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Posts posted by SHORTZ

  1. I just realised another thing that makes me not believe this.... Apparently the map pack is being made by a different company to treyarch, so how would you accidentaly download ascension with the original treyarch maps... sorry man id like to believe you but the evidence stacks up against you at the moment. japattacks pics dont help either coz they are all blurry and barely relate to the things the both of you have said. but go ahead and prove me wrong when the dlc is released :)

  2. Dude if this is a fake, at least it was a well thought out fake and just the usual random bs like every other fake map idea... and as for the people who are like "obviously if he had actually played it he would have taken pics or filmed it" - there is a large portion of the gaming community that don't have capture cards, myself included. also if you were in that position and you were playing a map that you shouldn't be, as if you would stop to take some pictures, especially as it was live and wouldnt pause so you can get a camera..

    Im not saying i believe you yet, as there isn't any proof, but still i hope that it turns out like this coz that would be wicked. I just highly doubt that you would accidentally download the file with the original maps... besides if you did there should be a record of the file somewhere, coz you cant play Black Ops maps that you havent actually downloaded onto your 360 or have unlocked them. All things considered i really hope that you are right.

  3. I just want to disprove some of the things i said as i went back again to confirm them.

    I was wrong about the third teddy, it is still there i just couldnt see it or shoot it the first time (it didnt say YOU WIN! GAME OVERRRRRRRR), but when i went back i shot there even though i couldnt see it and it did say i won :( rather disappointing as i thought that maybe i had something there.

  4. So what the majority of what people are saying is that it is inappropriate to have (pretty poorly done tbh) sexual images as emblems, but its okay for younger siblings to watch people getting shot in the head and having limbs blown off? does anyone else see a contradiction there? It is a mature rated game meant for people over 15 years of age, so you should expect to deal with mature themes. I think people should be able to have fun with their player cards and do whatever they like. you can barely see them anyway coz they only show up big if you click on their name. I personally would rather have an emblem that says something about myself and how i play the game, but thats the whole point of it - personalising everything. If you enjoy having a laugh by doing something like that becuse thats just how you are then i think you should go ahead. If you are being disturbed by something as silly as this i think that this game is clearly too mature a game for you... that is my opinion

  5. I totally agree. its stupid to be complaining so soon. its been out for what? exactly a week? It is weird, it is harder to play, it does require more skill to play, it does take some getting used to. my first reaction when playing was that everything seems heavier and more sluggish. But overall it is so much better than modern warfare. Im loving the fact that i actually have to think about what im doing to do well. The maps are really well set out in my opinion. i think everyone should give the game some time before complaining

  6. I have found very few things to dislike about black ops so far and it is an awesome game :)

    However, there are a few things that have really annoyed me:

    -Matchmaking is terrible for me for some reason as almost every game i have joined i have had terrible connection and it has taken ages to matchmake - even though i have really decent internet.

    -LAST STAND! i have seen so many people using this now that its readily available from the very start. and its really annoying when i shoot enough rounds into someone to kill them twice and they still drop to the ground and shoot me before i have time to aim downwards.

    -MW2 noobs on zombies that have no clue what to do and dont have mics - (I played a match the other day and two of my teammates got downed 3 times before the end of round 2...)

    Those are my only annoyances so far.

  7. Well me and my brother played the updated version of Der Riese this morning and i decided to have a poke around and see if i could find any more easter eggs. While i wasn't very successful on that front, i did notice a few new things as well as some cool things about the Black Ops guns.

    We opened all doors, linked all teleporters and activated the fly trap. This was where i first noticed something interesting. After activating the fly trap we shot the teddy in the cage and the monkey bomb in the furnace, but we couldnt find the teddy with the knife in the window for some odd reason - perhaps it has been moved to some place else... The other thing i noticed was that some of the boards look slightly different (I had no pictures of the original boards on hand at the time so it could just be the updated graphics made them seem different, but they seemed to have a few new things on them in places). Thats about all i found in the way of easter eggs so far, but mind you i wasnt really looking too hard and we didnt spend much time really trying to find things. Perhaps someone would like to look into that more...

    As for other cool things we noticed:

    >Quick Reload seems to make you run faster and for longer distances (I had an RPK at the start and i moved fairly slowly, but as soon as i bought the perk i seemed to run a lot quicker)

    >The ray gun seems to do less splash damage than before

    >You now restock betties with max ammo

    >The PaP'd AUG has a shotgun attachment that is also PaP'd (It shoots red lazer shotgun ammo)

    >I couldn't work out how to PaP Monkey Bombs or the Bowie Knife

    >All the radios seem to still play the same recordings - There could be more but we didnt find them

    Hope this info helps some people. Feel free to add your findings here too.

  8. My first two are interchangeable, but at this point im thinking... (one in the chamber and gun game) - Campaign (Probs on easy so i dont rage at the game and find the campaign annoying) - Zombies - Combat training (To familiarise myself with the guns) - then i will head on to MP. i just cant wait so badly. 2 more days!!!!!

  9. This is one of the better strategies i've read. Its a shame your PS3 coz i would have loved to play some Zombehs on the 360 using this plan. I only noticed one flaw though - You say that you need to conserve your points until the push to 30 and stuff, but you dont specify when it is a good time to activate the teleporters, coz you obviously cant upgrade until you do. when is the best time to do so?

