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Posts posted by BlackOpsTiger

  1. Thanks for the finds you guys. I'me making a list and then I'll put them on this thread with things that can be confirmed. I will do my best and put all of your observations into a simple and easy to read thread with pictures and videos and the whole package. But please remember I can put your observations in, but if it is questionable I may have to clarify it by putting an asterick next to it with a note to prevent arguments about what something really is.

    And thanks for the pic of the quadrotor with Charlene Snafu and Shapeshifter, I remember FPSRussia calling his that too, clever, i'm sure it's a character so i'll include it.

    Good video Bus Driver, nice finds in there.

  2. Call of Duty: Black Ops II Superguide


    *NOTE: This thread contains everything that has been confirmed to be in Call of duty: Black Ops 2, 100 % confirmed, no speculation or theories, just facts.

    **NOTE: CODZ has a strict policy against leaks. Nothing that Treyarch hasn't intentionally released will be included in this guide

    ***NOTE: There will be minor spoilers about MP details, but nothing major about Campaign or Zombies will be listed that would spoil the gameplay for you.


    Latest Updates

    May 6, 2012

    I have finally gotten around to updating the Guide completely.

    From here on out all information will be updated on time as it is released.

    *(If you have anymore finds please post about them and I will get them added or fixed)*

    May 1, 2012

    - Black Ops II Reveal Trailer Released

    - A series of Interviews by Treyarch were released with the trailer:

    Chapter 1: How Far We've Come

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... 2fe_97fvE0

    Chapter 2: It's Not Science Fiction

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... hedLuFO7_k

    Chapter 3: The Oops Moment

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... PVGWathp-A

    Chapter 4: When the Enemy Steals the Keys

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... JUVej7enHg

    Chapter 5: Black Ops

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... me18xVSoeY

    Synopsis: We're Not Ready

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... rWTXI8_Nnk


    - Roll Call Episode Interviewing Activision's Mark Lamia Released (zombies confirmed!)


    -Lots of New information revealed as we get our first look of Gameplay


    Release Date: November 13, 2012

    Platforms: Xbox 360, PS3, PC

    Rating: NR (Probably M or 17/18+ depending on country)

    DLC/Elite: Yes


    Game Summary (For Now)

    "With Black Ops 2, Treyarch is pushing the boundaries on every front.

    So, on the CAMPAIGN we're going to be going to be going to the near-future a little more than a decade out. It's an entirely new setting with all kinds of new game play.

    We've done a lot of research into making this plausible near-future scenario really resonate with players. And we're really excited about it we're going to have branching story line, new non-linear elements that we've been designing into the campaign that's just going to make for new experiences for people who like to play the campaign.

    If you like ZOMBIES, you'll be really happy with Black Ops 2. It's our biggest most ambitious zombie effort EVER.

    We are really pushing the boundaries on MULTI-PLAYER we're not revealing all that right now because it's its own reveal. We know guys out there who are still playing Black Ops and we're paying attention to what's going on in the community and the guys are looking at all of our systems. We can't wait to tell you about what we've been designing in Black Ops 2.

    As far as it goes on the ELITE front you can expect some really deep integration into Black Ops 2.

    - Treyarch would also like to thank everyone for their support and for being a great community.

    - Mark Lamia, Head of Treyarch

    Campaign Details

    Call of duty: Black Ops

    - The Black Ops II campaign is a Direct Sequel to

    - The Campaign is non-linear and will have different outcomes.

    - The Game will be set in the Near-Future. specifically 2025.

    - The Game will also feature flashbacks with some of the old Characters from Black Ops to explain the connection between the two cold wars, most likely in the 80's, you will play as Alex Mason in the Flashback missions.

    TheOnlyShapeShifter discovered that in the trailer the date 7/23/1986 is found, likely a flashback mission

    - The Game will be narrated by Frank Woods. The Main Character will be Alex Mason's son. David Mason in the year 2025.

    - The Black Ops still exist and now have more technology at their disposal, but more technology to be used against them as well.

    - The Game will focus on a Cold War between the U.S. and China. The War is being Instigated by Raul Martinez.

    - The Antagonist Raul Menendez has a history with the CIA and developed a plan to hack the drones and machines of the U.S. and China to start a war with his own Agenda. (Trailer showed the hacked Drones attacking the U.S.)

