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Wunderwaffle DG-4

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Posts posted by Wunderwaffle DG-4

  1. Alright fellow Codz users, I have been out of the loop for quite a while since I haven't visited the site in a very long time, say, eight months almost. I just thought I'd let you guys know that the suggestions and ideas for the possible new Zombies mode are great, fantastic, and wunderbar! I'm officially back and can't wait to read all the awesome ideas. Keep up the good work, and I'll be sure to contribute as much as I can!

  2. Ok so I'm playing the rat tunnels part of the campaign, and when I got to the room where Reznov listens to the radio, I realized it was about zombies (refer to my other post for more infomation) and when all went quiet, I realized I was hearing a voice. Not the woman's voice like you can sometimes hear, but a MAN'S voice, listing off a string of numbers after saying "Ascension". I haven't yet verified what the numbers are, but they are MOST DEFINATELY DIFFERENT from the numbers we all know and love/hate. The Voice is preceded and followed by a strange warbling noise. You can hear it if you stand underneath the Soviet flage at rhe back of the room, you'll know it when you see it.

    I do now flame, and I do not condone flaming. I do nit have visual proof, but I swear to you it's all there. Check it out yourself!!!

  3. duh_beast_402, you make some very powerful points. I want to know everybody's opinion on who will replace The Fallen One (eh? Eh? You likey?). My thoughts are that it will be someone with a different attitude from the others, because the voice we hear from time to time has almost a sophistication about it, but still a crudeness to it. Here's an example, one of his quotes after a zombie becomes a crawler: "It's a crotch-level Dempsey, don't get too excited." Looks like he knows our boys well, because he also says "Calm down Nikolai.", because as we know Nikolai has random bursts of speech that amuse all :mrgreen:

    SO: We have established at least one solid fact from this: SOMEONE IS GOING TO DIE. There is no need wasting time and energy arguing over who it's going to be, we're all working towards a common goal here. We have the general country down, and we have ideas as to who it might be. Let's get cracking!

  4. One question. Why does everyone keep assuming the Pentagon Thief(whoever it is) worked at the Pentagon? I mean, it's not like he even starts off in the Pentagon. The announcer clearly says "Security Breach detected in lower levels" whenever the thief shows up. I've even actually seen him emerge from the center teleporter on the third floor. He doesn't work there, but simply shows up there. He obviously has some knowledge of the teleporters as well considering he can teleport you to the basement regardless of where he's at everytime he takes your gun.

    That's why I think he's Maxis's operative, looking for better weapons to win the war with. He's going through time, that's why he has the numbers trailing after him. OF COURSE!!!! When our four guys arrive at Kino, you can see little red numbers around where your stats appear. Residual effects of time travel! The Pentagon Thief is trailing this wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey, stuff. He's obviously someone who they don't want there. Do we actually know where he goes when he takes a gun from each player? Ooooooo this is good stuff.

  5. He does look like he's turning, sad enough as it is. None of us want to lose him, I know that for a fact. But if I were a video game producer, I would kill off one of the characters who has the worst past, the one who seems like he SHOULD die. Maybe he won't die at all, maybe he'll be trapped in time. But thank you duh_beast_402 for the kind words :) Now, it seems as though this thread is split into to groups: One group who thinks Takeo will die, and one who thinks Richtofen will die. I believe most of this will be revealed on Feb. 1st when the First Strike DLC comes out. Now there is the matter of WHO WILL REPLACE. We've all heard the "accidental" sound bits of the one mysterious character commenting on the other characters. His accent is either American or Canadian, but I can't see any reason why they would add a Canadian in there, other than for effect. But this needs investigating. Good hunting people :mrgreen:

  6. I have to agree with everyone when they say it's going to be Richtoffen who is going to be replaced, not Takeo. If you think about it, Takeo has been one of the most helpful of the characters to us. He is full of foreshadowing (credit to TheHeckz) and is essential to understanding what happened, what is happening, and what is to be. It just doesn't make sense that they would take out the one character who gives us what we're looking for by speaking in riddles.

    Richtofen won't be replaced he is too valuble to the story line to get rid of. I say Takeo will be replaced. By who? Im not sure.

