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Posts posted by Gross1985

  1. And so this marks the first time in years that I return to the CODZ forums...


    ....anyway, this is interesting.  Though, dare I say this, I may be too pre-occupied with The Phantom Pain to pick up this upcoming COD game....despite the fact that it's by Treyarch, and I have a liking to Treyarch's COD games.  Having been abstaining from the COD series, I was willing to make an exception for Treyarch's COD games, but The Phantom Pain is going to be my game of the year.

  2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Wolf_(Lithuania)

    Iron Wolf (Geležinis Vilkas, also known as the Iron Wolf Association or the Iron Wolves) was a Lithuanian fascist movement formed by Augustinas Voldemaras in 1927. Set up as a guard movement for Voldemaras' Tautininkai, the Iron Wolves were used by Voldemaras to target his political opponents.The movement was banned in 1930, although it continued as an underground group. In 1934 its members attempted a failed coup d'etat against the president Antanas Smetona (former honorary leader who broke with the organizations earlier). Voldemaras was arrested, released in 1938 and he soon emigrated. During the Second World War and German occupation of Lithuania, many members of the organization collaborated with German authorities.

    The name of the organization comes from the story of Gediminas' dream, popularized in Adam Mickiewicz's poem, Pan Tadeusz.

    And of Gediminas, who on Ponary's crest,

    Warm in hunter's bearskin, lay down to rest.

    Soothed by the songs of the wise Lizdejko,

    Lulled by the rush of the sweet Vilejko,

    He saw a wolf of iron in his dreams.

    Could be relevant?

    Oh wow; that's cool. Cholest, er, brains for you. [brains]

    Um. I advise you to check back at the Seven Sins link. All the videos have been removed due to copyright claims from Activision...

    If we know anything by now, If Activision get rid of it, they're trying to hide it. This could be something guys. Keep your ears to the ground. 8-)

    I only ever checked that page twice, but interesting now that you bring this update up. For all I know you can still Google images of the COD:IW logo.

  3. What does "Iron Wolf" mean in this case? "Iron" could make reference to the "Iron Curtain", another name for the Eastern Bloc, Warsaw Pact, or overall Soviet rulership. "Wolf" makes me think "Reznov", but what if Alex Mason could be a wolf in his own right? He's a lone wolf. After the events of Black Ops, he tried to see his family but it all went awry, and to make matters worse there's a burn notice for him, meaning that US government agents (most likely CIA SAD operatives) will be hunting him down throughout ever corner of the globe.

    These are just my opinions, anyway.


    Holy shit; look what I found.Herp-derp

  4. Manhunt was f--ing brutal... o.O

    Manhunt was awesome. And Manhunt 2 almost gave me a seizure because all the executions were censored with psychadelicky colors and stuff. I hope they make a third Manhunt, but it's doubtful because the angry, irresponsible parents will be all over it screaming "Videogames are supposed to be for kids!!!111" and such......since when are games supposed to be only for kids, anyway? Just because kids make up the biggest percentage of gaming communities? It's their choice to play M-rated games, and not the fault of the game developers....but I won't go into that for now. :?

    To be honest, I think that the throat cutting was the worst, As you were the one who had to do it and you could see everything taking place.

    I thought that part was awesome. Are you talking about the part where you drag a VC into the water then cut apart his throat and see his neck half-open? That was awesome. :D

  5. If you go to the CoDz terminal and use the username amason and password like in the real terminal, you can access all the terminal files, and this picture is located under the "pictures" tab

    Oh, well, I know that. I was just curious where in the Terminal in the game it's located.

  6. Pointstreak rewards for those of us that actually PLAY the objective....Hell to the yes!

    Brains for you on this one. As much as I love killing, I still play to win, especially in objective-based modes. Ugh this reminds me of my recent plays of CTF on COD:BO MP, and how the flag carriers always hold off on inserting the enemy flag into our flag. It's no use talking to them either; they just go about what they're doing and give me a swift STFU.

    This stuff actually looks Pretty good, I Think Weapon proficiencies would be a cool thing to have in zombies. Example:Get a total of 1000 kills with a certain weapon and it does more damage.

    I love this addition; it's about time they added this in a COD game. I think they should do away with Perks and use a skill-based system, such as weapon proficiency.

