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Posts posted by Joshm88

  1. I work at Gamestation in the UK, part of the GAME group. We got it in stock on Wednesday, but aren't allowed to sell it till midnight on monday. Not even allowed to give me my hardened edition :cry: I think I'll be able to pick it up Monday sometime though.

    Also, I got a free Black Ops poster signed by Mark Lamia 8-)

  2. It appears the secret is out....new leaks springing up which are major spoilers for both single player and zombie mode. I've noted articles on CVG, Prouct Review news, codblackopsblog and others with major spoilers and no *spoiler warning* titles...

    So if you want to keep up the suspense until release day (and it's well worth it), or until Treyarch reveal a zombie trailer....be careful!!! I imagine more and more leaks will appear in the coming days...and despite Activision removing videos, there are screenshots galore...

    I'm really rather annoyed PR News spoiled it for me :( I must resist the urge to click "black ops zombie" in google news....bummer.

  3. All I have to say is......"why am I not suprised?"....

    I've always sat on Sony's side of the fence and have no intention of jumping ship, but please sort it out.

    The PS Store is pretty awful, we get screwed over with DLC, screwed over with things such as this which are not even a difficult thing to include, we are loosing all our exclusives bar one or two....

    It doesn't matter who is responsible for this, Activision, Treyarch or Sony....the buck stops with Sony. They need to pull their finger out before they fall even further behind what the 360 is offering on a game to game basis, if that means coughing up money to Publishing companies, so be it, I'll happily pay £50 a year for online gameplay.


  4. Also got this in the post today, but saw it in work a few weeks back...

    Bit of a disappointment overall....I don't use PS Home so the avatar is useless, trailers are old hat, the laser cell is a nice touch...but a tad small (I'd prefer a poster....or at least something worthy of some wall space), etc etc...

    Guess it was free though :|

  5. You guys have it a little wrong. As you level up you unlock category. Basically at level 5 or so you unlock custom classes and weapons and perks. You are now free to buy what ever you want in those areas. Attachments and cameos(most) can be bought as soon as you unlock the weapon. At level 10 or so you unlock killstreaks. Now you can buy the specific killstreak you want. Im not sure when you unlock emblems and titles but im sure it works the same. After that leveling is basiclly over and now useless until you prestige. Prestiging now gives rewards to. Like the only one known is a golden cameo at prestige 14.

    Prestige 14?!! That's going to take forever :x

  6. Actually, If my memory serves correctly, Vahn himself said that you must unlock a weapon first; Then you may buy. Now, how do you unlock the weapons? By leveling up throught XP, of course! Along with weapons, I think you get different elements for the emblem creator. I believe the only things that you don't have to unlock before you buy are camos (Gun camo, face paint, etc.)

    If that is true then it indeed seems completely over complicated....

    "Ok, now we have COD point so you don't have to worry about levelling up to get that gun/killstreak you so desperately want......but first you have to level up to unlock the gun/killstreak you want and save enough COD points to be able to buy it...."


  7. As I understand it, XP doesn't have any bearing on what you can buy in terms of unlocks etc...so in that sense it is pointless.

    I think it serves purely as a gauge of how committed a player your are, as in if you choose to prestige you will be rewarded with extra custom class slots. Other than that, I agree, it seems pretty pointless?

    I imagine only your XP will be displayed on the leaderboards, not the amount of COD points you have, if it works as a currency system.

  8. Whilst talking to CosmicSilverback (Trevor Walker - Lead Project Engineer) in the chat tonight I asked him whether he could confirm/dismiss the concept of zombies and single player storylines being linked or overlapping, he answered (in more or less these words):

    'That's something you're going to want to look at very closely',

    'We've hidden a lot of surprises this time'.

    So again, not confirmation, not dismissal either....by the looks of the above image which is clearly the same room as the GKNOVA6 site, there is a cross over....surely there is more to this than Treyarch being too lazy and using the same maps/rooms/backgrounds for both modes. (I know the W@W zombie maps were mostly adaptations of multiplayer maps, but this seems too closely linked).