    One of the Main Characters fighting in Los Angeles as the Drone attack begins

    - China and the U.S. are fighting over limited rare earth metals as they run out. (According to Treyarch 95% of the World's rare earth metals exist in China right now)

    Rare-Earth elements China and the U.S. will fight over

    The Campaign Also introduces a new type of Gameplay known as

    Strike Force

    - Strike Force are missions where the player gets to choose which mission they want to play.

    - Strike Force will allow for a branching style campaign where the player alters the story and will have different outcomes for the game.

    - Strike Force missions will be based in Hotspots where you are a leader of a Black Ops mission and you either die or succeed and the story changes based on your decisions.

    - Strike Force is designed to be a sandbox-oriented tactical strategy based mission. The player can switch from players in the squad, to drones, to overhead displays of the map.

    -Below is a video interviewing Mark Lamia about Strike Force


    A picture highlighting how many playable characters are in this strike force mission

    Confirmed Locations


    - Afghanistan (during 1980's Flashback)

    - Singapore (A Mission in Strike Force)

    The President of the United States in 2025 is being escorted by two secret service agents during the attack on L.A.

    Zombies Details

    "If you like Zombies, you're gonna be really happy with what we're doing with Black Ops II. It's out biggest most ambitious Zombies ever."

    — Mark Lamia, Studio Head of Treyarch

    - The Zombies Mode will be returning but in a different way.

    - The Classic Mode with rounds of survival will be returning, with the name "Classic"

    - The Zombies Engine is now running with the multiplayer engine allowing for 8-player zombies gameplay

    - Nothing has been released regarding Storyline infromation

    - The Zombies Pre-order poster is shown below

    Some believe this to be Samantha. She is holding a skull and standing on what seems to be rubble from a destroyed street.

    Multi-Player Details

    - The Full Multiplayer reveal is not expected for another month or two.

    - David Vanderhaar (Head of Treyarch Multiplayer team) has mentioned the following about Mutliplayer:

    - The Mode is being looked at and re-vamped, some sacred cows may be killed (to improve the experience and innovate)

    - 60 FPS with PC-like Graphics running on the console

    - The Game will be made "fun to watch" so competitive gaming with things like E-sports will be possible (hinting at new features for competition and social integration)

    2 Confirmed Maps

    Name: Socotra

    Location: Yemen Island

    Description: It's reminiscent of the Modern Warfare 3 DLC map Piazza.

    The houses are small and appear to be constructed from clay and stone, filled with dozens of electric fans to keep out the heat. Tight alleyways lead up and down the hilly terrain. A sneak-way grips onto the side of a cliff that cuts into the emerald ocean below. In the center of town is a tree.

    Name: Unknown

    Location: Downtown L.A.

    Description: following the single-player campaign's drone attack. On a street sign are the words Figueroa. This is literally where E3 takes place every summer.

    The geometry is manic. The idea was for players to fight through a building that's been toppled over. It's like a vertical spin on Wall Street in Modern Warfare 3, filled with fire, smoke, sparks, rebar and thin streams of light.

    There's parking lot, a garage, ripped up street, fire escapes, elevator shafts and flooded lobbies. Across the street are coffee shops, fountains and a two floor shopping area. It's incredibly intricate and chaotic

    Confirmed Weapons, Drones, Vehicles, etc.




    Assault Rifles


    Weapon variant is unknown



    Designed to replace the Standard infantry M4A1 and M16, but failed. Looks like it has been brought back successfully as the standard rifle of the future U.S. Army or Marines.



    A Russian Bullpup Rifle developed and used by Russian forces since the 1990's.



    Planned to be the future standard issue for the Russian Army. Has a unique two shot burst with a fast fire rate, to aid in stopping power and armor penetration.



    Not Much of a description required, popular world-wide since 1947, because of it's reliability and cost. Seen on the Mujaheddin riding by horse in the trailer.



    Looks like a Triple Barreled Assault Rifle, not much else is known about this gun.

    Light-Machine Guns

    M-249 SAW

    The Standard lightmachine gun for United States Infantry units. Developed with Belgium-U.S. partnership in 1984.


    Sniper Rifles


    Confirmed to be in a strike force mission and likely multiplayer. The Railgun allows for a charge period to shoot through walls depending on the material, equipped with a thermal scope allowing to see through walls.