  7. Well I do recall how there were some recycled sounds in the COD:BO MP trailers, specifically some of the death-cries, but when COD:BO was released they were replaced with the newer ones we're familiar with....what if this will be the same deal for MW3? When MW3 comes out, will there be different sound effects and voices? But at the same time, I feel that MW3 will keep the same sounds as the ones used in MW2, COD4, and the previous COD's before that. I don't know why, but still. I will admit it's kind of a turn-off that they're recycling the same sounds, especially for the firearms....this leads to comparisons between IW and Treyarch, and how Treyarch at least tries to put some effort in to use different sound effects for their firearms. :|

  8. Wazzup my homechildren from the interwebz, it's Fu453 back at it again. This time for an awesome suggestion (which probably won't happen) for MW3.

    Well, it's 9/11, and we as Americans (for those of us who are American...and any others who feel the same way) should feel doubt and sorrow around the whole country for what happened today. But it's OK, we got the son of a bitch Osama.

    So I was thinking: MW3 is right around the corner, and we killed the most infamous terrorist in the world. So what if Infinity Ward did another Mile High Club on us and for the last "bonus" level...we infiltrate the Abbottabad compound and kill bin Laden!

    Come on now, you cannot tell me this would be absolutely killer.

    You are an unknown SEAL operative carrying out Operation Neptune Spear arriving by helicopter. You infiltrate the compound, killing any who stand in your way. You see a glimpse of bin Laden. He flees, and the team follows. You see 2 of his wives guarding him. You overpower them and make the shot. The bastard flies back. You walk up to him, and just to make sure...you shoot him in the head. You hear the SEAL "Geronimo E.K.I.A." into his radio. The screen fades while the last words you hear are "We got him." by Barack Obama.

    That's all I have to say. Thanks for reading.

    God bless CoDz, God bless Call of Duty, and God bless America...oh and [brains], God bless [brains]

    Stay cool and stay frosty 8-)


    I think we have a winner here. 8-)


    YES! And the helicopter would crash in the beginning, It would be amazing, but sadly, It would probably cause an uproar in the Native American community again.

    Oh......that, and everyone who reveres Osama as a martyr (touchy stuff there).

    Alas, we can't always have what we want....


  9. I was shopping for necklesses (F**K YEAH!!!) and i saw multiple pendants with Treyarchs 3 arcs symbol on it. It apparently means love and deliverance from evil. Its probably not important because its been around before zombies but its a neat find.

    Really? That's fascinating. "Love" and "deliverance from evil" seem to fit rather well with Zombies. :lol:

    Until then I thought it was just some fancy symbol, although "3" has some significance in religion.

  10. I thought for a while that Treyarch should make a subdivision (or something) dedicated to making a COD Zombies game, whereas the rest of Treyarch works on Black Ops 2. But now that I've read some opinions here (specifically not wanting to buy both MP and Zombies), I'm at a loss for ideas now.....not to mention that I don't know how big Treyarch's staff is. I do believe, though, that Activision would just looooooove the idea of two COD games per year. :o

  11. It's possible. These last Zombies maps have definitely been about progressing the story. In COD:WAW, Nazi Zombies was a miscellaneous, entertaining time-killer for when one wanted to take a break from Campaign and Multiplayer.

    Nazi Zombies started off pretty basic.....then came the second map, giving player-characters voices and even introducing Perk-a-Colas. Then came Shi No Numa, introducing our four heroes, each with their own personalities and such, and then a mythos was most definitely born due to the abundance of easter eggs tying in with the theme of Nazi Zombies. Der Riese took it all a step further.....and then we had (and still have) a Nazi Zombies community (or COD Zombies, assuming "Nazi Zombies" is pretty much outdated after Black Ops).

    It can be assumed that the Zombies pillar in COD:BO had intention of progressing the storyline to the established mythos. These four map-packs (which I want to call "FEAR" but people may mistake it for First Encounter Assault Recon) even went as far as to implement major easter eggs, requiring no less than four players in a session. But one thing I did notice was that the gameplay was pretty much the same. There were some innovations here and there, but for all intents and purposes, the gameplay (especially the formula & weapons) stayed the same. The gameplay remaining the same is either for better or for worse; Treyarch has said a couple of times that they know the formula in Zombies is popular as it is, and they don't plan on changing it. Personally, I wish they brought back some weapons from COD:WAW, such as the MG42 and PPSh-41, and included the M60....alas, they didn't.

    I think that if Treyarch is more intent on progressing the mythos' storyline, then they should break down and make a COD Zombies game.

  12. Wanted to bump this, look at what was just found in the terminal!

    there is something too this...

    I just wanted to ask......where did you find that in the Terminal? I could've sworn I've seen all the images in the Terminal but I know I've never seen that one. Which username or server, those types of details, please?