    I can see where you're coming from, it's just in my opinion, Richtofen seems to have out-lived his usefulness. Don't get me wrong, he's one of my favorite characters, and I would hate to see him go, it's just seems like, ugh, i dunno.... It's almost like it's his time I'm guessing.

  7. :facepalm: The Illuminati were once very very powerful, yes, but now they are about as effective as the Freemasons are. It's just a name to put fear onto peoples hearts, and I applaud Treyarch at using the Illuminati in their games. It gets a point across, and it's very interesting, but in real life, the Illuminati just don't have the power they used to. And when I say "used to", I mean back in the medieval ages. So, why are we arguing over this when we could be deciphering the codes in the game. StatikSh0cks, from what your messages are saying, I understand you know a lot about the Illuminati. So how about helping us?

  8. This is brilliant. Kudos to you guys! You may have stumbled upon something that could really really help us. So you're saying Richtofen's actions weren't to kill Maxis and Sam, but to actually save them? We are going to find out where Sam went in the next map (I'm not flaming, that's just my interpretation). No wonder Richtofen didn't ask where Maxis went in the loading screen when you start up Kino, like he did with Sam, he already knew!

  9. I have to agree with everyone when they say it's going to be Richtoffen who is going to be replaced, not Takeo. If you think about it, Takeo has been one of the most helpful of the characters to us. He is full of foreshadowing (credit to TheHeckz) and is essential to understanding what happened, what is happening, and what is to be. It just doesn't make sense that they would take out the one character who gives us what we're looking for by speaking in riddles.

  10. Think back to the Der Riese radio transmitions again. There was a radio where Maxis was telling his secretary Sophia to send a letter to the Reichstag High Command. Somewhere in the transmition, he mentions "our American Operative" in terms of finding more Element 115 sources.

    So, MY theory is that while the Pentagon Thief may not be Maxis, maybe the Thief is the "American Operative" Group 935 had planted in the USA.

    It makes sense cause the only other people that would know ANYTHING about the happenings anywhere NEAR Area 51 would be certain people working at The Pentagon.

    This theory seems THE most likely in my mind, I just have a sneaky suspicion if we were to actually face Maxis in these Zombie maps he'd be one HUGE challenge, not someone who can really be controlled so easily (Since the Thief spawns a round or two after you turn the power on, you can activate it as early as round 5)

    Brilliant! What if he is Maxis's operative, and he's looking for the Winter's Howl and the Death Machine to bring back to Germany? Because remember, we now have indisputable proof that the teleporters can travel through time. SO, in a nutshell, he's looking for more advanced weapons to bring back to his Nazi leaders so they can win the war. But hat's just my two cents worth :)

    Sorry I meant to quote that :?

  11. I'm sure I'm not the only one who is a bit disturbed that there isn't anything new (as far as we've searched) in BO Der Riese. Wasn't it only 95% complete in World at War, and if so, is it 100% complete in Black Ops? I'm not trying to be a downer here, it's just this is just something I've noticed.

  12. Would they do that though? Lordy, this has got us going. This needs some serious thought... My brain is going about a thousand miles an hour right now... Is there anything else that's different in the new Der Riese split screen that someone can find?

  13. It's definately not the lighting, but good idea. I never noticed the clocks were different though!! How much more could be different? This needs investigating. Also, on another note, has anyone else noticed a weird green glow coming from behind the wall to the left of the Thompson, underneath the stairs?

  14. Personally, I don't know if I can believe that one. Sorry if you believe it, that's just my take on it. I mean, take the quotes from the original Der Riese. Richtofen is the only one who had inside knowledge, the others were pretty much tripping balls whenever they saw something new. That's just my take

  15. You know, there IS a way to trap him......... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: What you do is after he takes your gun, get you and your teamates to box him into a really small area (Like have two people in front of him and two behind). He can't get past you and your friends. My brother and I did this, he just ran on the spot, and we POURED ON THE PAIN MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!! :twisted: :twisted: :lol: Works best if it's in a hallway, make sure there aren't any doors he can escape through when you've boxed him in, or get him into a corner.

  16. Could it be, that each room represents a different dimention? That in the room with the diorama, the Nazi Zombies story is just a game in her head? In the room with the bloody teddy bears, her "game" somehow became a horrifying reality? And in the one where you hear a woman call samantha down to dinner, that could just be normal, everyday life?

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