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Posts posted by Sandwhiches

  1. impossible, the game cant glitch a map like that. perfect example :

    I have Classic Maps. I start a private party, invite three of my friends. I change map to any of the 4 classic maps. My friends never seen them on black ops. I start lobby, loading screen as normal, after an extended period of time, game starts and im solo. They tell me map could not load. Why? There is no data for the dlc. Only way your story would work is if treyarch updated the servers with a file "zombie_ascension1" you somehow had the credential to download said file, notification notify's you of Black ops dlc downloaded. and in your memory of hard drive under games, black ops, there would be game save data, classic zombie maps, zombie_ascension1, and a settings file. As for the community i hate to classify this myth busted.

    And if your still skeptical that this in anyway might be plausible.. You CAN NOT re-download the classic maps on xbox 360. you enter the code once, and thats it, if it fails due to internet connection etc etc, your left to call treyarch because it will not initiate download a second time. even from xbox.com, trust me I've tried.

    As for the op. -brains for thinking anyone WITH LOGIC would fall for this.

    Actually, you just go into Download History...i think I got there from the xbox middle button...what's it called again?

  2. it's happened to me a few times.....it's great in Knife Only games of zombies because you can knife REALLY quickly.... at round 11 i managed to kill the last remaining zombies of the round (everyone else died) and it took a really short time.

    also, your arms don't glitch, someone said i looked like i was defusing a bomb (that wasn't there) with a floating bowie knife.

  3. Well, for the people who asked how he got there,

    MAybe, JUST MAYBE, he was 115-ificated and zombified......(brains for new words :D ?)

    and seeing as zomps are undead, clarke bing hit in the head makes him deaded? so he turns into a zombie or something....just a very....confusing....idea of mine :D

    Lol soz for bad writing...i kinda rushed and didn't read what i wrote (it made sence in my head :oops: )

    but anyways Clarke hit in head then died and something hapened...THE END

  4. Well, for the people who asked how he got there,

    MAybe, JUST MAYBE, he was 115-ificated and zombified......(brains for new words :D ?)

    and seeing as zomps are undead, clarke bing hit in the head makes him deaded? so he turns into a zombie or something....just a very....confusing....idea of mine :D

  5. Hey guys...ima new guy, been browsing this site for a while......

    Anyways, i was playing Kino Der Toten, I got the Thundergun from the random box and under the light of outside i could see what looked like russian writing on the rusted green part of the outside of the thundergun....

    hope this isnt old info :oops: , btw this pic IS HUUUGE!

    Tell me what you guys think?

    hopefully this image shows up :P

    soz bout the huge picture :P

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