  13. gknova6.com was (and sort of still is) a major element of the viral campaign for Black Ops. It was activated in early 2010 (2nd quarter? I forget), and with a period of time the site would update and yield new clues, hidden mostly with cryptic & steganographic methods. The final update eventually revealed a room similar to what was shown in the first reveal trailer for Black Ops, implying that this website was indeed tied to the next Call of Duty title.

    Then, in late September, gknova6.com changed, revealing footage of zombies on the television screens. All these television screens would eventually be recognized as a part of the main menu for the game, thanks mostly to the leaks that erupted everywhere on YouTube. I will say another thing, though; for those who have beaten the game, do you not find something rather "symbolic" about the television screens collapsing when Mason smacks Hudson into them in the Revelations mission? I mean, we've been seeing those screens for months on end....and so, in the game, Hudson (your interrogator all along) gets smacked into them and they fall everywhere. I just find something interesting about that....but that's just me.

    Anyway, getting back to the topic, gknova6.com is pretty much, at present, the preferred viral method of advertising Zombies in COD:BO. It wasn't as viral as it was before, but things like this die down prior to and after such a related game's release.

  14. I don't blame anyone for having given up on trying to fully crack the CIA Data System terminal. I think the DoD & Der Riese servers, as well as J. Edgar Hoover's username and Henry Kissinger's, were thrown in there just on account of because. I hate to admit this, though; months back I thought that one day a patch would yield new clues to the terminal.....but I guess the terminal in the game was just something entirely miscellaneous, something the developers didn't feel like adding more to....which is a shame because the terminal would've been such an interesting thing, especially for a game such as Black Ops.

  15. Whoa. I went on COD:BO's website and saw that Sitting Bull turned into a zombie. :lol:

    I had a feeling they were going to do a Zombies map set on the Moon. Makes me think of that "Ascension" fan-trailer I made back earlier this year.....if any of you looked closely in the video, when the lady said "Ascension", you could just briefly make out an image of Jesus Christ ascending. That was originally meant to be my take on the act of ascending, but with a name like "Rezurrection", it makes me think of that image. 8-) Of course, I'm not saying that my stuff ties in directly with this upcoming DLC. :cry:

    I'm hoping they will release a 4-in-1 map pack when they release this new one. They did such with COD:WAW, so hey.

  16. I didn't even get to enjoy the double xp weekend :(

    Anyways, there should be an update to the terminal with ascention now out, I'll see if I can pull it up on my pc.

    If it's anything, I didn't really make the most out of Double XP weekend myself. I've been too wrapped up in other things, some of which have to do with my birthday tomorrow. At least I went to 11th Prestige last night and got some killing in to put me up close to Level 10.

    Sometimes I go on the terminal and I feel like I see new things, but maybe they aren't new, just a little unfamiliar to me. :?

  17. Here's this... It's the Terminal.ff file dump. No downloading.


    And, Idk where you guys stand, but the only user for the Department of Defence server is RMcNamara.

    Yeah I've not been able to get anything from DOD. I mean, I can never login. All we know is a username (is it legit? I'm having trouble insuring the legitimacy of usernames like this one and the Der Riese usernames).

    Meanwhile everybody is so wrapped up in Ascension and getting Double XP from MP that nobody's bothering to use the CIA-DS. :(

  18. The only reason I bought the DLC was for Zombies. And now within a day of the DLC, I want to snap my disc in half. It is all about profits.

    Well, profits are definitely Activision's purpose. For all I know Treyarch probably got 40% of all income for COD:BO like IW did for MW2. Infinity Ward did claim at one point last year that Activision was something of a "police-state", and seeing as how Activision is ultimately the go-to guy concerning what to do with a COD game, it's all just stuff to think about.

    I'm not trying to sound like a brown-noser or a sympathizer, though I'm clearly playing Devil's advocate here. Point is that I'm trying to be "realistic" based on what I learn about Activision.....of course I seem to learn a lot of bad things about Activision.

    If they average user wants to use a UMP or 74u w/Grip and Rapid Fire, then TA will not stop them. If they cannot kill a sniper, TA will make it possible, If they cannot kill a shotgun, It will become possible. If they want ninja and Commando, then it will be possible. If they want an SMG w/ Grenade launcher, IT WILL BECOME POSSIBLE.

    I will admit that a lot of what you mentioned here is sad truth, especially the SMG w/GL thing......but the catch here to me is that the AKS-74u isn't an SMG to begin with; it's a carbine variation of the AK-74. I bet they made the AKS-74u an SMG just because it was an SMG in COD4. Also, I think that an AKS-74u with a Rapid Fire attachment is unrealistic; if I had my way with this game's development, I'd omit Rapid Fire from the AKS-74u.....though of course I'd classify the weapon as an AR.