    The Classic Pistol developed in 1911. Still widely used today among everyone, and popular among civilians.


    FN 5-7

    Semi-Automatic pistol named after it's bullet diameter. Popular among military and polic, especially among SECRET SERVICE agents.



    Developed from the KRISS Family. Possibly a full-auto pistol, scheduled for a future release date, based on VECTOR technology.


  3. If I hadn't just given out my brains recently, I would give you some now.

    This video made me take out my wallet and get my credit card ready for tomorrow, when pre-orders begin (I think)

    I'm glad they are taking zombies to the next level. Perhaps a community for custom maps and sharing? 2 Years ago on the official Call of Duty forum I started a thread and got nearly 400 people to petition for a map creator in the game after Black Ops, maybe they've listened?

    Or perhaps they have an entire separate campaign for zombies, or Zombies: Elite. The possibilities are endless.

  4. Sounds a lot like "Hellhounds". Coincidence?

    Devil Dog is a nickname for the marines. Given under the name "Teufelshunde" during World War 1. Woods was a Marine Corps Sergeant in the Korean War. His fighting their grabbed the attention of the C.I.A. who placed him in the S.O.G. and sent him on Black Ops. So some of his medals are from Korea, vietnam, and likely many secret missions in Black Ops.

    Tank dempsey also calls hellhounds devil dogs, he was once a marine, kind of ironic that it is now the Marine calling the german creation a devil dog, just another easter egg Treyarhc includes in their stories.

  5. I'm starting to think More and More we will get to see a Zombies map with Woods, Mason, Hudson, and Weaver. Possibly even Reznov, he was marked deceased but the other hidden code found about Reznov suggests otherwise.

    I'm still trying to figure out how the zombie outbreak hasn't changed the future, and how the earth being blown up (although it looked like a Pangea from Moon) has not changed the future, or maybe it has. Tacitus is still a mysterious organization or person.

    Keep up the awesome discoveries Alpha.

  6. I'm not sure whether they were leaked images or not, but I won't post them here because I respect CoDz and the people that come here and don't want their game spoiled. But it looks like the picture of the armor I posted yesterday was on a soldier holding a gun (I won't say which to keep it un-spoiled) but the suit looked a little like this:

    Only it was missing some features not expected to arrive until 2020.


    So I would guess that the time-frame for a majority of the campaign will be within a couple of years from 2012, basically the quote about the future, meant that it's not a far future, but very close, as in a couple of years.


    I do however enjoy the idea of having flashbacks. Perhaps we will start in Hanoi with a Black Ops team rescuing Woods from the Prison as he sits aged in the Pentagon talking about what happened.

    I would really like to have some occasional flashbacks to events that happened in between Black Ops and modern day.


    I cant wait for this trailer, although I will probably be late to seeing it, by about 2 hours, I'm going to do my best and help analyze it with you guys ASAP.

  7. Mrgreen the gloves are just standard Oakley SI ASSAULT GLOVES

    This also gives use a time as these gloves are recent (after 2005)

    TheBG out

    Ahh I see Thanks for correcting me.

    I have a feeling the things they have been giving us will be in the trailer. I just hope we see Woods in the Pentagon tomorrow, then It will fit with my theory of what this game will be based on.

  8. Alright, my current opinions on the pictures:


    I showed this to a friend of mine that is an engineer at a weapons manufacturer in The Middle of America, although he doesn't engineer guns or drones, he does work in this industry and gave me his thoughts, he said the following:

    - Clearly a low quality mock-up of a CGI prototype

    - The thing on the top is a sensor, doesn't look like a scope, but an electronic sensor of some kind (I think it is a thermal or heat vision personally)

    - Under the sensor is clearly a barrel, he has no doubt about this, if this is even a gun (he mentioned that it looks familiar to some of the designs he has seen, but hasn't seen this particular combination of features)

    - The "Frame" or thing connecting the two simply serves the purpose of whatever it was designed to do (no he didn't expand on that)

    - He tells me the bottom part looks strange, because it looks unfinished or like their needs to b another attachment, he says unless it's to balance with a weight distribution issue or serves as a purpose for the barrel, this is likely where an attachment would go.

