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Posts posted by HalfSwiss

  1. I just dont understand why people make false videos or screen shots of the unreleased new call of duty game every year. It always can ruin someones lives. But this video has many likes, I guess they are getting their lives ruined. Lets observe now...

    How does it ruin lives? It's very sad if a fake screenshot of a video game ruins someone's life. I made some fake screenshots before Black Ops came out and it actually helped people.

  2. Well yeah, I could tell in a heartbeat it was fake, but that's not to shabby for some Game cover art.

    Honestly, yes it is pretty shabby. Take a look here: http://vgboxart.com/

    Google Images "zombie" and that's the fourth picture you get. They also didn't even use a correct template or bother to make a legitimate-looking logo. I could go on.

  3. I know this is made by that guy in the video, but you don't expect that to be an actual box art do you for an actual game?

    I could make much better in no time. I just hope nobody flips out thinking this means a new zombie game.

  4. I knew if I posted this in WaW zombies, nobody would look at it, so I decided to post it here; sorry.

    I was playing with one of my friends and two randoms on SNN on WaW. We were on Round 20 on dog rounds, and I died when I tried to revive my teammate. I bled out and then we got to the knew round, but I respawned and it looked as if I had died in campaign mode. All the sudden the game restarts, and everyone except for the host could only see random, changing colors. Has this ever happened to anybody?

  5. This would be the best possible song for a zombies map. Ever.

    the "helloooos" get annoying tho

    Well that part is a sample from Day of the Dead which makes it all more perfect; it's a zombie song basically.

  6. I just hope no stupid idiots try to create a fake backstory to promote their band AGAIN.

    A stupid idiot huh? Oxymoron for the win? Anyway, I would like to see where this Iron Wolf leads too....

    An oxymoron is pairing two opposite things, like "little giant." Sorry, English class has gotten to me.

    I doubt that Treyarch is already testing the game online this early. Also, why would there be a Terminator 6 icon?

  7. 8 Solo, 10 Multiplayer w/ randoms and no communication.

    I really want to get farther in this map but it's impossible with randoms and I only have a couple friends with the map pack. I was doing pretty god yesterday playing with 3 players, and then we all decided to teleport (they had mics), so me and one of the randoms gets on the teleporter and the other forgot, so we died waiting for him/

  8. Well, as someone stated a long time ago here, as long as there's a game over song we have hope.

    But there is no game over song. Is it the end of zombies as we know it?

  9. it could be like on shangri la where you dont have the items if you or anyone in your party didnt complete the easter egg from the previous maps.

    I still don't understand where people are getting this from...

    I haven't completed the CotD Easter Egg and I still had the rod on Shangri-La...

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