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Posts posted by ThreeProphets

  1. so no one shot it with the VR-11 or got hit with the VR-11 and looked at it

    lol, poor Logan. In the NGTZombies vid for the "zombie vision", they tried that area and didn't see anything immediately noticeable, maybe get a little closer? Also I think I remember someone saying they shot it with the PaP'd Vril and nothing happened. Could someone get a screenshot of the whole thing though? There might be something we're missing.

  2. I love this theory, I can clearly see it. I'm not so sure about the crazy kill Romero by the logos theory, we've always theorized crazy complicated things that don't work. The thing is, you should take another look at it in-game, it's actually a lot bigger than just that, it extends almost all the way across the wall.

  3. Guys, I did ask very nicely if you can stop posting in here, but I guess there is no stopping you from derailing a thread, so can a moderator please lock this thread? Thank you, and have a nice day.

    :cry: I thought this was a really cool idea. The only problem is I already play with my brightness down all the way (seriously, try it, it looks good on an LCD). I could turn down my TV brightness though, and the contrast, too. I'm gonna go try that, it sounds fun!

  4. K so i just went thru all 25 haikus and took down the first letters, decoded them all together and got shit all... but something interesting i did notice was that they are all about missions in the game just in kind of a scrambled order... not sure if that has anything to do with anything, but i figured it was interesting...


    Try it in a Haiku pattern(57575 or 575575). Could someone please post them?

  5. I see one thingymajiger on the railing, and another one by his head. Good eye, we'll see. A theory I do have though, is that maybe some easter eggs will be invisible, hence the one dude saying to shoot everything in the Inside Xbox video.

  6. I was seeing the Xbox sneak peek preview and on one scene, I saw Undead Romero on round one. This real or just a preview of him?

    If you notice, in this image the player is holding an UPGRADED M16. Now please pay attention to the round he is on. 2! I would like to know any reasoning you can offer for this?

    So Romero can cause time travel?

    Duckcall00 wrote:

    When the player touched the boss zombie it seemed to put him back in round one.

    That very well may be, then you have to try to get through the early rounds with the same weapons you had before being sent back to regroup with your teammates? What if it disables the chat for the teleported player (like GRAW's alive only)until he gets back (to the Future ;))? What if Romero gets more difficult in the higher rounds to increase the intensity of not getting hit by him, since then it would take longer to progress through the previous rounds?


  7. I manged to intercept a picture of what looks exactly like Reznov at the end of the trailer. Link if you haven't seen it: http://www.youtube.com/user/CALLOFDUTY?blend=1&ob=5

    Demonic Reznov (prepare to shit your pants): http://img863.imageshack.us/f/whor.png/ (Thats supposes to be titled who, ImageShack f*cked me over, :lol: :oops:)

    Comparison: http://www.mobygames.com/game/windows/c ... Id,477705/

    EDIT: More trailer pics (again, brown pants): http://img593.imageshack.us/f/who2.png/



    Reznov would be an amazing sub-boss. Imagine looking everwhere, knowing he could be around every corner while hearing quotes from the campaign, and possbily have them get louder as you get closer, all of a sudden you come around a corner and see him and spray for your life. You can clearly see it's him in the trailer, especially that last pic.

    EDIT2: lol, nevermind, I got some good pics though.


  8. Maybe not Sam in person, maybe her mother...?

    Sam is an innocent party in all this, she is not evil... But who is holding on to her?

    I'm pretty sure Maxis, Sam & Fluffy have all become one, I go into detail in the G thread about how the teleporter in the Fly splices Dna... Is this what happened at Der Riese?

    As Sam was pure of heart her personality has over power Maxis's... But there is another in the Aether realm...

    You all should know who I think that is by now. ;)

    Maybe Sam will one day be free & we will get to play as her.

    Regards Alpha...

    :o *Jaw falls off and drops to the floor*

  9. I picked up some more numbers from USDD, they're filed under voices, turn everything else off and you can kind of hear them, some I couldn't quite make out. One problem, my dad decided to throw the fucking paper away!!! :twisted:

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