    - His conclusion either the next version of a long barreled assault rifle that packs a punch and fires rapidly, or a drone with sensors and some pretty advanced technology, he says a drone is more likely because there are some things that look unusual for the end of a gun.

    - He says if they would have at least let us see the end of the barrel he could tell me what it was, but he says most likely a drone and I agree.


    - This high quality picture shows that the soldier is wearing some advanced armor, lightweight and ready for combat.

    - The first thing that comes to mind is Future Force Warrior http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Future_Force_Warrior

    - They create exoskeleton and modified combat armor technology

    - They have worked mainly on future armor modifications and communication innovation on the battefield, but have done some work on weapons and have been able to engineer suits that give the user improved strength and endurance, ETA about 2020, fits the timeline

    The picture seems to show only the suit. Take a look at the gloves

    Sure you might find some minor differences, but it looks like there will be future combat suits set in the time-frame of about 2020-2030.


    - I thought about going to 5 and looking at the Pentagon, but Alpha Snake being the genius he is beat me to it and made the great discovery.

    - I wonder if that has always been there or of Treyarch just updated it, maybe they updated the terminal as well? PC users should check for updates and the files as well.

    - Looks Like A U.S. Veteran that has aged. I'm really hoping it is Wood's I loved that bad-ass.

    BlackOpsTiger out.

    BTW after the reveal trailer is released i'm going to be releasing a music video trailer of my own for Black Ops II. I love Treyarch, and the Zombies Community. :mrgreen:

  9. I know there are already enough reasons that those in power wanted JFK dead, but here is another:

    "As you must know, Lancer has made some inquiries regarding our activities, which we cannot allow. Please submit your views no later than October. Your action to this matter is critical to the continuance of the group."

    Lancer was JFK's Secret Service nickname, and Kennedy's password in the Black Ops Terminal as well. This (among conspiracy theorists) is referred to as the "burned memo" it was about to be burned along with many other documents about Majestic-12 but this one "survived".


    I personally believe they were forged but Treyarch loves taking conspiracy theories and putting them in the game and seeing how we react. Majestic-12 was connected to Area 51, and we know about No Man's Land and it's connection to the Moon Base. Perhaps JFK Was not allowed to know about anything 935 related, perhaps Tacitus is something bigger and more secret that not even the president gets to know about?

  10. Hmm we have basically the same theory as to was Tacitus is.


    I think that the quote about "The enemy could be anywhere and it could be anyone" or whatever it was, means that Tacitus could be controlling the minds of people after taking over the number stations after it went from Group 935/601 > Ascension > Tacitus.


    The note about HAARP in Shi No Numa was an indicator of the Tesla Technology that was stolen and used by 935, technology like X-Rays, Anti-Gravity, Free Energy, and of Course what led to Element 115 (My theory not solid evidence) massive wireless electric transference with atomic atoms (could be used for many things, weapons, spacecraft, etc.) and not to mention HAARP, which if you look online some will say is a result of Nikola Tesla's genius.




    We know Group 935 had a subgroup 601 set-up to control the minds of the zombies with "programs" and Dr. Steiner developed the numbers system (The Nacht Der Untoten loading screen from black ops makes me think this began in 1943.


    Tacitus seems to be a mysterious thing. I'm still not sure whether it is in organization, person, or a Technology/Weapon. If Tacitus is a weapon I believe it would be a mind control technology, used to keep people "silent". On the other hand it could be similar to what we though the GK Organization was, or even a secret government organization, and some have even theorized the Illuminati is involved, the thing is there isn't enough to go off of right now. However on May 1st, Tuesday I believe this muddy puddle will be cleaned and we will begin to see right through Tacitus.

  11. I'm not sure what it is, but here is a side by side comparison of a typical grenade launcher attachment and the enhanced photo somebody posted. i don't really have an opinion yet but when I get some extra time later I'll look through some weapons and aircraft or vehicles maybe even buildings that might look like this.

    And who knows it could be a puzzle to put together.

  12. Since we are on the topic of Operation Northwoods, it is one of the main reasons the C.I.A. or some other high level internal or foreign force assassinated him. He and his administration rejected False Flags, and if he wouldn't do it, he would have to go.


