something in the sky, next its a PaP'd VR-11? good god man, make some sense.

    yeah was concentrating on the damn beeps thinking they might be the codes for the lighthouse, edited main 1st post with correct info, sorry, was trying to solve 2 easter eggs at the same time, thought it was morse code

  19. To clarify, its in the sky, the light moves to different places (seen it in 2 different places in the sky now

    also,all locations are where pack a punch is located, the area is lit up (all of them)

    to complete the final step you need to PaP the VR-11 gun (Golden rod with fingers on the end, duh)

    As i said TGP are the first to complete it, so dont doubt me again, im a veteran, not some noob

  20. tell us how then lol no good just saying you got it! :|

    oh yeah, my bad, am still doing it trying to figure out the code, its a huge great flashing orb thing in the sky to the right of the light house

    it flashes in time with the different tone beeps, n seeing as everything else was found the same in Solo compared to multiplayer, sure it will be in the same place then

    taken from tgp @ http://www.thegamingpod.com/forum/showt ... 93#post793

    On a side note: ive unlocked the zipline on the top of the lighthouse doing just this easter egg part

  21. Completed by TGP

    1st step

    Turn on the power

    step 2

    Listen to Crew, then go upstairs, look on the desk for the Fuse, take the fuse and put it into the control panel next to the door

    Step 3

    Blow up the 4 glowing red generators dotted around the map

    Step 4 (Single player skips this step)

    find Vodka on the railings above where the team are trapped (need minimum of 2 players for this

    Step 5

    Find the golden rod -for this step you need the VR-11 gun and pack a punch it at one of the GOLDEN GLOWING pack a punch locations (only 2 of the pack a punch locations glowed Gold which is covered by huge ice rocks (not normally there)

    Note: there is something else, that i havent said, TBH i only posted enough of the info to put you in the right direction to complete the Easter Egg, after all the crap ive got for help YOU guys out is beyond a joke

    so much for being the best zombie community out there (ok bit harsh as i like most members on here). yet i get shit for debating a theory with alphasnake, but you all think im full of it after pushing you in the right direction all because i posted my original source? pathetic, maybe i should post all the threads of CarbonFibah from the OFFICIAL cod zombie forums advetising codz from w@w days?, so dont give me shit for posting the source when i dont ask you to sign up in the first damn place, its there for my own piece at mind, nothing more, dont like it dont click, im not forcing you to ffs.

    cant believe all the crap i get for helping you out

  22. . Is the ak47 in this map or no?

    . What is the VR11 like upgraded?

    . Has anybody been able to have attachments on their guns?

    . How many radios are in the map and does anyone have a video of what the radios say?

    That is all.

    Please reply ;)

    no, ive used the boxed and opened every door, theres no ak74 that ive seen

    havnt managed to upgrade yet, been busy with easter eggs, but have had the normal version and it is funny

    so far ive found 5 radios

    Radio 1 - Richtofen talking about Maxis, Experiments and someone being transferred (possibly peter?)

    Location: Top of the lighthouse outside on the walkway

    Radio 2 - Richtofen again talking about peter, and Verruckt, I know hes real name now :P (sorry was swarmed with zombies all i know is this radio is extremely long

    Location: bow of the Ship on a container

    Radio 3 - Richtofen planning to do away with Dr Maxis and Samantha because Maxis refused to mass produce the wunderwaffe DG2

    Location: under the lighthouse in the water area on a rock

    Radio 4 - Richtofen experimentation on a Russian and killing a mexican and mentiing doing a experiment on the "little girl"

    Location: boat house behind the lighthouse under floor

    Radio 5 - Richtofen arguing with Dempsey (Pre or Post Experiment will)

    Location: bottom of the ship, next to the Falre, in the water area in the wall

  23. Considering Dempsey Specfically says RICHTOFEN you can pretty much prove who they are :s

    heres a part of the script for the door to prove its THE team

    SCTP Easter Egg Hunt Pre Fuse

    Dempsey: Heey is anyone out there?! were stuck in this room!

    Nikolai: arrgh im blind, im blind! in my eyes!

    Dempsey: holy shitballs, me too! what did you do richtofen!!

    Richtofen: i did nothing! wheres the light switch? oooh think i found a lever! perhaps this will turn on the lights

    Dempsey: oh ah, let go! thats! not! a! Lever! Richtofen!!

    Richtofen: ah ha, shhh! did you hear that?

    Nikolai: sounded like someone ouside, Hey! you, hey! i need vodka!

    Richofen: helloooooooo can you help us? there must be a blown fuse or something, its dark in here!

    "Someone throws up"

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