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Posts posted by ADeadPhilosopher

  1. Ok so you accuse us "crows" of flaming more than the HL supporters? Let me ask you a question... You have your own forum/website now, right? I believe its called haven or heaven. So why did you come back to this forum, the one that already stated its anti-Henry Langham sentiments when zombies appeared on Gknova 6 to brag about supposedly being right? How does that make you better than us? Or more importantly how does that make us the flamers? After all, most the flaming thats going on right now has been ressurected by you guys flooding back onto the site. So why didn't you just stay on your precious "haven" and talk about how your right, why did you instead you come back to try and rub it our faces? And so i'll end with the age old saying "You started it but we are going to be the ones to end it."

    A lot of them are actually from this site originally and they've said in the haven that they come here to fake agree with people and troll. I know Max does it just so that when it's confirmed he can see the looks on your smug faces, and I can't possibly imagine how that would backfire.

  2. i dont recall a single event were anyone who "believed" in HL has thrusted their opinions onto someone else as fact as much as "non-believers" have. The flaming is very one sided with hundreds of threads saying "HL is fake" etc.

    The "damage" cause by this whole thing is self inflicted and really we should applaud the way this has kept us entertained over the last 2 months or so. or is it even over?

    How's The Wife?

    That is true, it's very one sided. Most of the spam and flames on the callofduty.com forums came from the supporters. If anyone gave a reason it was fake, in pretty much the most non-violent and least hostile way it could possibly be presented, it was usually met with "you're an idiot". I think that says volumes about the people who believe it's not a hoax.

  3. Unfortunately anyone can counter everything you just said... You are the guy who was faking stuff that noone believed...

    No-one can believe you now... The story was sick... you probs didn't understand it.

    Lets not flame... it's an opinion and mine is valid, as is yours.. ;)

    Actually, a lot of people believed it. And if you can counter everything I said, I think you should. (No flaming, of course:)) I understood the story just fine, or, what it had in it. It honestly didn't seem like something a writer worth their salt would make.

  4. Ok here is my problem with all of this....


    a) Way too accurate to be non-related to Treyarch...

    B) Henry says something and JD jumps...

    c) Its an amazing storyline with lots of different levels, it relates directly to the original storyline and develops straight into black ops...

    d) If this is all (non-certified) by treyarch... The people behind it... are better story tellers than Treyarch, have better viral campaign skills and have made the most involving element to zombies so far...

    e) Whoever is behind it is was more intouch with treyarch than ANYONE here. (hands-down)

    f) GKNOVA0 YouTube channel is a bit weird...

    Thats my thoughts, I appreciate that most people will have a go... I don't care...

    I appreciate your concern with all of this but the Henry Langham story is amazing and I look forward to the end. (I know some of you are looking forward to the end for other reasons...) :(

    (If it shows one thing, it's how creative the call of duty community can be... Stunning!)

    I CALL A CEASE FIRE (put your weapons down boys, I'm sorry that I have flamed in the past... I hope you understand...

    a)The extent of their accuracy goes as far as saying "Eventually there will be an update" or some other equally vague thing and everyone interpreting it as a prediction. They never really predicted anything.

    b)I noticed a lot of people talking about this on the playthegame.com board. "So-and-so-important-guy acted weird when I brought this up..." I'm pretty sure they were all just sick of hearing about it and wondered how anyone could still believe it.

    c) The story was completely convoluted and no one really completely understands it. It wasn't well written. More likely it was thought of as they went along.

    d)I'd like to point out that they based their hoax off of a viral Treyarch made, and this was only involving for a few people (~30). That's a failure as far as marketing goes.

    e)No. They haven't revealed anything about the game. Anyone could have made those.

    f)The gknova0 youtube channel is weird. Whenever people dispute anything in the comments of one of their videos, the comment is deleted. If it was real, why would Treyarch care? Also, the video that was copy write claimed was actually claimed by Ben Slack, not Activision.

    Creativity wise I thought it was really meh. I don't know, nothing really jumped out at me as being particularly unique or new.

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