  10. every1 know you cant equip deathmachine right?

    We know you cant equip death machine>> if you look up to the first post that i made starting this topic i didnt say neccessarily that this is what i want for create a class, i said what are the weapons people are looking forward to using? i just think the death machine will be sick to use when you get it from a care package :)

  11. Yeah im in, though i might have average connection coz im from AUS but my internet is pretty good so we'll see what happens. Sounds like a great idea.


    TZ: GMT +10:00 so Mountain time +17:00 which will be about 11:00am for me.

    Will it be running all day or for a while? coz i might have school if i cant skip so i might be on 10pm your time...

  12. Yeah i agree that the barrel magazine gun looks pretty awesome - i love its little crank handle on the side that you wind up (almost like a car window) after reloading. Should be pretty good too because it looks like one of the classified guns that you only unlock after buying all the other guns in the assault rifle class.

    OMG how could i have forgotten the steyr!

    that too

  13. Well me and a mate were talking last night about what we'd have for our favourite classes at this stage - (obviously that could change when we actually play the game coz the guns we like could actually be terrible) and i was just interested to know what everyone is thinking in terms of create a class set-ups for what they've liked so far..

    The main guns/weapons in MP i've liked the look of so far are:

    Olympia (because it looks so epic for a shotgun and i like the over and under.)



    M-14 w./ acog

    Ballistic knife




    Death Machine (come on, how could you not like it - it looks like an absolute beast :P no doubt it will be over powered tho but it looks awesome)

    For camo i think ill use a woodland/snow looking camo - all the camo's ive seen look pretty awesome though so it shouldnt matter too much (Gold looks a little avereage though in my opinion tbh)

    They are my favourites so far, but it could change. just have to wait 4 more days :)

    Post your ideas if you want, im just trying to give people something to think about to maybe make the time go faster :)

  14. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA.... :lol::facepalm: who else agrees that we should start a trend and only call carbon CARBONFISH from now on?? man i hope he reads that. but i totally agree - CarbonFIBAH has done a fantastic job of making this site what it is, and for that we truly owe him thanks. This is by far and away the best zombie site and the community here is one that i truly feel honored to be apart of.

    Again Carbon.... Thankyou so much.

  15. To be honest i think all this flaming is stupid. CALL OF DUTY is a great series and always has been. yeah sure every game has some flaws in it, but show me a game that doesnt. Cod 4 was good, W@W was good, I enjoyed MW2, even the old cods where awesome at the time. If they manage to make a flawless cod thatll be the end of the series because there will be no reason to make any more. All i know is that i live to play a new call of duty game whenever it comes out because they are such good games and have a lot of time and effort put into them. i think everyone should stop hating on everyone else, and realise that no matter which cod game you are playing its still Call of Duty. We wouldnt be here without it

    thats all i want to say

  16. I don't care whether its online or offline splitscreen (though preferably both). As long as i have the ability to go to a mates and play with them plus possibly 2 other people im happy. I sure hope they keep offline mulitplayer like they did in MW2, coz i have to say that it was awesome that offline was almost exactly like online in the fact that you could create a class etc. I had so many offline tournaments with mates because of it. it was the best :)

  17. I didn't really know where else to post this, but this topic seemed as good as any zombies discussion.

    Well basically... i was just thinking about zombies the other day and occurred to me that maybe its not infectious. My theory is based on the fact that you never see any other zombies except for German soldiers (Obviously long dead as they are pretty badly decomposed, but no freshly killed ones). Where are all the scientists that were working in Der Riese? Surely some of them would have become zombies too along with some civilians and allied soldiers... also when you get downed by a zombie, you just die. You don't turn into a zombie. So what i'm thinking is that, although element 115 is highly radioactive and apparently is the cause of the zombies, the dead nazi soldiers were reanimated by the germans to use as more men (seeing as Germany would fast be running out of troops as they were losing the war). Therefore it seems that it is only possible to become zombified by coming into contact with 115, but not by being bitten etc.

    i know this is off topic a bit but i wasn't sure where it would be a good place to post it. sorry if it pisses anyone off :S

  18. Aw shattered:cry: I got home from school all excited because i thought that there would be some news from the reveal. I completely forgot about how different the time zones are between Melbourne (Australia) and LA are. i didnt realise that it was 12 am over there and that i wont be expecting any news till after school tomorrow. Major let down....

    aw well i guess ill just have to wait another day :/

  19. hey im sorry for posting this here guys (i couldnt find the original post talking about it) but i thought it would be relevant concerning the fact that its talking about scrutinising pics of black ops.

    Does anyone remember that picture a while back where everyone was raving that there was a burning zombie on the top of the stairs?? could someone find the pic plz? well i was just looking through some posts and i saw this little picture of a burning zombie >> http://codzombies.forum0.net/dr-picture-analysis-f17/various-pictures-of-der-riese-from-pc-files-t1394.htm

    (at the bottom of the page in the bottom right hand corner, from the der riese teleporter images). It just looked extremely similar to the burning man in the pic.

    i hope this may help, sorry if doesnt. let me know what you think...

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