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Posts posted by Nick

  1. Are you sure that the maximum window points are determined by points, and not by boards put up?

    Because I've gotten 100 points on round one when I've had double points. (Done this only on Ascension, so maybe that map is different?)

    Also, for the ray gun there is a number for speed in the radius block. I assume that is the speed of the projectile, right?

    Anyway, brains for you!

  2. I always thought this was to prevent crawlers from bleeding out. It's extremely obnoxious when they bleed out, and I have never seen one bleed out yet on Ascension. My impression was that when the zombie would normally bleed out, it instead turns into a full zombie again.

    BTW the guy who said that they won't reform as full zombies is mistaken. I know this because I ran to knife the last crawler once, and it died before I managed to actually get the knife. Then I looked up and a new guy was in the window.

  3. This was a tough call for me, but in the end I have to favor BC2. Black Ops has an amazing Co-Op mode which I can play for hours on end. BC2 has multiplayer that favors players with skill over player who abuse cheap tactics. Although, Black Ops has made countless steps to prevent many of the cheap things you can do in CoD. BO is without a doubt the best CoD to date. (And because I have to say it... MW2 was the worst.... No contest) Anyway, in my personal opinion, the difference comes down to one simple comparison.

    CoD: "Camper?... Argh, I hate this camper!"

    BC2: "Camper?... Just blew up his hiding spot...Move in."

  4. PROOF: http://www.callofduty.com/intel/439

    Four new achievements/trophies for the zombie map.

    -The Eagle has Landers (35G) – In Ascension, escape on all three lunar landers.

    -They are going THROUGH! (35G) – In Ascension, kill at least 5 zombies with 1 Gersch device.

    -Space Race (45G) – In Ascension, Pack-a-Punch a weapon before round 8.

    -Chimp on the Barbie (35G) – In Ascension, kill a space monkey with a fire trap.

    Enjoy and let the theories begin.

    Maybe I'm reading too much into those names, but the space race deals with launching a rocket (not exactly, but more or less) so maybe the PaP is hidden behind/under the rocket which must be launched to get to. I don't know seems over the top.

    Also, it specifically notes only ONE gersch device... that kind of implies that there is more than one of them (unlike waffe or thundergun).

  5. hey, sorry people.....

    my first thought was that noone must have heard it or there would be no debate over whether there is anything up there, because it would be sort of proven. Does that make sense? and I have somehow never heard it before despite having played Kino a lot!

    obviously, the godzilla thing totally explains it, so once again sorry. but i have to say that i've heard a few new quotes recently, or is this just me?

    While it is possible that the devs added new quotes in one (or more) of the patches, it is highly unlikely. What is more probable is that you are just hearing some of the quotes that require very specific conditions to activate. I know I played countless hours on Der Reise (WaW version) but when I played just before BO came out I heard quotes I had never heard before, but there had been no patches since the last time I had played.

    If you go to the call of duty wikia you can find a list of every quote from every character on every map. Most quotes list the necessary requirements, but some are still unknown. Looking at that list I can find many quotes I have never heard even once on even the WaW maps.

    Hope that helped. :D

  6. Sweet! Nice find.

    I wonder if those monkeys will be like the scientist on five or something different.

    Those dolls sound like something similar to the monkeybomb but with a different effect.

    Finally, new perks! Stamin-Up sounds like a zombie version of either lightweight, or marathon, but PhD flopper... I can't think of anything for that except maybe like a back up for when you go down you get to keep your perks but lose that one. Or maybe I'm too hopeful. ;)

    I can't wait for this to come. I'm so excited. :D

  7. If you compare it with the meager 3 new maps(If you played cod 4) that MW2 had it has a lot more value. It goes from $5 a map to $3 a map. On the other hand when compared to WaW your getting one extra map for 5 extra dollars.

    In all reality it comes down to Activision being greedy and upping the price not because it has more value, but because they know that they can get away with it. People will buy the DLC regardless, and they know that.

  8. PROOF

    At first i thought this was BS because of how it's your first post, but after taking a look, it is true.

    The proof is in the podcast at around 30-36 minutes in

    Yes I've been reading the site since GKNOVA6, but never had anything of value to contribute until now. :)

  9. Just heard about this and didn't see anything on it so I decided to post it.

    PROOF: http://www.treyarch.com/news/434

    It is called the "First Strike Map Pack" and will be available on Feb. 1st (Xbox Live only at first)

    It will cost 1200 Microsoft points or $15.

    It consists of 4 Multiplayer maps and one zombie map.

    Multiplayer maps:

    -Kowloon: Based off the Kowloon area in SP, it is a "raining rooftop map".

    -Berlin Wall: Located in Berlin (obviously) and it is a battle between east and west Berlin.

    -Stadium: An athletic complex/hockey rink in the Northeastern US.

    -Discovery: An abandoned German research station from WWII.

    Zombie map:


    EDIT: Apparently, the MP maps will have a greater focus on variety of gameplay, more sniper oppurtunities, more interactibility (supposedly at least one interactible item in each map).

    EDIT 2: Updated maps with a brief description.

    EDIT 3: Link to thread with early pictures.


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