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Posts posted by Ghekz

  1. I can fly like a bird not in the sky

    Which can always swim and always dry

    I say goodbye at night and morning hi

    I am part of you what am I

    I follow and lead as you pass

    Dress yourself in black my darkness lasts

    I flee the light but without the sun

    Your view of me would be gone

    It's a shadow.

    Birds fly but the shadow remains on the ground/wall.

    It can be seen in water, but won't get wet due to it being a figure of (a lack of) light.

    Naturally, you can't see shadows that well at night.

    Your shadow is a part of you.

    Shadows appear to follow and lead you as you pass by lights.

    It's always darker than its surroundings.

    It goes behind the object, so it appears to "flee" the light source.

    If there was no sun, you would not be able to naturally see your shadow.

    EXCELLENT FIND! [brains]

    This could once again be interpreted as Samantha literally shadowing the group, particularly Richthofen as well all know. She's a spectre that leaves no trace that she was ever there, but if you simply look for it, there it is.

  2. ***TOP SECRET***






    **Please use Agency standard cyphers for operative identity.”


    We successfully inserted CWZGUTCT into Group 935 as a research assistant based out of Munich. Current location is unknown, but his last transmission suggested he had been transferred from the Der Riese facility to a top secret location known only as Verruckt. Most recent communique indicated that the 935 experiments are barely under control.

    Attempts to secure all visible Group 935 research of Element 115 technology have been unsuccessful.

    We fear that CWZGUTCT identity has been compromised. Sending in a Marine Recon unit to extract CWZGUTCT from the asylum before it is too late. Operation leader will be one HVZJZGUZGTTYKPJERTTQTX.

    The asylum must be contained at all costs.

    CWZGUTCT when decoded spells peter I'm guessing peter is an undercover American agent who was sent to germany because they wanted to know what was going on with all these experiments and I'm guessing dempsey was captured when he was in verruckt to rescue peter and that's how he becomes a part of the group

    Hahahah I know exactly who you got this information off 8-) , anyway, CWZGUTCT decoded to Peter, HVZJZGUZGTTYKPJERTTQTX decoded to Tank Dempsey and the other big blob of ciphertext decoded to "Signed Cornelius Pernell."

    Just to clear that up :)

  3. Im not one to suggest glitching. But this is something different. When you type rlogin derriese it then asks for login and password. and then if you get it wrong... which everyone does. You have to type it all over again.

    Go to the terminal

    Type in rlogin derriese

    Press X to exit the terminal

    Press A to sit down

    Now get back up and go to the terminal again.

    From now on it will automatically ask for a login after a wrong login/pass combination are made and you won't have to type in rlogin derriese anymore.

    I have done this with rlogin dreamland vbush/majestic1 just to make sure that it would log you in with this method and it does. Hope that saves some time and effort for you guys!


    You, sir, are a genius.

  4. Lets compare this to the traditional story...

    (Careful, wall of text approaching)

    Eight marines were sent to Verruckt to pick up Peter in two planes. One plane crashed and landed at a nearby airstrip which was conveniently also full of zombies. This is NDU. The other four, including Tank Dempesey, made it to Verruckt but were overwhelmed, as they did not expect zombies to be there, just 935 scientists. All marines but one died, that one is Dempsey and I believe he was captured by and escaping 935 scientist.

    Once captured he was paired up with other subjects (Nikolai and Takeo) and Richtofen was told to look after them: (Thread:http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=53&t=3568)

    “Experiments ongoing.

    “Observed a new effect

    “As a result of experiments.

    “Dr. Edward Richtofen as witness

    “Outlines as follows:

    “Tank Dempsey

    “Nikolai Belinski

    “Takeo Masaki

    “Subjects display unique

    “Side effects

    “Compared to previous


    “Baseline psyche remains


    “But all specific memories

    “Have been lost.

    “Dr. Richtofen will continue


    Now, Richthofen kills Maxis and Sam, and who knows how they get to Shi No Numa.

    So the traditional story line has more holes than this new one you're offering.

  5. Personally, I don't know if I can believe that one. Sorry if you believe it, that's just my take on it. I mean, take the quotes from the original Der Riese. Richtofen is the only one who had inside knowledge, the others were pretty much tripping balls whenever they saw something new. That's just my take

    In the dreamland server (look here: viewtopic.php?f=53&t=3568)

    It states that Tank, Nikolai and Takeo were all test subjects and suggests that Tank was captured by 935 agents at Verruckt. It also indicates that they lost all previous memories while maintaining their persona.

    Sir, it is VERY possible.

  6. and can anyone tell me how to use the decode command because i thinnk i found something but its encrypted and needs the decode function

    type in DECODE then type in the ciphertext. For example if my ciphertext was CKGHHHHFDFHGBMAS I would type in


    I'm really interested in your finds here :D

  7. I would very much like to help but due to an SD telly cannot read the text at all. Very gutted.

    What I would like to know is the complete list of remote servers and how those servers were found.

    If anyone could take the time to tell me, that would be much appreciated.

    Ta very much. :)

    RLOGIN VERRUCKT (someone found by guessing, no passwords or usernames found)

    RLOGIN DERRIESE (someone found by guessing, no passwords or usernames found)

    RLOGIN DREAMLAND (found through JFK's and Vannevar's emails on the CIA server)

    RLOGIN DOD (Department of Defence, no passwords or usernames found, no idea how they found it)

    hope that helps :)

  8. Along the left side of the thundergun (facing the player) it says something in russian :S

    look for yourself:

    I can't make out the second line, but what i can make out on the first line (i think) is: "Oстepeжение"

    If anyone can read russian, or have the correct (because I'm always wrong about these kinda things) text, would be greatly appreciated. Could perhaps provide some background for the thundergun.

    PS sorry for the big picture. :S

  9. This is just speculation, and a wild theory, but perhaps shes doing this to get back at Richthofen for killing her and her father. But of course, in true badass style is adding some enjoyment factors.

    Other characters have appeared coincedentally:

    (Takeo from SNN facility, Nikolai and Tank sent by "Peter" from SNN and of course Richthofen which we still need to know why he was AT SNN. Then of course, being an absolute frootloop, Richthofen would have taken them to Der Riese)

  10. In Der Riese, the grenade alley is probably not the GREATEST spot, simply because there is no escape. I've found that the best technique for Der Riese (in later rounds) is "Teleporter hopping" at teleporter C. It's got me to round 40 (exactly) in WaW and i keep getting interrupted on Black Ops but from what I've played, I think I could get further. :P

  11. What I meant to say is, (sorry for the hostility before folks) I doubt that they would rinse and repeat the main antagonist from the bonus mode, Dead Ops Arcade. I'm not throwing out the possibility that there is something big out there, but I can definitely tell you it isn't Cosmic Silverback.

    Although it IS technically possible, I'm not sure that Treyarch would kill the winning Nazi Zombie formula by throwing in a 1 off boss round and it would be very difficult to argue how this "thing" fits into the storyline.

    That's all.

  12. I personally believe it is the Creepers.

    My opinion is that Takeo says the whole "giant monster attacking the building" because Treyarch was trying to be funny and make fun of Godzilla (Takeo IS Japanese after all).

    Are some people seriously willing to believe that a giant astronaut monkey that has NO ties to the discovered storyline just suddenly appears, jumps around, roars and leaves? :S for some reason, i don't think so.

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