    Also, the Mainstream Media began to air information about Operation Northwoods and false flags in the spring of 2001, before 9/11. It's a psychological thing they do, so when it comes, you subconsciously knew it could happen, but they already told you how to react on the reports "don't worry our government was corrupt then, but if there is a false flag today, there's no way it was our government". It's a classic propaganda trick and our media monopolies do it everyday.


    I'm not so sure if it was our government who planned the attack, but we certainly did provoke one.

  13. I think the "enemy" they refer to are people that may be brainwashed by the "it" referred to in the latest quote.

    By Brainwashed I mean like the numbers stations we saw in Black Ops where sleeper cells were created, only this time whoever controls the tech (possibly CIA, Tacitus?, or connection to zombies, Richtofen?) is using the technology with HAARP or some other large system of broadcast towers to control people's minds and attack the main characters.


    Take a look at the NDU loading screen:

    The people in front of computers are being brainwashed and the "ZZZZZ" seems to refer to sleep, as in sleeper cells. Then you see them walking in a line indicating they are being controlled. The first frame shows this mysterious man walking out of a "frame" in 1943 with numbers coming out.

    Then it shows him entering the communist country crates room. I'm still trying to find out what 1959 and 1964 have to do with this, going back to Black Ops Intel and maybe I'll find something.

  14. Awesome theory Bus.

    I agree that there were lots of lies about going into the Middle East. Especially since the United States has been tearing apart their power structure and installing dictators to keep our oil cheap, and keep them third or second world countries, since 1954 in Iran.


    But anyway, as for the enemy could be anyone or anywhere slogan. I think it is a quote by one of the characters. I think that the enemy is a new enemy. The new quote released today seems to be about the "future" setting not being far away from modern day, as in 2012.


    It could be modern warfare with new tech that's either prototyped or in production like the quadrocopter, or it could be set about 10-20 years into the future.


    Just one theory I have here but the quote:

    "The Future is not as far off as most people think

    -We're not ready for it."

    I believe this quote may be connected with the other, because if you think about where we were left with Black Ops we never really learned the fate of the "numbers station" technology or how Zombies plays into this.


    Whoever the "enemy" is I think the "it" is the numbers stations technology that allows for mind control over "ANYONE" that is "ANYWHERE" almost like a global mind-hacking system, for the brain. I don't have a theory right now for who would control this technology or why they would be attacking our main characters.


    Surely the trailer on Tuesday will tell us more, anyway that's where I stand for now, but I do like your post here busdriver.

    -BlackOpsTiger / Jared

  15. Wow, nice finds here.

    It would be awesome if Tacitus is a Government Organization of (possibly America) or a secret world government agency that is DARPA, but with a different name.


    The stuff I've heard they have done is incredible, and so sophisticated that I'm not surprised that they could be storing every human beings facial recognition software and personal data in a database, scary but... you never know.


    Anyway, I've noticed HAARP was funded by DARPA, and we know that the note in Shi No Numa talks about Element 115 powering HAARP, which I originally thought was setup to be a "broadcast tower" or "numbers station" to control zombies, but now i'm thinking that if TACITUS is DARPA, they might be going on a futuristic society where HAARP is built by TACITUS...


    hmmm either way I was nervous about Treyarch going into the future, but if they can connect it to Zombies and incorporate some of the conspiracy theories about what kind of shit DARPA has made, it won't be so bad. After all it is Treyarch and they haven't disappointed me yet :mrgreen:

    -BlackOpsTiger / Jared

  16. This probably won't help much, because I haven't had much time to look through everything and research stuff and try to connect it.

    But from what that video shows, it sounds a lot like Guerrilla warfare, only taken a step further to say that there is no way to know who is on your side. Probably will play into the Mason-CIA conflict that we saw.


    Anyway, I'm going to go back and look at Black Ops and even some things in WaW and see if I can come up with anything to explain what all of this means. Although until we get a teaser or a live drop there's not much to work off of but speculation for now...


    Also, I'm sure you guys know but tacitus.com has nothing to do with this, they are a company working on some kind of artificial data for the internet or something, it's a real project with real people, but has nothing to do with Treyarch or Activision.


    One last thing I noticed was the guy in the video sounded quite young for some reason, but it wasn't a familiar voice, a new character i'm sure.