    I've rarely ever sniped in COD:BO, because the maps in MP are so open and there is virtually no place to hide when playing as a sniper. As for shotguns, there are times when I feel like toting a shotgun and blasting people, but shotguns still suck, and I wonder if it would've hurt anybody to consider implementing slugs as an attachment for shotguns; slugs would improve range, but they might make shotguns "overpowered". :facepalm: So, basically, it seems like the proper weapons to use in COD:BO MP are SMG's, AR's and LMG's...

    All in all, the Zombies is still good. Only reason I have not broken this game yet.

    Good. Don't break your disc; you'll have spent all that money for nothing if you did. :P

  19. @gordogg24p and @gross1985

    nicely put

    Thank you. :D Granted, I was pretty tired at the time I posted that message, but it's something that just hit me, inspired by a video from IGN about Metal Gear Solid® Rising, with the narrators going on saying "Well I didn't get anything in MGS2 lol" which was clearly absurd because, well, MGS2 was released in 2001 and it was already debunked a long time ago. On another forum, I responded "This is some of the essence of mainstream media, don'tcha think?" and so this article in this thread reminded me of such.

    Now, as for Call of Duty® Black Ops being “creative”.....well, in things like this, creativity is subject to perspective. For all I know, Black Ops is more like a milestone for Treyarch, bringing them up to a status where they are no longer a “me too” company for Infinity Ward, for they implemented a lot of new things in Multiplayer. At the same time, however, it is because of these new things that MP has noticeable flaws....so as such I consider what Treyarch did to be a “daring move” on their part. You have to admit that their intentions were fair, but as to be expected with daring moves like these, these new things’ executions ended up conceiving flaws. To me, all the new features that were implemented, such as live tracking of total shots fired, total deaths, total barrels exploded in USD values, and all those other things....coupled with other things like some player-character customization, Emblem customization, contracts, Combat Training which utilizes surprisingly intelligent (well, sort of) AI bots, and most especially the Theater Mode.....to me, they all add up somehow to MP’s lag. It’s a technical thing, though. Of course, perhaps this issue would’ve been avoided if they put Multiplayer on a separate disc, instead of hording everything into just one disc. Even if having a game be multiple-disc makes it more expensive, I’m sure people will still buy the product, especially if it’s a COD game.

    In terms of “creativity”, which is what this subject is about from the sound of things....well, the reason most people don’t find this game creative is because it is, like all the other COD games in the series, a rehash with some slight new things implemented. When taking the word “creativity” and broadening it in terms of videogames as a whole, COD is not considered “creative”. If anything, Treyarch went above their own call of duty and implemented an immersive storyline into COD:BO, even deciding to give the main character a voice while in-game, instead of being mute while playing as him. No COD game before this one has had in-game player-character dialogue. As for storyline, the COD games haven’t been much for having a storyline; COD1, 2, 3, and WAW were set in WWII, and the Modern Warfare® series uses contemporary political situations & scenarios as its storyline while implementing a few twists (though people still think MW2’s storyline was utter $h!t; to each their own). Black Ops, if anything, takes storyline implementation at least a few steps further, but I doubt anyone would consider any of it “creative”.

    Call of Duty® Zombies, on the other hand (or Nazi Zombies, Black Ops Zombies, whatever you want to call it), has a very rich storyline about it, even if it’s just some leisurely game mode to play if you want to take a break from Campaign or Multiplayer. What makes Zombies’ storyline rich is the mythos, though, the implementation of easter eggs and subtle references to whatever is relative to the level you’re playing in. Otherwise, Zombies is a means of letting the COD series “have fun with itself”. And self-fun, for lack of a better description, inspires creativity.

  20. How much do you want to bet that Josh Olin was paid to say all that stuff? I know this may sound off-topic, but it's something to think about in regards to mainstream media like COD. Why do producers and community-relations personnel never tell us what we long to hear? Why do they never tell the truth? This inquiry reminds me of the difference between popularity & honesty.....all these Hollywood celebrities appearing on magazines and on the news, being what they are, all that stuff; if they were honest, they wouldn't be popular....

    ....okay I guess that was a bad comparison.....but I hope you guys read my two cents here and think about it. :ugeek:


    Oh my God. :lol: That video spoke volumes and was just fun to watch. Brains for you. [brains]

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