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Posts posted by c3000b1atch35

  1. I have tried multiple times in the BO classic maps with many different variations and things get weird first for some reason their a ton more dogs more come the more you do it second sam never gives you gifts and seems pretty pist third the game glitches it was round 33 and the zombie vanished and the sounds made it seem like he was right on my ass but he was not. I would like to do it with someone else. Any offers?

  2. Earlier I was playing shi no numa in W@W and I bought quick revive but before the points were taken I bought the box and had negative points,just a weird little thing has this happened to me has this happened to anybody else?

  3. The point of this thread is that i personally think that the clock has something to do with the whole nazi zombies plot,and i wanted to see if anybody had anything to say about the idea tthat the clock has a meaning

  4. The clock in Der Riese has to have some meaning it is shown much in the trailers and almost seems to have a greater meaning than what we take it as. This forum is for speculations on what it is or means. In my eyes when it stops and reverts to its original time it is the time maxus died. Or it might have some hypnotic control on the zombies.

  5. This forum is my thoughts on the video. From what I saw in the video it looked like it was in a lab of some sort (possibly area 51). I thought the story line could be the government(not sure which countries government) sent agents to Der Riese to retrieve the players or see whats happening. I didnt see Dempsey,Nikolai,takeo,or Richtofen so they may have died but they captured some zombies most likely took 115 samples and went to my guess area 51 and some way the zombies broke out it never says the zombies bite infects you so i dont know how the scientist were infected most likely the 115. But you play as a special agent like the ones you see in the website but then again there is a army type and fight the horde. Please tell me what you think of this idea.

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