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Posts posted by vowellpuny

  1. Love

    MP: Famas, every feature except what is in "Hate".

    Zombies: Return of old characters, Weapons, Map Size, Outdoors, New pickups


    MP: Spawning, Gun balance, RC-XD, Quickscopers.

    Zombies: Crawling things, PAP teleporting,

    Pentagon thief

    , lack of originality.

    how do you hate the gun balance? so far it seems very balanced to me. and to respond to another comment, yes i have seen a lot of ak74u but that doesn't mean it is any better than the gun im using. its just a gun that a lot of people like to use. in previous games, the gun that everyone used was OP, but in this game a lot of people are just using the gun. it is still kind of early to tell if this game is balanced, but so far the only problems i see are spawning and the RC-XD

  2. lets start with the things i love. right now, i LOVE the fact that i can use practically any gun, and still get kills with it. this game is so balanced that it is ALMOST perfect. that being said, the RC-XD is just a little overpowered. back to the things i like, i love being able to play this game without raging all the time. it seems like no matter my K/D, i never rage. my cumulitive K/D is like .60 or .70 or so, and i don't even care. in mw2, i would get so mad because everyone used the same gun. but here, for some reason, its just so much FUN!

  3. well, i take it as a huge slap in the face that they SAID I COULD LOG 2 ACCOUNTS IN, but then went back and said, oh wait our mistake. WHY WOULD YOU PUT THE INFO OUT JUST TO TAKE IT BACK!!! YOU MUST BE SURE!!! i can't find myself using this feature often, but its still kind of annoying. i hope vahn was telling the truth about him working on it..

  4. i only thought it was really funny because of the amazing resemblance with some of the threads on the CoD: BO forums. im not saying you CAN'T quickscope, i just agree with the fact of making it very difficult to. that way, i will admire those who kill me that way, instead of thinking "damn, that stupid 12 year old kid probably thinks he is zzirGrizz or Hutch now."

  5. Yes, both systems will have SplitScreen online.

    not so sure why everyone on twitter is happy know, this has been known since back at the multiplayer reveal.

    I also believe this may be the first Ps3 game to have this ability

    well it was updated..... you can't have 2 psn accounts on anymore for black ops, they changed it so they just log in as guest. but it wouldn't be the first, Resistance 2 allowed 2 psn accounts at once.

  6. okay fools check this out

    this has a very suspicious resemblance to the pro-quickscoping threads on the official black ops site. i especially like the part where hitler bashes knifing.

    (for the record, i have nothing against CoD4 quickscoping, but i agree with TreyArch's decision to remove quick scoping. MW2 was ridiculous. #JDisRIGHT)


  7. I'm pretty sure JD confirmed on his Twitter during one of those #askJD sessions that the killstreak went to 11 and that was it. Which I am super happy with.... fewer lobbies with Campy McCampers going for that big 25 killstreak while we lose the objective.

    ^ This

    Plus no killsteaks stack which is AWESOME! NO Napaalm -> Chopper Gunner -> Gunship! :D

    killstreaks DO stack, i think you mean that they aren't cumulative anymore. you can still get 3 kills (UAV) then kill 2 more people and get your care package, and then after you throw your package you use the UAV.

  8. i quickscope sometimes, but i WANT it removed. it unbalances the game. the only people that really care about this are just butthurt that they can't run around with their interventions and be "Pr0 N0sc0p3rZ". it was kind of dumb anyways.

    besides, those who were good at quickscoping in WaW will probably be able to quickscope in this game too.(Quick-Scoping in WaW was amazingly more difficult than CoD4 or MW2 cause of the awkward way the snipers pulled up their scopes)

  9. I see everyone getting pumped and everything. I doubt i'm going to get Black Ops, Treyarch hasn't released any info yet, GKNova6, IMO has been badly handled and I was disappointed by how Treyarch gave up when MW2 came out, they could've done Map Pack 4 or atleast finished Der Riese. We were left alone, the zombie peoples, wondering why?

    they were hard at work making Black Ops. they did more support than Infinity Ward EVER did. 3 map packs, each containing 3 new maps, most of which were pretty good, and 1 new zombie map which is ALWAYS a plus. be glad with what you get. cod4 only got 1 map pack...

  10. I have saw people saw why can't you just ship the game with 2 Disc's? One for MP and one for Campaign & Zombies. So there can be gore. but Activision would never do that, mostly to save $$$.

    yea, it would cost to much money. they would probz try to sell the normal version for like $100 LOL

  11. okay citizens and members of CODZ, i know that i am not supposed to talk about or show leaked gameplay on the forums, but i saw something that i thought people should know about.


    of course, they won't be like the models , probably more like the rangers. but still, i can't believe it was in the game! now, granted, the guy whoms perspective i was watching from was knifed by the akimbo shotguns guy, i still saw the guy attempt to shoot them, and they had absolutely trash range. he was at about a commando lunge away, and the shotguns still didn't kill him.

    im sorry, Carbonfibah, if this is violating your no leaked footage rule but i just felt i had to share it.

