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Posts posted by band_GEEKS_rule

  1. In the terminal, Mason (I think) received a message, from someone called "X", saying that Woods was alive and the last remaining guest of the Hanoi Hilton. So therefore, it is possible he is alive.

    That could have been a trap however since it was received around the time that Mason, Hudson and Weaver were burnt. So now that the CIA was hunting them down they could have tried to trick them into a trap to capture them. I just think it was unlikely he survived all those grenades that close to his body.

  2. Anyone play the campaign?

    If Woods were to be in zombies at all he would be, a zombie...He died during the campaign to save Mason when he tackled Kravchenko out of the window as Kravchenko had live grenades strapped to his chest. To me it seems impossible Woods could survive multiple grenades exploding less than four inches from his body. Seems EXTREMELY unlikely he would or even could for that matter, be a new zombie slayer

  3. I don't think there's much significance to the prompt saying "death-con." It gives you access to the PaP, so maybe it's just alluding to the deadly efficacy/efficiency of PaP'd weapons.

    On an unrelated note, in the first elevator, there's a sign that says "10 person max" (not exactly that). I thought that the sign was a bit too prominent to mean nothing, knowing treyarch and all. I've always thought that maybe throwing a monkey in there and filling it with zombies would cause it to crash. I tried this when I was in the War room, but nothing happened. Maybe that's because it's already as low as it can go? I've yet to try this on the first floor, but maybe it causes a crash, or MAYBE does something even cooler. A previously unknown area? Instant access to PaP, seeing as how that elevator is directly above the PaP room? I suppose a no-clip would quickly confirm or debunk this "theory."

    Just an idea, off-topic as it may be.

    Seems kind of illogical really, i cant see why Treyarch would put such an easter egg into the map, especially considering it would be impossible to pass between the first and second floors anymore without the use of the teleporters, i'm sure it's just the standard sign put into elevators telling the riders of the maximum occupancy limit so that the elevator doesn't malfunction. Most likely its insignificant.

  4. Interesting Theory, but....aren't all 4 of our heroes regaining their memory, slowly?

    Dempsy remembers being a Marine.

    Nikolai remembers all his wives.

    Takeo remembers...well...Japanese things.

    Richtofen obviously knows what's going on. Plus, Richtofen has called the other 3 his "unconventional Allies" who are "of great use to him". Plus he's trying to uncover the secrets of Group 935 if i'm not mistaken.

    The characters never lost their long-term memories, just their short-term memories which includes only how they got to shi nu numa and the tests performed by group 935.

    How do we know the "unconventional allies" are the 3 characters? Did I miss something? I'm not trying to be a dick, just wondering.

    Rictohfen calls them this in the loading screen for Kino der Toten, at this point in time there are no other three people helping him kill zombies that he could refer to.

  5. If you stand at the top of the stairs in the first room of Kino, you'll notice the roman numerals (formed by the boards) XIIV. That isn't a correct roman numeral, but if you turn it into digits, it becomes 10 1 1 5. 10115.

    I googled 10115 and it turns out it's the Manhattan area code AND an area code (type of thing) for Berlin.

    I just thought that was very coincidental. Lemme know what you think.

    Hmm that doesn't seem coincidental, that seems like an amazing find that is definetely worth the time to research, which i will go do now [brains] for this

    Edit: didn't find much except that the street name you arrive on when search is named Henry Hudson

    the Hudson thing caught my eye but doesn't seem too significant

  6. I still don't know why everyone thinks this woman and her message relates to the zombies, it makes me wonder if anyone has played the campaign this is the woman that *spoilers use highlight function* awakens the sleeper agents, after you beat the game you see her turn on the radio and read out the code, you then hear Mason deciphering the code and a picture of him in what looks like an assassination attempt directed towards Kennedy, so her purpose is to tell people to kill Kennedy not give us zombie map pack clues

  7. Even if the boxes dealt with time travel, time travelling in a game seems unlikely (by this i mean they cant really deal with time travel), and as for the ballistic knife idea i cant see why it would differ just to knife, grenade, or the shoot the box with anything else :?

  8. Been saying this on a lot of forums, six is a really consistent pattern, we've got Nova-6, six power boxes, dogs every six rounds, Six Grim Reaper things on Project Nova, and I'm sure i'm missing something else. Manhatan(exact spelling) down is reference to the Manhattan Project, also Hatan, is Hebrew for six.

    Dogs spawn on 5-8 and come every 5-4 rounds ;)

    But everything else does seem to coincide with the number 6, especially on five, if you look at the teleporters the only stationary number you see is a 6 and there are quite a few of them, all i can think of is 666

  9. She is the woman who awakens the sleeper agents, the code word to draw the agents attention and begin the awakening is ascension, the numbers give the agents their directs and the knowledge to carry out the plans, its all has to do with the campaign not zombies as far as i know

    Did no one play the campaign? :mrgreen:

  10. This sounds like the most far-fetched theory every imagined, for one that would be an infinite round camping area, and even if you could go through the doors up top there are no rooms to enter (as seen with no-clip)

    Personally i think someone has been smoking something very potent while playing zombies, and i would like to borrow some

  11. The same camping strategy i like to use 8-)

    At around wave 23 and onward the zombies get too tough to efficiently kill without a wonder weapon (by this i mean they swarm up the stairs before you can kill them all) so this is when we turn on the trap at every possible opportunity.

    Kudos to reaching round 30 in there though, i haven't ever got past 26 without having to escape out the emergency door and start mobbing them up in the theater. ;)

  12. It is a great method but what i didn't see mentioned, and it is something very useful, is that even on higher rounds the crawlers or creepers can be used as a form of grenade. You can use your m16 to hipfire and aim as best you can with the hipfire at the crawlers, when they explode they usually kill about 2-5 other zombies if they are close enough. 8-)

  13. (i apologize in advance for the wall of text :lol: )

    Well it's my first ever post on the site and that being the case i hope i don't re-state anything that has already been thrown out there (did a bit of looking around didn't see anything about this) so i hope i can bring some new information to the table.

    Ok so hopefully most everyone knows that there are two radios and three projection films, now when you hit the radios they seem to play the same messages as in the films. I thought that it was a bit strange that there were only two radios and three films, now i could have just been clueless to a third hidden radio that no one had came across but i was a bit intrigued so i activated both radios. I got the standard first two messages about the testing on the subjects and what not but when i proceeded to turn in all three projection films i stumbled upon two more messages! it seems that the films and radios work in conjunction to bring about 5 total recordings; and who is to say it stops there, there may be even more radios, time will tell.

    I could not hear what recording 4 had to say as the speaker mumbles quite a bit, i'll try to update this later when i play through again; however i believe he was talking about "mass producing" mind controlled soldiers

    Recording 5: A tragedy has occurred. Subject 536 has lost control.*THUMP THUMP* Wait a second... "THUMP THUMP" What is it?!

    To me these extra recordings help to prove that the theater was in fact used to create controllable soldiers, whether they be zombie or civilian.

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