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|| M u K s Y ||

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Posts posted by || M u K s Y ||

  1. Nice job! Like, really, I would never have that attention span...

    And not to bust your balls or anything, but supposedly, playing solo is the same as playing with four people divided by three.

    So the level you would have gotten to if you played with 4 people is...

    17.3... -.-

    Nice job man, you'll have to play with me and RoflWaffles one day.

    Haha yeah we should, ino its easier but im still proud :D i took heaps of breaks and paused it and stuff lol. I reckon with 2 ppl i can do it aslong as someone is patient because the person with the thundergun with be surviving past 30 + and the other will be dieing a fair bit because at round 50 it took 16 ray gun bullets for one zombie :/ lol and i would have gotten past 17 lol -__- best on kino is 35 with 3

  2. haha yeah it was kinda getting boring but i had nothing else to do ! Lol

    yeah my strategy was the rape train, but without the frags because after 30 + frags do shit all haha, i was circling around the lunar lander where the phd flopper is and yeah, i never really ran out of ammo, i was just gather all of them and a either use a gersch device, or 1 blast from the zeus cannon.

  3. Ok so im just wondering if there are any new weapons added to zombies apart from the gersch device and the dolls, such as the m60 or ak47, and is the wunderwaffe back? because in a picture it showed dempsey holding it, takeo holding winters howl, nikolai with the ray and richtoffen with the thundergun.

  4. i like this strategy, very similar to mine but we stay by the juggernog machine, because i usually play with two players and will be difficult to cover the window and the alley at the same time. I also like the juggernog strategy because theres no windows behind, only the entrance, access to the turret, teleporter nearby and a electric fence to your right, and if you do get downed, juggernog is there. Got me to round 34 with 2 people, before we got bored. The thing thats annoying about it is that the creepers still come, where as in the alley way, the dont, but thats what i heard.

  5. Everyone knows that strategy dude, it got me up to level 33 with two of us. I was replying to the authors "new" strategy idea

    I'm sorry Mason G. I didn't realize you were better than everyone.


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