  12. now, i have to admit, that tentacle rape stuff is extremely disturbing. but anyways, i think it makes more sense to have less violence but more sex. if children are exposed to sex at an earlier age, maybe we won't have as many stupid-ass teens walkin around with slutty reputation. i think that the mystery and concealment of sex is what makes teens want to do it so much.

    basically, i find it odd that i can go watch tv, and find some guys head get blown clean off. but then, if there is a part in the same movie where the people are having sex, not full out porn, sex, they will cut it out. now THATS bs....

  13. wow, a lot of people are going to be jizzing on their black ops disks i see.... with the option "try a little of everything" i find the other options to be Obsolete. thats what i do with every CoD game. i'll play 1 game of multiplayer first, then probably 1 game of zombies, then start playing the campaign for a while.

  14. this post is on blackops.digitalwarfare247.com

    David 'Vahn' Vonderhaar explains:

    "Ultimately, if you're making a choice between gore and a higher degree customization, we chose the latter. One of them impacts gameplay and those things have always been really important to us, and maybe more important so. You've got to find that balance, it's a world wide title that ships on four platforms [X360, PS3, PC and Wii] and you got all those places you've got to deal with those things. So it's really important on a design front and a business front to make sure you'll do the right amount of that. Not so much that you'll get in trouble, but enough to push the boundaries as hard and fast as you can."

    remember, that is http://www.blackops.digitalwarfare247.com/

  15. well, its been a long road, and thankfully its almost to an end. i have been looking forward to this game ever since the viral GKnova6 campaign. it is now, that i decide to make a list of what i am most excited about.

    1: FREAKBAGZ!!

    1/2: Single Player campaign.

    2: "RC-XD ready for deployment" (mp)

    1: everyone knows why we love freakbagz. they're the reason this site was even MADE!

    1/2: TBH, i found the WaW campaign to be far more entertaining than CoD:4's. idk why, it just seemed more... arcade style? which is what i like. it was DEFINITELY better than MW2's fantasy BS though. i don't have a problem with fantasy, but its hard to make a transition from the realistic CoD4 to the superhumans in MW2.

    3: lets be honest, the only reason CoD is successful is cause of the multiplayer. its the main reason most people even buy the game.

  16. Very true, you shouldn't need online to do combat training. However, the vulgarities were unnecessary. It's understandable that you're frustrated but we try to keep the forums PG. :)

    yea, i normally don't use vulgarities, but this is just to stupid.

    basically, to me, this is a HUGE slap in the face to people who don't have online.

    "oh yea, you can play with bots.... but you need an online connection to do it..." thats so stupid. btw thats not a real quote, thats just and example :P

    normally, i wouldn't complain, cause i used to have online. i will hopefully have it not to long after or before i get my copy of BO.

  17. people, what i was trying to say is that i wanted to play deathmatch, against bots, offline. no internet required. to me it comepletely ruins the point of having multiplayer bots if you can't play them without signing in online...

  18. i love treyarch games, but i just don't understand WHY they can't add an offline, multiplayer game mode against AI... people who can't afford online for Xbox or don't have a nearby WiFi source for PS3 want to play online too....

  19. You probably saw me being pissed as well. My username is "lemon13". I was winging about not being able to play any multiplayer at all now that it needs internet

    actually is was someone else lol. he has the same situation as me, i won't have WiFi in my house for a while and i was hoping Combat Training would help me practice but thats not the case.... oh well :/

  20. here is the post:

    If Combat Training is online-only, Treyarch has COMPLETELY missed the mark on this. The ENTIRE POINT of the mode was to introduce "a new type of player to multiplayer without going online" as stated by Vahn himself. So let me get this straight Vahn, you want to introduce OFFLINE players to the ONLINE game by making them go ONLINE to play an OFFLINE-centered mode?! What the hell type of player does this target?! Unless you have developed incredible AI technology in-house for your bots (who will be predictable & terrible otherwise), this basically 100% ensures the only people that will play this mode are rusty players looking to get their aim back up to par.

    I have lost some faith in Treyarch for this...how in hell are they meant to bring or convert players to the online mode, if they can't even freakin' access it? Obviously Combat Training doesn't cater to everyone they said it would, just for the people who are noobs to multiplayer or want to try stuff out. Idiotic statement they made in the multiplayer overview and other areas. I thought I'd be getting my full money's worth when buying Black Ops

    this is a forum post.... here is a website that says the same though, and it seems professional.


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