  17. Finally had to make an account and whatnot after reading through this entire thread...thought to search around for this this morning while crusin through the thread, but kind of a moot point now that we know that LA is important, but all of these places share the 34th parallel N with, you guessed it, LA

    Guess since this wasn't hit upon after a day or two, they threw even more obvious clues in our faces

    I'll try to contribute more helpfully once my brain wakes up, also, wasn't CoD XP help at one of the aforementioned convention centers as well?

    hmmm, so if the co-ordinates point to the area where the XP convention was held and where the Basketball game is, that could mean two things:

    1. Hint at another Call of Duty XP event, perhaps for release window in November?

    2. Hint at the reveal trailer coming May 1st, and I think I heard somewhere that a trailer comes saturday?

  18. Just because I don't think anybody mentioned it

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... dRE#t=734s

    Listen to the song in the background.

    It's Sympathy for the Devil. I know treyarch picked it because it's the 60's vietnam, and well it's just an all around classic song. But notice the part of the lyrics where it says

    "I shouted out

    Who killed the Kennedys?

    When after all

    It was you and Me."


    You're playing as Mason here. And the "Me" in this song is the Devil. The song is playing to Mason and his crew, but specifically Mason as YOU are Mason here. Mason was a sleeper cell being controlled by an implant in his head with numbers being broadcast.


    Group 935 has a subgroup (701 or something like that) whose goal was to set up a communication system to broadcast the programming to control the Undead Army. This was stolen by the Ascension Group and put into effect under Dragovich.


    I've went back to Black Ops, pieced together tons of things now that it's all but confirmed Zombies will be included in Black Ops 2, with the Ace of Spades Death Card in FPSRussia's video and all, and they were zombies he killed.


    Anyway I've got lots of greta theories I plan to add soon, keep up the healthy thinking guys, Treyarch loves this ;)

    -BlackOpsTiger / Jared :mrgreen:

    Edit: A side note about "Tacitus"

    I think it is the Next step beyond the Black Ops. As in Beyond Classified, compare it with a classified stamp. Perhaps we find out the secrets to how Zombies connected with Mason, Woods, and the rest of Black Ops, but it all comes to a head in modern day, perhaps with occasional flashbacks to Black Ops locations.

    Tacit (English) = unexpressed, unspoken, unsaid, implicit.

    Tacitus (Latin) - Silent



    "I wonder if that rock brought those freak-bags..."

    Referring to the 115 meteor, Tank is already suspicious about the history of the zombies, and is starting to uncover the plot

    Welcome to Awesometown, population: 1. Me

    Just thought I would put it in there, one of my favorite Tank quotes :lol:

    Der Riese

    "What are the Krauts gonna think of next?!"

    Said after getting a monkey bomb, this tells us Tank was beginning to realize that these "Wunder Weapons" were created by Germans, and gets suspicious of Richtofen, who will often brag about his inventions

    "Anybody ever hear of a "Die Glocke"?"

    Die glocke was not labeled anywhere in Der Riese, specifically near the teleporter, which is what he says when he sees it, Tank is recalling 935's Die Glocke experiments, slowly, though, slowly

    "I think Richtofen knows more about what's going on than it seems..."

    Again, this is said when finding a teleporter, Tank is becoming more suspicious of Richtofen and what he knows about Die Glocke and Der Riese and this whole "Mission"

    "Poor Richtofen! Surrounded by his own creations!"

    This is proof that Tank already knows that Richtofen has created this mess, but this is the only blatant quote about Tank clearly saying Richtofen was involved in 935, so maybe Tank isn't letting on as much as he believes either...

    "Who's this 'Doctor Maxis' I keep hearing about?"

    Yes, the name is familiar to Tank, Maxi supervised Richtofen's mind control experiments.

    Kino Der Toten

    "Let's send those freakbags back to 1946!"

    "Killing zombies since 1945! Ooh-Ra!"

    "Well, I see the future hasn't changed anything! Fucking box!"

    Time reference here, after teleporting away from Der Riese (we know this because of the Kino loading screen) Tank knows this isn't the 40's anymore. He is also aware of the time, meaning the mind control "memory deletion" is wearing off. This is known because MKULTRA and Soviet mind control research shows that when memory is deleted and a new personality is created, a since of time is lost, when they can tell you time, they are re-learning their past life again.

    "Ahh, A tale of two Dempseys, starts slow but has a happy ending."