  9. Ok so first letter of plaintext starts with an M....

    It's not exclusively 1:1 basis...

    Z= spaces

    Not a substitution cipher

    (01:43:09) CosmicSilverback: L!=M, but maybe LM=M... sometimes

    So ok, with that info I have...


    (but maybe if L!=M, then M=L...although unlikely... I have no idea, it's 2am, I'm sleepy)

  10. not to take anything away from urs but have a look at Javier Riquelme's black ops ps3. He does designs for different games. I made a thread on it a few weeks ago. It is orgasmic. The black ops logo lights up.

    I saw that one, looked awesome!

    Still, nice job Nathaniel

  11. A few ideas; first off how about the 4 characters teleporting in at the mainframe surrounded by zombies (perhaps cartoonish style) with sad/angry faces and the quote "NO TREAT FOR FOR YOU"...

    Or similarly, the same scene with the characters looking happy and the quote "MAX AMMO"

    I definitely think individual t-shirts for each character with a specific quote is a winner too, obviously with codz link on the back

    And finally a picture of a crawler zombie on his own and the quote "mhmm monkey"

    What do you think?

  12. So I was looking into deciphering the code Cosmic Silverback left in the chat yesterday and came across this site....


    I thought nothing of it at first, but it's a coincidence that's it's a site dedicated to deciphering and encoding secret Nazi ciphers and codes. It's called Nova Online.....and as I read further the first paragraph is...

    "Welcome to the companion Web site to "Decoding Nazi Secrets," a two-hour NOVA special that chronicles how the Allies succeeded in cracking the infamous German message-coding machine, the Enigma. The program was originally broadcast on November 9, 1999. Here's what you'll find online:"

    November 9th....freaky

    Then I explored a bit further and found this...

    "Is time travel anything more than sci-fi fantasy? Many leading physicists now believe that time travel is not only possible in theory but are discussing how to build a time machine. Physicist Kip Thorne tells NOVA how humankind's infinitely advanced descendants might go about achieving it with "quantum wormholes" and some "exotic matter." Demonstrating that faster-than-light travel may be possible, German physicist Guenter Nimtz claims to have transmitted Mozart's 40th Symphony across his lab at 4.7 times the speed of light. Impossible, yes, but recorded by NOVA's cameras and perhaps another step on the road to reaching the future or the past. The truth about time travel is wrapped up in the detail of how our universe works and how it all began. Mind-boggling as these perspectives are, NOVA dramatizes them in a playful and visually dazzling style that will captivate viewers and sweep them along on the ultimate thrill ride."

    There's loads of coincidental stuff on this website, although most of the broadcasts and updates seem to be able 10 years old. Nevertheless if it is just coincidence, it's quite funny :)

    EDIT: Ok, on further inspection it appears to be, or was a science show for PBS :(

  13. 09s, top middle screen, you see APC's driving in with at least one man in hazmat suit operating the machine gun on top.

    12s-17s the scene with the 4 left screens that combine showing one slow moving zombie coming through and archway looks like (the map that should not be named) to me, the architecture, upturned chairs in the corner and the decorative style look like a theatre of some kind.

    26s - bottom middle right screen, the scene from the helicopter cockpit, you can clearly see the rotorblades of another helicopter flying underneath. (Along with the APC's, fast jets from previous scenes, and the huge dustcloud and explosions, all looks pretty hectic and large scale!)

    As for the scene where it looks like zombies are pulling the guy on the floor apart, my take on it is that they aren't zombies at all, and in fact they are soldiers trying to hold the guy/zombie down, seeing as none appear to have glowing eyes, rotting flesh or bite him....they just hold him down by his arms and legs?

    And finally the crawler things :? they don't look like monkeys to me.....nor dog/zombie hybrids, if anything they look more like the "Lickers" from Resident Evil...

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