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Posts posted by mokie

  1. https://www.twitch.tv/m0ki3/v/62236740
    We got to 46 is our first real easter egg attempt after completing it we used this strategy and even being a player down(afk off and on) it worked like a charm, happy with the fact everyone was placed in the top 200 on the leaderboards for 4 player ZNS so that's really neat too,
    apparently alot of glitchers haven't fucked it up for everyone yet....but yeah, i like it fun map and the KT4 isn't OP it's just fun in a old school sliquifier kind of way....the skull on the otherhand, woooweee good stuff :)

    32 on my solo first attempt though, think it'll be alot easier if i actually tried...but again not bad for my first real attempt (let a spider web the door by A, and camp outside the bunker, web blocks alot of zombies and helps control spawn makes it alot better)

  2. On 4/20/2016 at 8:41 AM, deamonkeeper said:

    i really wanna see the cutscene but i cant get on youtube and i may not even be able to play for 3weeks (might have a chance tbis weekend but its slim) so please from one zombies fan to another post one i can watch


    we are in the final boss room and fighting him as it starts when the video begins, all previous steps were completed besides killing the boss, after the cutscene we go until round 46

    top 200 or so in the leaderboards i think not bad for our first try

  3. Basically a Video from round 26 when we beat the final boss and completed the easter egg and how we managed to go 20 more rounds in the elevator below the Bunker, Pretty straight forward, everyone takes turns using their skull, take a look , pretty straightforward and a really fun time, i had to go afk a few times throughout the video otherwise we would have gotten alot farther. lol....thanks for looking

    psn - mokie


  4. after seeing this 
    I'm brainstorming =
    Currently logging on and killing zombies near the pack a punch with the wonder weapon lol....maybe the rifts too,
    I personally think there's something up with that green light on the dock i'm gonna try throwing an upgraded Arnie at it as well, and i do think the black hole gun is just too eerie-ly similar to the gersch device (aka i think there is something or some things, we need to try and look for and suck up with it possibly.
    at least this Easter Egg unlike the masks i guess does more damage or something....shrug.


  5. And regarding the Audio/sound he makes

    I am pretty sure the electric zombie makes that sound when hes emp'd and or killed, cause i have heard that in games i was playing in myself

    And I've been meaning to go back to theater and slow down or speed up to see if i can make out what if anything that he says....anyone tried this?

  6. Well i have never ever seen a glitch like this if it is one.. Just found it very weird and had never seen anything like it.

    Honestly to me the way he moves to the building looks very scripted to me but maybe thats just what he does when there is a pathing issue....

    blah im jus scouring teh interweb here for any clues to progress :evil:

    When im off work ill be trying a few things

  7. I still think theres a teleporter to an underground bunker somewhere in the map according to the coding text albeit that doesn't mean much

    It gives me a little hope.

    I have been wanting to try bringing the Electric to power and having him shoot at the wall where you drop the turbine or even in town where it opens.

    Im sure its been tried, but better to be positive.

  8. If this was my video i would have uploaded it in HD through my elite account to YouTube


    *** DISCLAIMER ***

    Also not my first Rodeo imma vet here on codz lol.....

    I just had not seen this before and i am as skeptical as you all are but despite the video being recorded by a High Definition potato it would be quite difficult to fake and i have only heard rumors of this its the first proof i have seen.

    Debunk at will or lets figure it out if its real, I'm thinking EMP grenades or something to do with the electric Zombie / knuckles.

    I am no trololol ;)

  9. ... Pkaying as Samuel in solo is a possibility by the way... Ahem

    I'll wait awhilw to spoil anything :)

    Very. VERY cool.

    By the way when i played nuketown i got to around lvl 21 i heard richtofen speak of powering up a machine

    Might write full guides for each if no one beats me to it

  10. 36 solo.

    Its ALOT harder than kino which i've gotten to 45 in by myself.

    (Solo Mini-Guide)

    What i do is get the usual perks (Revive,Juggernaut,Speed Reload) by round 10, and have BOTH blockades on level 2 opened up.

    Snag a mp5 off the wall and run around the bottom area in a circle behind the stairs and in between all the computer terminals; unti a maximum amount of zombies are spawned then i'll pick them off once they are grouped up.

    I try to get claymores early as possible and place as many as i can in the elevator by double tap for when the scientist comes,

    If he runs into 6-8 claymores and then takes a clip from the mp5 he will drop, And you can use that to your benefit if you pull it off quick enough to get a cheap pack a punched weapon through the bonfire sale.

    Work on avoiding the zombies when they start coming in the beginning of a round more than shooting them, once they are all behind you and you do a few laps to get used to the weird angles and areas they will come from you should start shooting.

    Perfect your Juking Technique and be very aware of where you are running, its alot easier to get trapped in a corner here than it is in the other new map.

    Eventually you will rack up tons of points and get the upgraded Frostgun and whatever gun you like as a backup, rounds 16-25 i'd rock an upgraded MG of any sort just to get a ton of points up and then you start to need something that deals out more damage...

    As soon as you get the WinterzHowLololz you just stick to the usual strategy and run in circles until you can guide them down one of the walkways where they will all be lined up and fire enough shots to make them freeze,

    Then whip out your backup to clean up ( At this point and all throughout the level you should keep an eye on the top floor for how many zombies are respawning so you can judge when you should take out the 'group' and so you don't turn around to fire and get smacked upside the back of your head!)

    You really have to conserve your ammo as much as possible.

    Rounds 30+ will really test your abilities to survive, good luck with the max ammos :)

  11. I'm starting to think the alleyway on 4p would be a decent spot, keep your backs on the wall by doubletap and never open the door leading into the lobby... only one window to watch and i don't think crawlers come outside unless you go inside but i haven't tested that theory really.

    Now for solo i make my stand on my FEET i got to lvl 45 and turned off the ps3 when i figured out solo rounds aren't kept track of, which is retarded.

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