    Notice he says a tale of TWO dempseys, could be him figuring he has two separate personalities, or that there will be a happy end to this, obviously the earth blowing up isn't happy, so maybe their will be more after all...

    "Element 115. Concentrated to a single beam of pure badassery...wait...how the hell do I know that?"

    This one was cut, because the Wunderwaffe was as well. But notice how Dempsey again recalls knowing about Element 115 and how the waffler works, but is confused about how he knows this, again growing EVER MORE suspicious.


    "Say "Hi" to Sam for me!"

    Used when he throws a Gersch device. This is important because Tank also knows about Samantha, and that she is linked to the Gersch and Aether, he most likely knew about this while being a subject in 935, and is remembering more now.

    "I don't like that Richtofen. I think I've seen him before Shi No Numa, in fact, I don't remember much at all..."

    Tank says it all, he remembers Richtofen and starts to make the connection that he doesn't even remember anything BEFORE Richtofen

    "Yeah, Nikolai is alright, I just think he is hiding something under all that booze."

    Nikolai and Richtofen get along well, and Tank becomes suspicious of how much Richthofen truly likes Nikolai

    COTD Trapped Characters

    "Oh its situations like this make me wish I haven't erased their.......I mean.....(sings) force field, force field stuck behind a force field."

    This one is Richtofen's quote but while they are trapped Richtofen is basically revealing to the player's that he knows a LOT about the time travel and MDT and says they went "too far into the future" I'm assuming they were trying to go forward to when Area 51 was linked with Griffin Station

    Burps. "You know, sometimes I feel like I can't remember a time before the zombies, er, I really can't. Heh heh, maybe it's the vodka. Well, maybe not."

    Again, he can't remember anything before Zombies, so he is developing a hunch.

    "Oh come on! This better be more rewarding than last time. Stupid Gersch."

    Reveals that Ascension came directly before Call of the Dead, the order the maps were released is the EXACT order they happened in, excluding Five I believe that happened sometime while Kennedy and Castro were still alive, obviously.

    "All in good time my clever Dempsey, all in good time!"

    Richtofen's quote, but he notices himself Tank is becoming clever and is remembering.


    "Finally, we're out of that damn closet!"

    Again, proof the maps release order is exactly how it happened, and they aren't split up into two different dimensions, just time traveling, I believe Shangri-La takes place in the Cold War, but when you do the Easter Egg and the eclipse starts you are traveled back thousands of years to the time of the vril-ya or something

    "Alright zombies, it's time to meet your maker...well the first maker...not Richtofen."

    Confirms that Dempsey has connected the dots by now, and knows that Richtofen has created the zombies, its unclear whether Dempsey knew of Rictofen's evil Scheme or if he just thought Richtofen was trying to help rid the zombies.

    "Richtofen is scheming something big, as usual. I bet it's no good for the rest of us. Better keep an eye on him."

    Hints that Richtofen has a scheme, but is unsure whether it will be good for them, Tank begins to realize he may just be a pawn helping out Richtofen.


    "Home sweet home."

    Dempsey recognizes he is in America, and Nevada specifically.

    "Uh, that's it? Seriously? All that work and all we did was blow up the Earth? What the fuck..."

    But is it really over?...

    Also, take a look at the last sentence of Dempsey's Biography:

    Now you know there is no before the war for Dempsey, and there is no after. There is only the legend of Tank Dempsey, and how he will win the war for the rest of us."

    "and how he will win the war for the rest of us..."

    Is this a sign of things to come, Tank will be the hero that figured out Richtofen's plan and came up with a way to stop him?

    There is no before the war, and no after, just Tank, so he will become the same as before the war, and he will "help win the war for the rest of us".... interesting Treyarch... very interesting....

    AND.... My new interpretations of the A7X Song "I'm Not Ready to die"

    Here was my old thread that I released before Moon where I looked at the songs and predicted Richtofen's scheme was to kill Samantha who was controlling the zombies, and either Richtofen or Samantha wanted to completely blow up the Earth.

    And well.... just that ended up happening, these songs are important.

    Summary: Richtofen realizes that he would rather control the army of the undead than be loyal to Group 935, so he kills Maxis.

    When this does not work, he is led to the "writings on the wall" and realizes he must return to "daddy's little girl" and destroy her, and the Earth, and control "935".


    Cast away in time

    Evil yours, now evil mine

    So I robbed you blind

    The voices in my head suggest a less than peaceful side

    The endless possibilities

    Controlling 935.

    Gone, cast away in time. Is referring to the time travel that Richtofen is being cast into, or is perhaps even stuck in.

    Evil your now evil Mine, refers to Samantha's "evil" becoming Richtofens "Evil"

    Robbing you blind is Richtofen killing Maxis, "blindly" by trapping him with a hellhound.

    The voices in Richtofen's head are telling him of what Group 935 is really capable of, they tell him to kill Maxis (this while he was insane) after Samantha took over, events and quotes suggest that the characters "stuck in Aether" with Samantha tell Richtofen to "free them" and to Kill Samantha, Richtofen craves power. He sees the endless possibilities of "controlling Group 935" which is basically the system they had set up to control an undead army, which Samantha possesses.


    You can't break me

    Crushed the fears of yesterday

    You can't save me

    Barriers, our trust will fade.

    I've stood in the dark

    Been waiting all this time

    While we damn the dead I'm trying to survive

    I'm not ready to die

    Richtofen is determined to not be "broken" and no longer fears anyone standing in his way, symbolized by the killing of Maxis, he has "fallen" to evil and can't be saved.

    The barriers of "trust" fading is referring to mind control, and Tank in specific, basically saying he better hury the hell up, because the "barrier" was what kept him from controlling the mind, but now Tank is untrustful and may cross the "trust barrier" like Richtofen did with Maxis.

    "standing in the dark and waiting" is basically him saying he has been plotting this all this time, and can't die now.


    Watch the masses fall

    Burn it down, control 'em all

    (Help me) Make me crawl

    To daddy's little girl to read the writings on the wall

    [color=#009933Watching the masses fall refers to the zombies being "damned" or killed. Burn it down is a reference to "burning" the Earth with the chemical rockets launched from the moon, other songs and events prove this as well.

    "make me crawl" to daddy's little girl, writings on the wall. Remember "Return through Aether" in der riese, reading the writings on the wall is how Richtofen would return to "daddys little girl" (sam). aether is what he goes through while using the MDT.]

    While cast into the nothingness

    The final curtain call

    Perhaps a reference to the final "curtain call" I can only think to connect this to the Earth being blown up.


    [Guitar solo]

    Through the madness we find

    Loyalty is no match for power

    Say goodbye to your life, left to rot in

    Your darkest hour

    Prayers won't help you now as long as you're mine

    This verse explains exactly what Richtofen thought or maybe even said as he killed Maxis.

    Loyalty to Group 935 and his superiors, hitler, Maxis, etc. were no match for the power that controlling the undead army would bring. So, he killed Maxis to try and take over himself, but Samantha would have an "accident" her feelings and description of this are described in the other songs, and the girls crying, the lullaby, they are all about Samantha's "new life" or "rebirth"

    The rest are thoughts of a madman, leaving Maxis to die and saying that Prayers won't help him, as long as he's under Richtofen's control, dying.


    I'll control the world

    One person at a time

    As I damn the dead I'm trying to survive

    I'm not ready to die!


    I'm not ready to die!

    Completely confirms that Richtofen wants to control the world, one "person" at a time, and he does not want to die.

    This is his Grand Scheme.

  20. Just want to quickly interject here and say that Richtofen is a liar remember the "Eddy is a liar" quote we are all familiar with?


    He was pretending not to know anything about Group 935, although he was perhaps the largest part of it, he does this so the other 3 don't become suspicious remember, he says something along the lines of "but they will do for now" as he is trying to complete his "Grand Scheme" which was ultimately to stop the voices "people trapped in Aether" like Sam, Gary, Brocke, Yuri, etc.

    Telling him to free them and to control them all, revise the lyrics of "Im not ready to die" and this will become more lucid.

    http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/avengeds ... todie.html


    Also, one last thing to note, it is possible with all of this time travel a "butterfly effect" was created where the zombies never really came alive until the soviets re-discovered 935, anything is possible.

    I have a larger theory about this particular issue of "what really happened, what time period" etc. but I will need to gather more evidence first, also, you guys should look at some of Tank's quotes over the time of the maps, he is slowly regaining images of his past as he fights the zombies.

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